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I am in the middle of building an old Gloor Craft sand house + water tower kit.  I'll have to look at home to see what the number is.  It's an easy, mostly wood kit from jsut before laser cutting became the norm, so the wood is milled.  The castings are a soft metal and easy to work with.  Comes with stipwood and good plans.  It is not a big facility operation, but for branchlines, NG, or division points on smaller roads, it works.

OK thanks. I take it Gloor is probably out of business?
Originally Posted by palallin:

I am in the middle of building an old Gloor Craft sand house + water tower kit.  I'll have to look at home to see what the number is.  It's an easy, mostly wood kit from jsut before laser cutting became the norm, so the wood is milled.  The castings are a soft metal and easy to work with.  Comes with stipwood and good plans.  It is not a big facility operation, but for branchlines, NG, or division points on smaller roads, it works.




I have no idea if GC is still in business or not--grabbed this kit off eBay.  There are quite a few of their car kits on there right now but no other structures.  This pic is one of the box lid focusing on the photo of a built up kit.  The number is 635.


I also have an old resin Korber that I bought in pieces from a member here.  I had to build the tower holding up the sand container, but that was easy enough.  I could have bought a stand-alone tower from the new Korber, but I like the old, wooden one better.


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  • GloorCraft635
Thanks for your input!
Originally Posted by palallin:

I am in the middle of building an old Gloor Craft sand house + water tower kit.  I'll have to look at home to see what the number is.  It's an easy, mostly wood kit from jsut before laser cutting became the norm, so the wood is milled.  The castings are a soft metal and easy to work with.  Comes with stipwood and good plans.  It is not a big facility operation, but for branchlines, NG, or division points on smaller roads, it works.


Thanks for that lead. I'm checking into it.
Originally Posted by Model Structures:

I have built a few Korber Sandhouse kits and like them a lot. There are not many kits out there for O scale. I did find one at,11030.html sold by Micromark have have no idea how good/bad it is.,\


There is also a kit called Durango Sand Tower - though I don't know who makes it.


Image result for Durango Sand Tower


I really like your servicing facilities. Both sand towers look pretty nice. Wish I could find a Weaver version. Also, I noted your wheel stops on the end of your fan tracks. Where can I buy those? AND do they do a good job of stopping an engine, or do they snap off?
Originally Posted by Laidoffsick:

Sand tower - Korber & Weaver below ( if you can find one, scratch build )


Sand house - Korber below, modified by putting a door to the sand bin





Thanks, I'd imagine it turned out very nice.
Originally Posted by palallin:



I have no idea if GC is still in business or not--grabbed this kit off eBay.  There are quite a few of their car kits on there right now but no other structures.  This pic is one of the box lid focusing on the photo of a built up kit.  The number is 635.


I also have an old resin Korber that I bought in pieces from a member here.  I had to build the tower holding up the sand container, but that was easy enough.  I could have bought a stand-alone tower from the new Korber, but I like the old, wooden one better.


That is a very nice version!! Thanks!
Originally Posted by Trainman2001:

Model Tech Studios had a nice craftsman kit that I built a number of years ago. I don't know if they still have any available.




Here it is installed on the new layout with lighting.




It's mostly stripwood and milled siding with some details in metal and resin (loading spout).


Originally Posted by Jeff B. Haertlein:
I really like your servicing facilities. Both sand towers look pretty nice. Wish I could find a Weaver version. Also, I noted your wheel stops on the end of your fan tracks. Where can I buy those? AND do they do a good job of stopping an engine, or do they snap off?
Originally Posted by Laidoffsick:

Sand tower - Korber & Weaver below ( if you can find one, scratch build )


Sand house - Korber below, modified by putting a door to the sand bin





I have 2 different types/styles of wheels stops. Tomar and Custom Finishes make them. I found them on EBay but have also seen them at a few dealers at York. They work great, as long as you're going slow through the engine tracks. I've stepped on them and knocked them off, but I used a CA glue with a kicker.... so they are pretty solid


Also some scale bumpers





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Last edited by Former Member
And it is still available!!
Originally Posted by Jeff B. Haertlein:
That is a very nice version!! Thanks!
Originally Posted by Trainman2001:

Model Tech Studios had a nice craftsman kit that I built a number of years ago. I don't know if they still have any available.




Here it is installed on the new layout with lighting.




It's mostly stripwood and milled siding with some details in metal and resin (loading spout).



Thanks for that information as well. I watched your video #6 a short while ago, and your layout is just super! And I learned a lot from it.  I'll have to watch more of your videos. Thanks again.
Originally Posted by Laidoffsick:
Originally Posted by Jeff B. Haertlein:
I really like your servicing facilities. Both sand towers look pretty nice. Wish I could find a Weaver version. Also, I noted your wheel stops on the end of your fan tracks. Where can I buy those? AND do they do a good job of stopping an engine, or do they snap off?
Originally Posted by Laidoffsick:

Sand tower - Korber & Weaver below ( if you can find one, scratch build )


Sand house - Korber below, modified by putting a door to the sand bin





I have 2 different types/styles of wheels stops. Tomar and Custom Finishes make them. I found them on EBay but have also seen them at a few dealers at York. They work great, as long as you're going slow through the engine tracks. I've stepped on them and knocked them off, but I used a CA glue with a kicker.... so they are pretty solid


Also some scale bumpers





This is a really nice sandhouse kit that was, unfortunately for us, not made in O scale.  And, the manufacturer has since left the business.


Sandhouse Link


I have this kit from days of yore when my eyesight and manual well as other related bodily functions!!...thought the model railroad world epicenter was HO.


Well, maybe it yet is....but, I'm not there!  Ergo, making the best of the change, I hope to use this kit's plans, parts, etc., as a half-scale basis for replicating this neat structure in O scale.  Besides, the ATSF is my are many of the structures from the San Bernardino terminal.


This particular sandhouse lasted and was in use to the end of the steam era.  As for the transition to diesels, I cannot say to what extent this structure and its apparatus had relevance beyond the description in the link.  Which further supports my view of the hobby that....if it looks good to you, it's OK.  You know,.....'One sandhouse: Check!'


Lucas Gudinov

Last edited by dkdkrd

I loosely model the Boston & Albany. The RR's famous for it's large sand domes on it's steamers. I wanted something different and a little larger in size than some of the kit offerings. I used a Korber building. Sorry but I can't remember the kit no. . The sand bin is scratchbuilt. I bought some wood sheets from Micromark that has individual boards glued together. This worked well as it has the appearance of individual planks seeing the inside is visible. Still some work to do scenery wise and details to add.







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Thanks for these ideas as well. This thread has been a great help for me to decide what to do, and also see what others have done.
Originally Posted by Dave_C:

I loosely model the Boston & Albany. The RR's famous for it's large sand domes on it's steamers. I wanted something different and a little larger in size than some of the kit offerings. I used a Korber building. Sorry but I can't remember the kit no. . The sand bin is scratchbuilt. I bought some wood sheets from Micromark that has individual boards glued together. This worked well as it has the appearance of individual planks seeing the inside is visible. Still some work to do scenery wise and details to add.







Originally Posted by colorado hirailer:

I like that San Bernardino sandhouse, "dkdkrd".  It appears that the trestle runs over

the sand bunker, so sand is dumped directly into the bunker from a hopper or drop

 bottom gon? 

This thread had me under the table looking for the HO dear wife eventually found it for me!


Well, it turns out that in the endeavor to make this kit wholly authentic, it has a total footprint in HO of 6" X 48".  Yo....that's 1' X 8' in O scale!!!!


The biggest piece of this enchilada is the trestle leading up to and including the sandbin.  They've provided all the graduated bents, stringers, ties, etc., etc. to construct the whole trestle, ground-to-bumper! 


Now the 'good gnus' is that the building itself would only be 12" X 8" of that footprint, with the tower portion standing 12" tall.  I suppose you could shorten the bin, even eliminate the trestle entirely to make it all fit.  Since I have deferred on the engine terminal altogether for the time being....negotiating for more space in the basement!...I'll have to consider how I'd incorporate this gorgeous monster, should I venture its 2X replication!!!


Darn.  I shouldn't have opened this kit!  Those old itchy-fingered HO passions started to return.  It sure is enticing!!



Thanks for the comments. As you can see it's not permanently attached yet to the layout. I can remove and work on it at the workbench. The unfinished side will feature a coal bin to fuel the stove to dry the sand. I bricked out one of the windows and added doors to shovel the coal into the building. Wiseman Models shows a nice O Scale wheelborrow for the sand bin. I have plenty of workers with shovels. I wanted something different and a little larger than what was being offered kit wise. I liked the Korber kit because of the door on one end wall that could lead into the bin. I wasn't satisfied with what I used for sand in the bin. After being glued it seems on the dark side. I just picked up some white beach sand from Scenic Express. Some other projects going on right now. When I get back to it I'll shoot another pic.

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