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Over the past 4 months I've been replacing my Lionel FastTrack with Atlas O track.  I'm really happy with how the track is coming together in regards to weathering the ties and ballast.  Still have a lot more to do, but I wanted to share some previews of the track.  I planned to weather the rail also, but I'm still doing some testing to fine the best results for me.






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Very nice, Paul.  Unable to tell from the pix:  did you use any roadbed under the track?


I also have Atlas; I ballasted mine with Brennan's ballast but did NOT use a roadbed.  I was very happy with the results.  I just had to be very careful around the switch throw bars - real easy for ballast to get wedged in there....

I also use Atlas track and switches. Switched about 3+ years ago. I have had really good luck with it, it seldom needs cleaning and  everything just works. It is also very quiet compared to the hollow rail and plastic roadbed track systems. I was set on Fastrack before switching to Atlas, I still like Fastrack, but it is a little too noisy for me.


Some folks here have really done a nice job weathering Atlas track as well. I don't remember any specific threads to link to or suggest a search on, but some that have been posted look great. There are some very talented folks here on the ORG forums.

To answer some of the questions that where asked in the tread.


  • Yes I have a roadbed under the Atlas track.
  • I used two different ballast to create the effect I was looking for.  The first layer is real crushed granite that was purchased on ebay from Railroader ALs Model Railroad Store the second ballast which is on top of the larger crushed granite is Express Scale Ballast.  Both have several layers of flat black spray paint to darken.
  • For the rail ties I used different chalk sticks to create the effect of weathered ties (Brown, Black, and White).  Basically take the sticks rub across the ties and brush it in to the ties.




Sorry for the blown highlight the picture was from my phone.


Thanks for the comments....


BTW - Now I have a question for you guys.  At the moment I've only glued down the ballast on the side of the track so it doesn't move.  I don't plan to glue down the ballast in-between the ties just in case I need to tear it out in the future.  Do you guys glue down the ballast in-between the ties?  When I did my test on ballasting I found it very difficult to tear the ballast out if I needed to make repairs or changes later.  What your view? 


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You have a great idea about using chaulk. I've read all the threads about ballasting with kitty litter, chicken grit, roofing granules, and commercial products. They all look fine to me. I've been experimenting with Chick Grit from Tractor Supply. It looks fine on an experimental section but is rather light in color. I took your idea of using chaulk and brushed some black chaulk into the ballast after it had been glued down. Much better color and can be darkened to suit one's taste. Terrific idea! Thank you!


Ed Kazarian

Originally Posted by Bagelman:
Very nice. I'm in debate over atlas or gar grave.  I have fast track now.  I'm looking to find which is less expensive. It seems atlas is.

I think the GarGarves is cheaper now.  Atlas O cost seemed to went up as of March 1st. Did anyone else notice a price jump on Atlas O?

Looks great.

I always put a few drops of oil on all the moving parts of the turnouts. Keeps the glue from sticking to them, but if it does, it comes loose real easy. We glue all the ballast, everywhere on the layout.

If you need to remove track later, just soak it with water. Comes loose no problem.
Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by paulboes:
Originally Posted by Bagelman:
Very nice. I'm in debate over atlas or gar grave.  I have fast track now.  I'm looking to find which is less expensive. It seems atlas is.

I think the GarGarves is cheaper now.  Atlas O cost seemed to went up as of March 1st. Did anyone else notice a price jump on Atlas O?

Unfortunately I did notice the price increases.


I also agree that Gargraves would be less expensive than Atlas. Personally, I prefer the solid rail track.

Originally Posted by paulboes:

Hi Paul, You are doing a super job, and it sounds like you made all the right choices.


I went with Atlas two years ago and I am glad I did. The best advice was to get the 48" curve so I could run most of the bigger trains. As long as you have the room, it is very good advice.


When I started I used a roadbed and Atlas; I ballasted mine with Brennan's ballast. I glued the sides and middle, but by the end, I was making my own ballast from screened sand, no roadbed and no glue. It worked out fine, in fact, I like the more natural,  lower profile look that way.


I bought my track on-line at JDs Trains. It was the best price I could find. There is also a good video on installing Atlas track and how to wire signals using track. That is where I learned most of what I know about track, so I don't want to sound like an expert.




Paul:  Nice job.  I am using a limestone fairly small, sifted for my trackside area but I am not anywhere near the ballasting stag.  But I share your taste in a darker gray look.  The ballast color in real life seems too light for my taste and that I think is because of the scale and lighting.  I experimented with a light grey wash on a painting sponge to color the small area I have been working on.  In my yard areas I used black sand and Woodland Scenics black ballast for the areas in between tracks.  Again, no ballasting in yards yet.  Hope to see more of your progress soon.

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