Our club will be building a new layout next year. Are there any valid reasons, other than 'I dont like how it looks' for not using Ross sectional track and switches?
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Ross products are top notch. At NJ Hirailers we use Ross sectional track and switches and Gargraves tracks. Constant heavy use will eventually have an effect on any track. In particular with Ross switches the throw bars wear out and the spikes come loose.
With heavy use like that, I would imagine any brand of switch throw bars would wear out occasionally.
Our museum has had the same issue with throw bars. We just got a new batch or replacements and it looks like Ross has improved them.
Ross products are top notch. At NJ Hirailers we use Ross sectional track and switches and Gargraves tracks. Constant heavy use will eventually have an effect on any track. In particular with Ross switches the throw bars wear out and the spikes come loose.
the spikes wont come loose if you DON"T walk on the track, and the throw bar problem was addressed by Ross, solder flux was causing the problem. if you have older switches, the throw bar is an easy replacement and Ross will give them to you free.
Older Ross throw bars. You have to un-solder/re-solder, two small pins. I have replaced throw bars without removing the switch from the layout. Time/Patience , take care not to loose the very small pins. Part of the deterioration problem, would of been, how much heat was used, in the solder application.
Replaced throw bars.
Ross has an EXCELLENT Product. It all comes down to how big a layout your building and $$$$$. If you can afford it go for it otherwise go with Gargraves track along with the Ross Switches
Unless you go tubular, GG track and Ross switches is by far the best way to go.
Thanks for the replies. Once I saw the spikes on the Ross switches, I knew that Ross was the way to go. The layout is in the design stage and I have the basic trackplan finalized. The scarm numbers show about 6 scale miles on 2+ levels. Those of you who might be familiar with our current operation, the beltline, Fastrak, section will remain and be integrated by a bridge.
More details on progress will be coming slowly.