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Well, I had hoped to have pictures of a completed Union RR caboose but halfway through the decaling process I dumped over my Micro-Sol and haven't made it to the hobby shop to replace it. I did continue working on another mock-up for a Union RR slab car and so far I'm pretty happy with the way it looks proportion-wise. The car pictured here is made of .005 cardboard from the art store and thinner sheets of cardboard that my wife throws away in her dress shop. It's built over a 1/4" thick piece of poplar from Lowes with bolsters made from some scrap styrene, and I added Kadee couplers so I could shove it around a bit. 

Most of the parts for theses cars will be simple styrene plastic but I plan on resin casting parts that contain added details or have odd shapes (like the slab supports). Still not sure how to handle the chassis. I originally thought about casting it but large pieces of resin like to warp. We'll see how it goes.

Joe Shipbaugh



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I have begun work on a background building to cover an 18-inch length of white wall behind the tracks and between the hotel and truss bridge shown in the first photo. The distance from the track ties to the rear edge of table is only 2-1/2 inches, so the building will have to be narrow. I’m not sure how it will look and am designing the structure as I build. This space is the only unfinished surface on the layout – about which an article appeared in OGR Run 304.

First step was to select windows and doors for the “front” wall and mark locations on the inside of the milled clapboard basswood (two photos).





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I made some sand loads for a friend for his side dump hoppers. I borrowed one from a friend as a template. The car came with a load of pipe, and it was taped using clear packaging tape which left the glue on the car. What is a safe solution to remove the residue? I will use shrink wrap plastic to rewrap the car.MTH Side Dump Hopper 3 2019 005MTH Side Dump Hopper 3 2019 004MTH Side Dump Hopper 3 2019 003MTH Side Dump Hopper 3 2019 002MTH Side Dump Hopper 3 2019 001


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  • MTH Side Dump Hopper  3 2019 005
  • MTH Side Dump Hopper  3 2019 004
  • MTH Side Dump Hopper  3 2019 003
  • MTH Side Dump Hopper  3 2019 002
  • MTH Side Dump Hopper  3 2019 001
CSX Al posted:

Nice works guys. Alan the fuel station looks awesome.

I made the concrete base today for my slash burner and mounted the light in it.  I have a sleuth smoke unit on order for this as well. Hopefully it will be in this week. Here is a video and photo.




Smoke will be the crowning touch....unless you can find a way to duplicate the smell, too.   

Steamfan77 posted:

I’ve come to the point of what to do about disguising the hinges on the lift up section. The photos below show newly installed, the hinges painted, and now disguised. I think it looks pretty good. I also put down some ground cover on the lift up section.



Andy,  That looks great. What if you added some more greenery into the corner up to the background on the right and a little on the opposite side towards the elevated area next to the tunnel opening. That way the similarity between the hinge clump foliage disappears.   Just a suggestion, not a criticism. 

Steamfan77 posted:

I’ve come to the point of what to do about disguising the hinges on the lift up section. The photos below show newly installed, the hinges painted, and now disguised. I think it looks pretty good. I also put down some ground cover on the lift up section.



Andy - Excellent!

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