john first off I'd like to thank you for all the valuable technical info you provide here. Now for the question. What's the back story on your board name? Where did GUNRUNNER come from? Thanks.
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He answered this a while ago. I think he is one of them there gun collectors.
Hey John, did he say something about Liking guns & trains or something like that/ LOL
I have a few guns in my collection.
yea ...a few
You also still have a horse named after you (Gunrunner) that is doing pretty good. Came in 2nd yesterday in the Dubai Cup race. Winner got $6 mil so I imagine Gunrunner got a nice tidy sum as well.
I wonder if I can claim copyright infringement and get a piece of the price money?
gunrunnerjohn posted:I have a few guns in my collection.
That is like Warren Buffett saying: "I have a few dollars in my portfolio".
Thanks John. Now I know the rest of the story.
gunrunnerjohn posted:I wonder if I can claim copyright infringement and get a piece of the price money?
You would be confusing copyright with trademark if you were serious but since you're not, allow me to reiterate appreciation for all your technical expertise as well as indulgent moderation of that other forum.
What, me worry?
I don't know, but I imagine Gunrunner probably got at least a couple of mil for 2nd and there would be plenty there to pay the fee.
John, when I first saw you, I thought ATF must know this guy. Actually everyone should know John. He is a good guy. I read everything he posts.
Marty, I have a C&R FFL License, so the BATF does know me.