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I am determined not to let this thread die ( LOL!) Totally happy to see most are with me , with some amazing stuffs showing up as always .....I thought this week my own efforts might be a little boring as up until a few days ago all I had to show for my troubles was a lonely Hornby BR tender ...

Which will for now have to pair unnecessarily with a BR Hornby Type 40 Tank loco until I find the correct loco for it ( a BR 60199 loco)

Type 40 Tank loco ..

But then my day was made with another email from my great Dutchy mate telling me he had come across a wonderful Karl Bub ... and as soon as I saw it was an early Windcutter , there was no saying no!

Dutchy is now officially designated as my "Dealer" as he is forever lurking in a shadowy email back alley .. whispering " Psssst ! Wanna buy a train " when I come near





@Fatman posted:

I am determined not to let this thread die ( LOL!) Totally happy to see most are with me , with some amazing stuffs showing up as always ..... 

Your contributions are greatly appreciated and enjoyed.  A few things to keep in mind if you're feeling like the only contributor - 

1) the number of people with the discerning taste for tinplate is small.

2) the tinplate market here has become saturated and MTH isn't making any new items - the level of new stuff seems to be going down

3) limited number of train meets for finding new items

4) on this side of the world, the train season is just starting to pick up - our seasons are backwards!

Most of my tinplate is pretty basic and common, but I'll take another look to see if there's anything that might be of interest.

Keep up the good work.  

Fatman what a great loco I am an aero guy so assume the “ wind cutter” nomenclature refers to the nose cone on the boiler front!  Beautiful and great to see thanks for posting. 

Pd: great 248 and 629 cars. Let me relate an experience I had with my similar consist at the Ohio State Fair. In the 80’s we built a large 3rail layout for public display. If members agreed to watch and monitor the layout they were allowed to run their trains. So among the beautiful near scale trains of dozens of cars along went my little 248 and 3 cars. The most wonderful thing that day was a young boy of about 3 telling his Dad didn’t want to leave because he wanted to “ watch the little red train some more”. Made my day for sure!


Yep The Windcutter is the reference to the Angled Front Cab Windows ... to cut thru the wind

@Mallard4468 I really dont feel alone, in fact I feel like I am in incredible company with those who pop in and/or contribute to this thread and all the previous weekly editions we have had coming before it   It was more a gentle nod of the head to all and a bit of encouragement to make this a mega thread going into the future ... Us tinplaters might be in the minority community-wise , but I reckon we have the most fun and dont take everything too uber seriously either ... there is room for the most toy-like and most scale to sit side by side , for rarities and common as muck , and they all get celebrated here ...


Dare I say it , Tinplate is probably the most inclusive ?

( oops I just did ! )


@Pete in Kansas nice lookin car. Did you use rattle can or air brush? Which brand paint and did you use a primer first? I’m getting ready to paint some STD passenger cars for a Christmas set and making final paint selections.

I used Rustoleum paint thinned with lacquer thinner and sprayed with a Passche airbrush. The red is the bright red just as it comes from the can and the gray is dark gray lightened with some white to approximate the gray Flyer used on trucks. These were sprayed over the bare metal that was stripped with ZEP oven cleaner and then cleaned in hot soapy water. The decals are O gauge from K4. I had never used this brand before but they went on very well.  

By the way Rustoleum rattle cans also work well. I painted an American Flyer caboose with Dark Hunter Green from a rattle can a few weeks ago and it also came out very nice.



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