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Good evening,

We recently converted from Z-scale that was stored in a box to O-gauge we actually use a few years ago. Our family is a huge fan of Lionel FasTrack on the carpet or around the Christmas tree on the floor. I still can't believe how durable it is aside from the lighted bumpers.

My in-laws just received a massive HO collection and I was wondering if there is any product similar to Lionel FasTrack for HO scale to run on the carpet? If there is not such a product I will probably recommend they take the collection to a dealer to trade for a O-gauge set, trains, and Lionel FasTrack. Any honest feedback good or bad is appreciated.


Best regards & Happy New Year!

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Bachmann makes a EZ track. Very popular, very easy to use, nice looking and durable.

I've used it and was very happy with it. I highly recommend it.

Visit for what pieces they may have on sale.

ebay always has a wide selection. Just type in bachmann ez track into the search bar and you'll get a nice selection. I also encourage you to visit your local hobby/Train shop that carries HO scale , that way you can touch and feel it. The entire EZ track system is extensive. It's a great track system to use.

Be aware it comes with either a Grey roadbed or a Black road bed. I recommend the grey, much more realistic. Good luck!

AFter using both Kato Unitrack and Bachmann EZ TRack, I'd have to give the nod to Unitrack in terms of quality and ease of assembly.  I don't think the library is quite as extensive as EZ Track, however, so definitely hit the Kato web site and download the PDF docs that detail all the pieces available to make sure you can get what you need.   


With either product, be aware that HO does not have the mass/bulk/weight of O gauge (obviously...) an that this can result in problems with deep pile carpet that wouldn't be as much as an issue with O (although it can happen and I have the post to prove it...).  I have a LOT of Kato N-Scale Unitrack and I love it, but I run it on a hard surface.  

Unitrak by Kato. Put it up, take it down, repeat daily. No failures. You can replace the track couplers if you need to. I use it for n scale. You can make custom lengths because of the way the track is attached to the bedding. If they made o scale, id dump everything and replace it, even though i dont have the money and it would cost over a grand.

A couple months ago I compared the two HO tracks at the LHS ... Unitrack and EZ Track. I'm going with Unitrack


The guys and girls at the Model Railroad forum that use such track type use both, but most use Unitrack.


(If it matters to you, Kato manufactures their stuff in Japan, not China)


Good luck.


Last edited by CNJ Jim

Here is a example of both on my 4x6 HO layout....


The outside loop is Kato and the inside track is all Bachmann EZ track.


Both work fine for me ....but be careful with the code 83 Kato track older AHM and Athearn engines have larger wheel flanges and tend to "buzz" the roadbed.


Im not sure if Kato offers a code 100 rail ?




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We have experience with "N" gauge Unitrack and HO EZ track. We found the Unitrack worked better for us even though it was a smaller gauge. With the EZ track we had to be very careful to make certain the rails were going into the joiners properly. I think the joiners loosened up easily, making for poor contact and alignment.
The Kato "N" gauge Unitrack joiners are much more substantial.


I would expect the Kato HO unitrack to also be well made.
One issue with the "N" gauge unitrack: it was rather expensive.

Also Marklin HO. It has the roadbed built right into track. The older Marklin ( been around for 50 years) which I have runs on AC similiar to Lionel with its center rail like stud for electrical pickup. The only catch is that's it European. The newer Marklin track I believe is the C track? Its designed for digital.

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