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I've seen some older threads here regarding PS-1 locos that only run one direction.  It looks like the general consensus is a board problem requiring transistor replacement.  Is that still the general consensus, or does anyone have a simpler idea? (I'm afraid to mess with the boards).  Thanks in advance!

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Just a vent here...I love the hobby, but every time I try to expand/work on my layout, I end up spending the allotted time working on locomotives instead of the layout.  If anything will eventually kill the hobby it will be the lack of reliability of the newer stuff with (literally) all the bells and whistles.  My original Lionel 625 steeple cab and 2025 steamer still roll along just fine, and even when something does glitch, it's an easy fix.  On the other hand, just in the past week I've had the board on the Allegheny go out, and got my Rail King Zephyr out to run last night and it's acting up.  Really getting to the point where I'm ready to sell off everything but my Post War stuff.

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