quote:Progress has been stalled lately due to lack of time.
That's good in a way because it must mean that you are working. I really like the way the layout is coming along especially the trestle and the engine facility.
Steve C.
Steve C.
I think you missed a spot and when do you do the bolt details?
Looks great!
I am somewhat familiar with the amount of work it takes to make a trestle from scratch, and I can honestly say that yours looks great! (As well as the rest of the layout.)
Well done!
Steve C.
Started working on the foam.
Steve C.
Thanks Fred,Al, Rich & Ralph.
My New years resolution is to get some scenery going. I tried the true scene product I picked up at the Allentown show and it seams to work well. Every thing still needs paint but it softens the hard edges of the foam nicely and it's easy to work with.
Steve C.
Steve C.
Steve C.
Hope to get some landscaping on it this weekend.
Steve C.
Good looking snow scene, keep up the great work.
I base coated the foam and made a coal drop today. Maybe some ground cover tomorrow.
Steve C.
Well no ground cover yet but did get some platforms built.
Steve C.
really a fantastic layout! Thank you for sharing!
Thanks for posting, especially the photo series on the trestle area.
Question for you:
Why did you start with different colored ground cover (blue, pink, orange)?
The end result came out great, just curious about the methodology.
Thanks Will and Bruce.
Bruce the white,pink and blue is just the raw foam.The orange and yellow is a product called True Scene I picked up at a show. Great stuff! You can color it by adding tempera paint to it when you mix it but I didn't have any at the time. I plan on tinting before applying it to the lumber yard area.
Steve C.
Thanks for the info,will try the same technique when the times comes.
Looking forward to seeing the lumber area!
Coming along very nicely! Also I like the Pennsylvania coal hopper. The weathering details are perfect.
Fantastic! Once you start looking at the details of the scenery, ground cover, fitting the buildings into the contours of the land (or vice-versa), and the weeds and brush, you realize what went into this and how nice it really is. Great job!
That trestle is awesome. Can you tell me some measurements of the bents? How wide are they on avaerage at the top and bottom? How tall is the biggest one? I will be building a curved trestle soon. It is only going to be about a 1/3 of the length of yours. Did you use some sort of formula to build or was it based on what looked and felt right?
What size material did you use? Looks like 3/8".
Thanks Matt,
The tallest one is 16" by 7" at the top and 9" at the bottom. Each cross member is 4" apart. They are mostly made with 1/4" balsa wood. No formula, just looked at a bunch of trestle pics and combined a few. Hope this helped.
Steve C.
Thanks. The info helps a great deal.
I would have thought the material was bigger than 1/4". The pics are deceiving.
Looks great and a good source of inspiration for me.
Real nice job with that trestle. Everything is looking great.
Steve your layout is really coming along nicely. lots of great work!!!!!!!!!
Thanks Ralph and Popsrr,
Got some weathering off the bench today.
"IMG_1575 [Medium)" width="600" height="361" />
Steve C.
Awesome weathering job! One day I'll get the nerve to weather my engines
Looks great Steve. How's it running?