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Everybody has their preferences, roads, name it.  For me, I've found my spot....O-27 ......

All the scale stuff has been sold or given away.

My layout is 14' x 17' U with a center island.  Conventional with sound.  Tubular track and switches

Jam packed with operating accessories rescued and refurbished from garage sales and shows.

The kids are all grown, just wife and I.

I'm finally building the control panel.

Haven't bought anything new in 15 years while paying college tuition.

As I sit and look at the project box, that smile from younger years returns.

I turn on the radio, the game or afternoon from the Met or Prairie Home Companion re-broadcast is on.

I look at the shelves, a car captures an admiring glance..I take out the catalog where it first appeared..."yep, that's it."

Plug in the transformer, turn on the power, push on the handle, again, once more and we on the mainline.

Hear the horn, hear the bell, hear the motor...smell the smoke.

Unload the logs, unload the milk cans, load the barrels, load the cattle....pick up passengers...drop them off.

Next stop Willoughby!

Fix that section of track where the derail always happens.

Clean my glasses...I can't see like I used to.

"What's that? It's time for dinner you say?  I'll be there in a minute, I'm playin' with trains!"

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Wonderful, well written post.

I had 027 layouts all my life until about 20 years ago when I bought a lot of used but good O Gauge tubular track and 022 switches for cheap. A train friend tuned my 022 switches that now work great. I much prefer the independently powered 022 switches to 1122 switches that draw power from 027 track.

Has anyone else changed from tubular 027 to tubular 0 Gauge like I did? If so, are you glad you did? I am.




Last edited by Arnold D. Cribari
Arnold D. Cribari posted:

Wonderful, well written post.

I had 027 layouts all my life until about 20 years ago when I bought a lot of used but good O Gauge tubular track and 022 switches for cheap. A train friend tuned my 022 switches that now work great. I much prefer the independently powered 022 switches to 1122 switches that draw power from 027 track.

Has anyone else changed from tubular 027 to tubular 0 Gauge like I did? If so, are you glad you did? I am.




My one regret (OK- I may have several),  with my layout so far is the choice if 5121 and 5122 switches. I may swap out the mains for 1122's one day. The solenoid buzz gets annoying after a while.

RSJB18 and Arnold - I'm with both of you on the O27 switches. I know several have posted ways to convert them from track powered to auxiliary powered. Thought about making that effort for my new O27 layout, but decided to spend a year acquiring K-Line O27 switches with 42" turnouts. Between those and the 42" and 54" curves, I think I've got everything one could on in O-Gauge on an O27 layout. I even accumulated some 72" O27 curves for a future layout once the girls have all moved out.

No doubt, O-Gauge tubular provides more options and greater availability, but if one looks hard, you can come close with O27 these days.

raising4daughters posted:

Love your layout. Similar to mine that's getting close to done. Hard to see my elevated level on this BMP print of mine but my elevated level is just like your outer mainline, a big, upside-down U.  My is only 11' wide X 8' deep and wish I had just a little more space like you.  Maybe my next layout.

2017 Bedroom Layout V7 

Scott, I bet it’s plenty big enough for your girls who will love it.


    It's not so much that we changed from 027, in our family we always had both the original 0 (800/2800) series and the original 027 (600/2600) series Tin Plate layouts. However you are correct about the 027 Track powered switches, drawing lots of power, especially if you have a lot of the 1122's on your layout.  The old O Gauge 711 switches are best run on Aux power also because they take a lot of power to operated correctly.  When K-Line came out with their low voltage Super Snap Switches, that we ran with both O and O27, it was in that era seriously great engineering.

I still have a complete layout of 027, unfortunately I sold the original K-line SS Switches, a very foolish decision on my part.  I will probably have a medium sized 027 layout in the new Train Room, using our old 1122 switches.  The 2600 series Tin Plate runs very very well on the 027 conventional tubular Track & Switches, in fact it was made for it originally.

My hope is that one day Ross will come out with True Tin Plate Command Control Type Switches that are fully Tin Plate Compatible for Tubular Conventional Track. 


For now we run FasTrack with the FTCC Switches controlled by the Legacy Cab2.





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  • DSCN2498
Last edited by Pine Creek Railroad

    Here I am, mind adrift in Willoughby ;  then... Whoa! 

...I was expecting the layout from "the night of the meek", not by the knight of the meek   That's a great spot to get some Shady Rest in. 

   Call me Chilly Willy; "More pictures?"

                                        "more pictures" 

                                          "More  video?"

                                           "more video" 

 Slow and detailed; a "real" tour ?  

( If the build isn't published or detailed elsewhere online, you may even want to hold off and submit a detailed tour to the mag, they prefer "elusiveness" for pays real money vs scale too

oops...exclusiveness.... but elusiveness is kinda punney 

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