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I am trying to wire a z1000 to a ross switch.  Actually 2 switches to form a crossover.  I wired switch number 1 works fine non derail works fine.  Switch #2  works fine (although colors are reversed)  but as soon as I add the non derail features the switch flutters.  IF I switch the wires same thing.  Again works fine without the non derail wire......just wired a switch opposite it with no problem.


Don't understand what is different?  Any suggestions?

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Could you please post a schematic of your derail wiring and the switch arrangement?   That way we can picture what you have and help solve the problem. 

You MUST have individual isolated rails, do not wire two together and make sure they are truly isolated.  Gragraves track can slip and short out the isolated rail.  To be sure the isolated rail is isolated, install insulated rail joiners.

Ok here is hoping a picture is worth a thousands words or enough to show you what I am doing. If you still want schematic I could draw it


picture 1shows all insulated pins between switches and the wire on the straight and turn out section also the relation ship between the two switches.  



Picture 2 below. A closer view of the switch in question


Picture3 below shows intersection wire from controller, switch machine and non derail wire all three from the straight side with tape to denote such. See picture 5 below.  Shows working switch configuration prior to adding non derail (should have pic 5 prior to 3 didn't know how to rearrange)



Pic 4 show other switch wired exactly same way and working properly







Pic 5 show working subject prior to adding non derail.  Note from this point all that has been done is the non derail wires have been added 




thanks for taking the time to look if this is not clear and a drating would be better I can do that as well I thought this might be helpful


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In photo 2, it looks like a staple that is holding down the diverging inner rail may be touching the inner rail on the main.  If so, that would cause your problem.  Do you have a VOM or continuity checker to see if they are isolated from each other?  Even if you don't have a meter or checker, I would use a screwdriver to pry the staple away from the inner rail on the main line and see if that does the trick.

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