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Yes. I have two B unit BEEFs.  Either one will operate entirely independently - as the only unit on the track, cycling through the F-N-R order of direction by itself and operating alone exactly as an A unit would.  The chassis and electronic controls of the B units are, near as I can tell, (and I have taken them apart) identical to those of the powered A units.


BTW - the tethers between units on BEEFS (and BEEPS) share only the electrical pickup connectivity between them.  No control or indication of the direction the units intend to go is passed between them: the B units are not slaves that are told which direction to go by the A units, but independent units with their own "minds."  I sometimes run an A-B-B-A set of all four powered units (both A's have motors) and on rare occasions the units will get unsynchronized for some reason - one or more units thinking they are to go forward on the next throttle-up, one or more thinking they are to stay in neutral, or whatever.  They can be dang obstinate about getting back in harmony with one another.

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