Attention Florida Visitors, "Snowbirds" or permanent Florida residents, the Annual Southeast Florida TCA Train Meet & Show will be held on Saturday, January 25th at the Havert Fenn Center in Ft. Pierce. The show opens to TCA members at 8:30 AM, to the public at 9:00 AM and closes at 2 PM.
The Fenn Center is a fantastic building for hosting shows such as ours. It provides 22,000 square feet of exhibit space in one large well-lighted room. There is a separate area for food service.
Attached is a flyer with more details. If you are a TCA member and want a table, there are still some tables available! Tables are only $20 each for TCA members who are also Southern Division members and $30 each for other TCA members. To rent a table or if you still need more information, contact Forum Member Al Galli at the email or phone number shown on the flyer.