Smoke will pick up light like a projectors screen.
Considering your running in daylight near a window, your likely just getting less light from the non-window side of the layout where I assume you view it from. So you are looking at the dark side of a cloud.
You are also battling light coming through the cloud from the other side. Penetrating light will make it less visible.
A bright lamp aimed from the dark side of the room somewhere, should make it easier to see.
The issue you will have with putting it on the engine is unless the bulb/led protrudes past the surface, you are unlikely to get a wide enough beam to be effective.
The result of a recess will be a "cylinder" of light, as the hole is now an iris.
The smoke will likely accent the rear of a light cylinder, with sharp edges of bright light, then nothing, or little outside the beam.
Take a look at the video "grab" of my rocket running in the dark.
The lit led makes it look like a narrow burst of smoke, but in fact the smoke plume is wide and dense. Its lite actually makes it look less dense due to penetration.
You want your light to reflect off the cloud, not penetrate from within.
Not unless you have a rocket on rails too