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Thanks to this forum, I have successfully repaired my AF type 8B transformer and Lionel Type R, and acquired a wonderful Type Z, so I'm actually in business from an operating standpoint. I still have an early Type V that doesn't work that I would like to repair. Someone on an earlier thread I can no longer find gave me a link to a 2014 article by John Kilmer, Jr. with lots of info about various Type V transformers, but it is not a "how to repair" article. He mentions a postwar Lionel repair manual (My V is pre-war).

Seeking links to sites/documents on how to repair Type V, either hobbyist or Lionel authored.

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Ken, if you are an LCCA member  you can get the digital copy of the Lionel postwar service manual which gives a complete description of the Z which matches the V. The repair manual by Greenberg also has the Z.  The Z was held over into the postwar era. If you do not have access to any of these send me an email and I'll scan the info and email it to you. My email is in my profile.   Lenny

Got my replacement carbon roller and rivet, so got to work on the V today. Replaced the missing roller. Also replaced the wires to both indicator lamps. Biggest issue was at the power plug where wires had broken. Put it all back together. Controllers 2, 3, and 4 work fine. I don't think #1 roller is contacting the winding: I can't hear or feel it, but it will deliver full power when turned all the way up. Also, the green "on" light works for the first time since I've owned this.  The aftermarket green lens lights up more yellow than green, though.

Haven't decided whether I'm going to go back in to work on #1, or just accept it with 3 working controllers, which is 3 more than I had this morning. I will replace the power plug, though, with one large enough to accept an underwriter's knot.

Thanks for the resources and support. I wouldn't have gotten here without it.

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