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Originally posted by Proto48Patrick:
Thanks Matt.

He has some nice looking pick ups!

Since mine will be static models, I should be able to scratch build these suckers. All the trailers I've seen in 1/50 or 1/43 look so toy like. I was actually hoping that maybe an old plastic kit was available, like the ones that used to be grocery stores and such.

We have a few of the New Ray tractor-trailers scattered about the layout. They're not bad with a little "dusting up." Out of the box, they're shiny and toy like, but they actually have more detail than you'd expect for the price.
Originally posted by R Nelson:
Patrick....what is wrong with the Atlas 45' trailers? A little weathering and they look nice. I know they are a bit overpriced, but sometimes you can pick these up at O Scale shows reasonably priced. Rattler 21.....another Lansing, Illinois resident like myself...LOL! Thought I was the only O Scaler in town!

I did just notice these a few days ago, maybe I can pick some up in Chicago.
The problem with the above New Ray mentioned models are the extreme oversize issues. THEY ARE HUGE!!! 1/43 is already too large for 1/48 but the creative efforts of many of these Chinese imports are far from fine scale accurate and when you add an error to oversize on an already oversize 1/43 model.. Stick em' way in the background! I swear these models were designed to fit the box. 1/50 is a little small but what can we do? Berkshire Valley is outstanding but the designs available are very limited. I need the stainless steel trailers so common in the 1950's. Be sure to also check out Lionel's TOFC 30' trailers they are spectacular models and 1/48!!!

I bought a 1955 Revell Bekins truck kit from the 1950's a beautiful model frankly. A good friend is casting them for me out of resin. I will be using Berkshire Valley wheels and running gear. These trailers are a 40' ribbed stainless Fruehauf variety produced in the 1940's and 1950's very accurate.

(c) Photo Copyright exists. Not my model or photo but I will try and find another

Today you can still find cheaply the "Honest John" missile carrier based on the 1955 kit.

Sometime during the late 1950's the tooling was damaged to the van and Revell either never repaired or remade the tooling. Too bad really because this prototype of the van was so common in the 1950's and 1960's both on the road and early-TOFC.

When I get a batch finished I will share the modeling. Painted in simulated stainless and using various truck shippers from the 50's and 60's these models are truly spectacular.

Image courtesy (c)

It would be interesting to cut and section a dromedary like this 1940's P.I.E.

I tried to follow the above detailing when doing over a old Revell tractor.

Oh well my two cents worth on this subject.

Fastlane Mighty Hauler 1/43 at Toy R Us they had them on sale locally for $7 last week!


Came with truck and trailer. The trailer is bang on same size as the Atlas 1/48 45 foot trailer. Other then the wheels and tires are big (relace them) it looks good. If you have a row of them you will not see the wheel size. End trailer door detail is good!

Atlas trailer


This is the one that I got they had them on sale a couple of weeks back;


Evergreen styrene #4542 Board and Batten is perfect for ribbed side for this trailer.

Glue on spray it all Silver and you have a good 1/48 45 Foot ribbed sided trailer!

If you look at the last photo above this is how the ribbing would look!


Last edited by kj356

I read Pat was doing 1995 and these Rays vehicles look like 1960. i too am looking for modern traactors and corn sweetner trailers to go with Atlas tank cars. I would love to see Atlas complete the scenery with a group of models for each special RR car produced.

would be nice is Atlas also released those trailers they put on  their spline cars.

Last edited by phill
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