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@Waste & Ruin TrainHaus posted:
Sure will make for a cool video!
We started out by running Lionel's New Haven LionChief on the Triple Helix yesterday - need we say again it is a "hope it's working" in Progress!
We have been busy in the Factory waiting for our employee Daniel who is coming today - and he has a Real Surprise waiting for him! We will show that tomorrow...
But for now, here are some More Pics for the "smoke and mirrors" effect...
We hope to see one and all at the Kingston Train Show on 3/23/2025!
Can you believe we can take this all apart and set it up there?
Well, come on 3/22/2025 and help us out!
ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha
"To the Mountains By 3-Rail!"
That's pretty impressive. I wasn't sure where the engine was going to go, but it got back to its starting point.
That is some crazy fun!
Got our Engineer Daniel (and the Lion Chief) in yesterday to test the Western Pacific with 9 cars - we had the UP Caboose on it, but its "lightness" kept it derailing, so it went to a siding! The 9 cars in the lash-up are MTH and Lionel - the O&W is well-represented - all of these cars are of good weight, which actually helps performance... if it can get up into the Mountains!
We used "Route 3", which travels on both Mrs. Inside and Mr. Outside Gargraves Track in the two Outside Helixes and Lionel FastTrack in the Middle Helix. Check it out and see if you can find a "Route 4" in this "tangled track plan"!
We will attempt to show that "track plan" soon...
Anyone who wants to help is welcome to come on Saturday 3/22/2025 at 1PM to help set it up (and try running some trains on it) - Daniel is travelling that day, but he will be Engineering at the Kingston Train Show on Sunday!
"To the Mountains By 3-Rail!"
Waste and Ruin TrainHaus
Oh yes - we will be selling Gargraves track at the show (and online) for those of you who want to build a Helix for your own Layout!
But - we are so darned busy right now we haven't been able to put it up on the Web Site - but it is "coming soon"! Stay Tuned!
I was curious about the track plan, but I have trouble following multi level plans, so…😄😄
Seems you could add a little weight in that caboose and be okay. The other cars track well.
You can buy it in Kingston! Or just watch it run!
Well, it is "Crude" (as always), but here it is - the Schematic for"To the Mountains By 3-Rail!":
The ground level has 6 Switches, 4 to change to/from Mrs. Inside to Mr. Outside, one to a Siding under the 3rd Helix (on the left) and one to the 2nd Middle Helix. We have also included "blocks" so that we can stop the power to 6 sections of track - but we don't show those here...
As the Helixes rise up, the 2nd Helix has 2 switches to Helix 1 Mr. Outside (on the right). This allows for Turn-Around capabilities...
We reach the top and Mrs. Inside has a Siding Switch and a Station Switch which meets Mr. Outside on Helix 3 (on the left). The two Mainlines cross the Bridges at the bottom (which we didn't draw). The Station Switch allows another Turn-around.
Of course, this is a Portable Layout - it measures 57" by 157.25" (a little less than 5 Feet by 13 Feet 2.25").
What we like is the 3-Dimensional Aspect - by golly it is like "real life"! There are a lot of "Ups" and "Downs"!
We Encourage one and all to build their Own! It truly is a "Layout in a Small Space" which has always been a "problem" for O-Gaugers for all these years!
So come see the Layout at the Kingston Train Show, or watch the Videos we will post thereafter and then expand your Layout or build a new one! The "Sky is the Limit" now!
"To the Mountains By 3-Rail!"
Thank you. Well thought out.
I would never have thought of using a cantilever to support a model train helix, but there it is. Can better view the train and easier to extract if something goes wrong. I would guess that if the cars 'stringlined', the pole might catch them before they fell.
I noticed that right away too Michael. I have seen where some people want the center open as a pop up, possibly works with a larger diameter helix. Here Waste & Ruin don’t need that and as you pointed out have access all around.