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Hello Switcher Saturday Crew!

Welcome to our weekend homage to the smaller locomotives that do big things. If the names Porter, or Whitcomb mean something to you, if the designation of Center Cab or saddle tanker get your attention, then you found the right place. 

Building on last weekend's success with Conrail technical and historical society, this weekend we have an awesome contribution from Jeff Z, long time volunteer and host of a fan page for the Wannamaker Kempton and Southern.  This all volunteer tourist road in northern Berks County PA, was originally part of the Schuylkill and Lehigh branch of the Reading Railroad.  The WK&S has been in the tourist business since the early 60's.  Relying on smaller switchers for most of it's life, the motive power has included several switching locomotives.  I have a soft spot for H. K. Porter locomotives, and the subject of today's spotlight is none other than WK&S #65.  Originally built for Safe Harbor Water and Power in Columbia MD, and having spent a good deal of time as a stationary boiler, #65 came to the WK&S in 1972 and a portion of the move was even handled by a tiny Vulcan diesel.

The following pictures were provided by Jeff for use here:

Loco65-01 [1)


Check out the rest of the history of the loco here.  While you are there, check out the rest of Jeff's awesome info on the WK&S.  You can also check out the official WK&S website.

As always Switcher Saturday is open to all scales and gauges, with particular emphasis on 3 rail O gauge.  

If you have a switcher related photo or video to share, a story to tell, or some combination thereof, please share it here.  The title says Switcher Saturday but of course the thread is open all week.  

So sort those cars, move those passengers, spot the loads where needed, and generally keep your rails shiny.  Stay safe everyone and have a great day.




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  • Loco65-01 (1)
  • Loco65-03
Last edited by jhz563
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Yay! SWSat is on!  
We are off to a great start this week. I love a good little saddle tank steamer. 

This week I am posting some posed projects of mine. I really like electric switchers and I have three of them as projects in various states. I am converting the Lionel S2 motor to two rail but it is a ways back in the project line. Not pictured is my favorite, a Tri-Power (battery/electric/diesel) that one needs a lot of work.It is in incomplete pile of bronze castings form. Finally we have a never finished sand cast bronze Baldwin Model Works (I think) kit of an R2 motor. It needs a new motor and lots of finishing work.
The R2 and the Tri-Power models are so old they are 17/64 scale. They are freight switchers that saw a lot of use on Manhattans Westside freight line (which my apartment is two blocks from) and the High Line. The S2 motor was built as a passenger engine but was eventually moved to passenger switching duties. 


Have a great week. I can’t wait to see what you guys post. 


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Happy SWSat!

Great posts gents. Lot's of switchers big and small doing what they do.

This week the crew on WM #23, a GP-9 from Lionel, is spotting some loaded cars and pulling a loaded car of merchandise from the new business in town. The company has been deemed essential during the Covid-19 crisis so they have been busy filling orders. The crew pulled the outbound car first and dropped it on the ready track in the main yard in town. Then the picked up the two inbound cars as delivered them to the siding. The crew is happy to have more local business to serve, especially now when freight service is down.

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Everyone have a great weekend. If you live where shutdown's have been lifted then I hope you get out and support your local businesses who have been suffering.



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  • 2020-05-02 08.30.48
  • 2020-05-02 08.32.58
  • 2020-05-02 08.33.53
  • 2020-05-02 08.34.03

Happy SWSAT, everyone!

I recently caught Penn Central GP38 #7692 (K-Line) working about the industrial area:

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I heard the throb of the Diesel engine before I caught a glimpse of its long hood peeking out behind a building


The loco shoves a cut of coal hoppers into the coal distributor's siding.

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The next chore is to spot a gondola load of steel coils at a manufacturing plant.

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The crew slowly eases the car through the congested facility.


The car is finally tied down at the end of the long siding.


A couple of pipe loads are set out at another customer's siding.


The crew cautiously goes about their work.


The 7692 returns to pick up its cabin.


The day's work complete, the Geep and its bay window cabin begin their journey back to the yard.

Stay safe, everyone!



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Well my contribution today is just a picture of one of my favorites.  Its the Lionel Burlington GP-7 number 2328 and the picture I have is from my shelf.  However, this loco has now transitioned over to pulling a set of the small streamlined passenger cars with the red center stripe.  This combination looks good, although the cars are modern re-issue by Lionel not the original post war variety, but they look good behind this silver / red engine.  By the way although with only one motor but magnetraction, this GP pulls like mad at least on my mostly level lay out and it runs really smooth. 

Happy SWSat everyone.

Burlington Switcher cropped

Don McErlean


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  • Burlington Switcher cropped

Good morning fellow switcher fans!  I'm really enjoying all your photos and information!  Today I decided to take a trip in the "Wayback Machine" ( digging in my SWSAT archives for the last 6 years )  and feature photos representing all of the railroads which make up the fictitious Free State Junction Railway.  Of course I have switchers for all of these roads and here there are.   I hope all of you and your families are well and safe!  Have a wonderful weekend everyone!  

Pennsy switching duties in handled in part by this venerable weather beaten A -5 O-4-0.  This is a K line model which I bought new and later weathered.  


A B&O Dockside shares some of the B&O switching duties.  Here she is on the service track. IMG_8951  A Lima Locomotive Co. 0-8-0, in C&O  livery , does the N&W switching chores.   N & W purchased about 30 of these, then 2 year old,  switchers from C&O. N&W shops created larger tenders so these locos could be used for road work.    My story is; this photo was shot as the N&W was" test driving" the C&O  0-8-0.  The loco is on loan to the N&W completer with a C&O crew who keeps house in the caboose.  IMG_0363

A Western Maryland BL-2 at the point of a coal train. fullsizeoutput_2e5

Ma & Pa SW 1 on the locomotive service track as hostler fills the sand boxes. IMG_0737

Ma & Pa Sw 1 gets it's fuel tank topped off. IMG_0734

A Reading  Fairbanks Morse Train Master is destined to couple to it's train shortly.  I include the Reading on the FSJR because it had trackage rights over parts of the Western Maryland.  This is the only Reading loco on the FJSR and it performs both freight and passenger duties. IMG_0641

A Kennecott Copper Corp. end cab switcher is also part of the FJSR locomotive fleet as is the center cab switcher.  K C C had a copper refining plant in Curtis Bay area of Maryland.  My Uncle Leon was the traffic manager there.  He dealt with all the railroad routings between Maryland and the western US where the mines were located. ( He also dealt with trucking companies and steam ship lines )  He always had good stories to tell as he often rode with the B&O switching crew at the plant.   The KCC did at one time own the Nevada Northern Railroad  ,however, I don't think they owned a railroad which  bore the name Kennecott.  At some point in the 1970s ( I believe ) Kennecott merged with Peabody Coal which did have it's own railroad ... the Peabody Short Line.  Switchers W&M and Kennecott Copper

Ma & Pa SW 1  pushes a Peabody Coal 50 ton hopper. Switcher Ma & PA end cab at junction

The Canton Railroad  still operates in East Baltimore to this day. Canton Switcher and caboose

The Baltimore and Annapolis Railroad  SW9 with caboose. Switcher B&A SW 9 and caboose head south with their switch list

Again the KCC Kennecott Switcher

B&O SW 9 and WM BL2. Switches BL2 & SW 9 on duty

The Patapsco and Back Rivers Railroad  Baldwin VO-1000.  The PBR ( affectionately nick named the Push Bump and Ram by it's employees ) served the once huge sprawling Bethlehem Steel Co. complex just outside Baltimore.  The PBR was one of several switching railroads owned by Bethlehem Steel Corp. IMG_1979The Pennsy switching chores are handled in part by this GE 44 tonner.  That's Jake, the brakeman riding the front deck.  


Nothing says general purpose like a GP locomotive by General Motors Electro Motive Division ( EMD ).   This loco, who some nickname a " torpedo boat" because of the rooftop air tanks which allow for a under frame water tank for steam generator/passenger service.  This locomotive handles is all on the FSJR ... industrial switching, road freights, and passenger service.  If I ever had to downsize and keep one locomotive ...the GP9 would be the one I keep due to it's versatility.  B&O GP9 & caboose

B&O SW 9 round the bend at Butler Junction. IMG_8786


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  • Switchers W&M and Kennecott Copper
  • Switcher Ma & PA end cab at junction
  • Canton Switcher and caboose
  • Switcher B&A SW 9 and caboose head south with their switch list
  • Kennecott Switcher
  • Switches BL2 & SW 9 on duty
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  • B&O GP9 & caboose
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Great stuff today as usual! thanks to you all.

Monsieur Silverlake, the motors in rebuild progress are great to see. I am also a big fan of the high line NYC era and warehouses and rail marine stuff as you know.

BIG  switchers !  R2 and Tri-motor are well worth refurbishing! I remember seeing those models at early scale shows in the 80’s. Currently referred to as the doorstop models, which I think is sad. But they are heavy and a lot of work. There was a guy (was it Mike  Lorenz?) in English town NJ that did some conversions of these from outside 3rd rail to two rail I believe. He had a show on occasion  in his machinist shop property where there were dozens of set up tables and had a train flea market. There were parts galore, table upon table of cardboard boxes for these vintage motors, and of course locos of all description. really cool stuff back in the day. There were many bronze shells, chassis, motors, and finishing parts.  Aside from this I remember There was a big sign over the machine shop door , do Not  feed the dog doughnuts!    Any body remember this annual meet? I bought my first All Nation NW 2 switcher with one powered truck. 

the Lionel S2 is certainly a great candidate for scale conversion. Joe F. Has done a few of them. Great! 




Hey Silverlake, I dismantled the waterfront layout years ago. I am in the planning stages of a modified rebuild. I have all the equipment and structures in boxes. Will post photos certainly when building.

thanks, doing well for now, hope you and your family the same.

Somehow,  somewhere there is a Q motor with your name on it.

Sometime in the future, ask members of NYSME if they Remember the name Jan Lorenz. I think that’s the name(?) of the machinist in O scale circles in Englishtown NJ. 

Hop in the Delorean? Time machine travel!

Thank You @Leroof. Family is well but very bored and a bit stir crazy. Hope yours is good as well.

I will ask around the club about Jan Lorenz. I can think of a few who may remember. As you can guess I have not been able to get out there in months. I am in the middle of a big coal breaker build that I have not been able to make progress on in far too long.

While I am sad to hear about the state of the Waterfront layout the rework sounds very interesting, Last night I watched a great Facebook Live layout tour on Facebook about an HO scale layout called the New York Harbor layout. He included the many of the small yards on he far west side of Manhattan around the 20's and 30's blocks. He had the full Erie Yard the Lehigh Yalley yard, those float bridges, Terminal stores and a lot of New York Centrals 34St yards. Very nicely done.

Here is a link to the video.

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