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5799107B-118F-4FA4-B22F-2754066655113FA791EE-03CF-4D7C-B67C-E104DCB058BB1A36EB86-30A5-40F1-81D3-D17A6AD4D2E0C1F8B648-0CEB-457A-9E2F-B009F76F1A842D2B127B-F643-4285-9417-33AADBB575CA398A8B8C-AC23-4EB5-A916-D58F5108EE236E80DC7F-F4DC-48AE-AC40-9E7808C0D623Three of them are done. The end walls were replaced and the rear ladders and railings were rebuilt as the prototype. The fourth one had a setback but will join these later, it will be a WM  circus caboose.

The PC N5k is a MTH casting too. I purchased Morning Sun’s new PC Caboose portfolio in color and I’m fascinated by all the classes of cabs and I may have to build one of every class.


Images (7)
  • 5799107B-118F-4FA4-B22F-275406665511
  • 3FA791EE-03CF-4D7C-B67C-E104DCB058BB
  • 1A36EB86-30A5-40F1-81D3-D17A6AD4D2E0
  • C1F8B648-0CEB-457A-9E2F-B009F76F1A84
  • 2D2B127B-F643-4285-9417-33AADBB575CA
  • 398A8B8C-AC23-4EB5-A916-D58F5108EE23
  • 6E80DC7F-F4DC-48AE-AC40-9E7808C0D623


Some comments:

  1. Gorgeous work, as usual.  Absolutely beautiful. 
  2. These started life as MTH cabeese.  Can you be more specific?  Were they all PRR N5s?  Model #s would help.
  3. Initially I commented that they should be labeled as "3 cabeese and a cabin car", but as you have converted one to a Penn Central crummy, I retract my statement.  They are now all cabooses. 

Again, well done!


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