Glacierrunner, I am new to this brass model painting. It was a mystery before I started picking the brains of a few model painters and there is ample info on line, but as per your questions here is what I found out and plan to utilize.
Zylol for clean up. It is the primary ingredient in Scale coat 1 thinner. Far cheaper to buy it than use up the scale coat 1 thinner for clean up. I learned of this while researching for a brass paint project. I believe that zylol is available at big box hardware stores. Be aware that one needs to protect their airway and central nervous system wearing respirator mask, evacuating paint station with filtered vented fan. Or clean up out in a well ventilated place.
I just ordered from Minuteman. They have all the scalecoat 1 (and 2) paints. Color Charts are on the web site. Their scalecoat 1 thinner is expensive. 8 oz is $11.95
zylol comes in one gallon cans if you can find it.
Most of their paint is glossy unless specifically stated otherwise.
black 1010 is glossy. I believe you don’t need primer before paint application. decals so I am told slide on. One can use dulcoat or other finish protective coat.
what are you painting?
best of luck.