Hello one and all and welcome to another wonderful edition of Switcher Saturday! In this recurring weekly thread we celebrate the smaller locomotives that do the big work of railroading. These machines can be found all over the railroad, from shops to docks, to customer sites, mines, Local deliveries, tourist excursions, mainline sorting yards, you name it. While the big 4000+ hp units get all the glory in the calendar photos, these units represent the face of the railroad to the customers. Switchers are a vital cog in the overall machine and always will be.
This thread is always open to switchers of all scales and gauges. All that is asked is that we keep things somehow Switcher related, follow the ogr tos regarding pictures, and have fun.
While some weekends your humble dispatcher struggles to find an original topic, this week we have a Switcher trifecta!
The above pictures of Santa Fe 1460 are original shots used with permission of reddit user u/TheSantaFeRailfan. While I am an east coast rr guy, you have to admire the many things the Santa Fe tried to max out the use of their equipment. Unlike the CF7 program, this experiment was considered to costly to reproduce. The result however was pretty impressive. 1500 hp of EMD 567 engine and a scratch built gp7-esque hood on a Baldwin VO-1000 frame with Bloomberg trucks shoehorned underneath. It went through several upgrades, 3 cab numbers, one major face-lift to use standard gp windows, got air conditioning, and at one point even remote control capabilities.
This unit is on display in Barstow. There is a fantastic write up on the unique history of this locomotive on the Atsf railfan site.
Here we have another online find, this from across the pond in Switzerland.
Swiss RR light shunter class TA 251 - isn't it cute! This picture is used with permission of Reinhard Reiss, and was found here. These are 7 ton, 9 kw battery powered mini machines designed to pull other equipment on and off transfer tables. The paint is kinda snazzy too. The one pictured survived a building fire and was back to work in short order.
This link will take you to more photos of Swiss Railroad Light Shunter class TA 251.
To wrap up the trifecta, a couple weeks ago I promised a C/π. If you haven't figured it out yet, that's a pineapple under the Sea. Yup, I came across a deal I couldn't refuse. Conventional controlled, weird ribbed drive wheels, and heavy as a sack of bricks, it's Mth SpongeBob dockside 0-4-0, product number 30-4118-0e. Or as my wife said, "The ugliest Switcher she every saw!". I think it's hilarious π.
New in the box and nearly 20 yrs old, it started up immediately. The smoke unit puts out as much volume as a chimney fire. The ribbed wheels make this little unit sound like a jet engine coming down the rails. The only thing its really missing is a whistle sound, like the flute below. (Not sure if the forum will play an mp3 but I thought it was worth a try.)
So, that's more than enough from me! I hope you all have a great day! I can't wait to see what you come up with this weekend.