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Anyone have a suggestion where I might find a digital copy (clipart, etc.) of a “Railway Express Agency” sign, the long horizontal green or black sign, not the red diamond.  Similar to image below.  I want to custom print some signs of different sizes.  I’ve searched the forums and have found many links to great collections of signs but not this one.  As always, any help is greatly appreciated.



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Originally Posted by ardennes:


I've tried that as well (for what seems like hours) but can't find one I'd like to copy and print.  The camera is usually angled or there is glare or distortion.  Thought I'd check here on this forum in case someone has had better luck than me.




It is pretty easy to remove the keystoning caused by a non-square camera angle using Photoshop.  If you have no luck elsewhere, and don't have access to Photoshop, I would be glad to straighten an image for you.  Just pick something you like except for the shape and post a pointer.

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