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@Mallard4468 posted:

Jim, the items in your collection and your knowledge of them is amazing, and seeing them in operation is phenomenal.  Thank you for taking your trains off the shelf and putting them on the rails.  I always enjoy your posts.

I hate to be morbid, but I hope that your information is being cataloged so that future generations of train buffs can take advantage of it.  The details which exist only in the minds (and basements) of a few talented individuals such as yourself needs to be saved.

Thanks, much appreciated. The historical aspect has always enhanced my enjoyment of our hobby. I've tried to share what information I have freely with fellow hobbyists.

So much goodness above!!! ^^^^^

Sometimes fate is a marvellous thing .... I have been striking out a lot and not finding too much lately within my tightarse means ... so much so that I actually deviated the other week and picked up a Vintage Danish Tekno motor as a kind of therapy ( lol ) However it can be used to run tinplate accesories so it counts right ?

Very dirty but I see no reason why it will not run again with some TLC .

But then fate stepped in and presented to me something I have been wanting for a very long time , and usually I could never justify the spend, as for what they are they cost a bit, but here was a lonely soul looking for a new owner and it had a LOT of value added upgrades, which many say are necessary, and the start price was pretty much the cost of the upgrades ... I sat on it for a week with no bids .... then with 24 hours to go of course it got one ... and I was 100% knowing I could not justify a bid war ... so I waited for 10 seconds to go and hit it with my very upper limit , expecting failure ... and it closed with a $5 premium on the opening amount ... The dude only bid the exact start bid ???

So yep coming is ...'s a Mamod SL-1 Steam Locomotive runs on O gauge as a narrow gauge style locomotive ... and the best part it's been converted to gas-fired boiler, and full radio control ( speed & reversing)

So, its not VINTAGE vintage, indeed its probably the latest timeline loco I own but man I wanted this all the way back in the 80's .. Forty years later ....

Last edited by Fatman
@Fatman posted:

So much goodness above!!! ^^^^^

Sometimes fate is a marvellous thing .... I have been striking out a lot and not finding too much lately within my tightarse means ... so much so that I actually deviated the other week and picked up a Vintage Danish Tekno motor as a kind of therapy ( lol ) However it can be used to run tinplate accesories so it counts right ?

Sorry Fatman, again no. This motor was made by Trix in Germany. Was an accessory for an metal construction kit.


Nice @Fatman   Mamod has made a very good loco and it was my first live steam engine also... "some" years ago and I still have it. The one i have is a basic model but yours have been greatly improved and must be nice to run.  The only problem with those locs is the flanges of the wheels are not very deep and that is a problem to use it on classic tinplate tracks; it also is sometime a speedy model.... and derails easily but that is part of the fun.


@Arne posted:

Sorry Fatman, again no. This motor was made by Trix in Germany. Was an accessory for an metal construction kit.


Aha .. I looked at the fact it might be Trix .. but some Trix ones I have seen had TRIX stamped into the horseshoe magnet pole ?

Tekno must have got them from the same manufacturing plant lol ( most likely Trix as you say)

So its either a Trix without the stamping ( which further searching now shows me is possible) or a Tekno with the sticker removed Both firms had red and green variants

But based on probability you are probably right in it being Trix

Always living and learning !

Oh and for some AWESOME building work .. check out the Tekno built log mill I found on Youtube

Powered by SIX of these type motors

@Fatman nice find- as usual. You have been bringing great tin to this thread. Iโ€™m now both โ€œjealousโ€ of your life down under And tin! How I wish to get back to Australia some day

@scott.smith great video- awesome layout and wonderful tin! Great job of intermingling different scales!

hereโ€™s my Tinplate pick-up from the weekend, besides the unique Arts Caboose and Lionel 804. Bing water tower:


Also, some tootsietoy trains from my collection- in addition to the midgettoys trains I posted last week. A Santa Fe consist. These are longer than the midgetoy


Also, a station Iโ€™ve had my eye on- have no clue as to the maker. Anyone recognize this? Above the top clock it says โ€œA.D. 1898โ€



Images (5)
  • AC05FE8D-1BDA-49F3-AC9D-6773518BD12F
  • 8DA2AE0A-7437-4D9B-8020-B78D5DA817D5
  • 80DE9AB6-44C7-4764-8C4E-F440E78F03ED
  • F46AE372-C9F5-4CB3-B1BE-16F44B3BFED7
  • E776B274-2190-4A94-87FF-666BF5D9B9A2

The station above was At the market where I acquired the Bing water tower. If I knew more about it, I think Iโ€™d buy it. OTher items were the Flyer circus set in the box, Lionel 671 loco with set, Lionel 254 set, and Lionel standard gauge set and other cars. The Flyer set below is something in which I am interested. I wouldโ€™ve bought one of the aforementioned items or the items below had I not just purchased other things at the meet.

American Flyer clockwork. I believe the engine was 13?



Hornby Mecanno station. Priced a bit too high but lookedgood nonetheless A9621A9B-263C-4AEE-9D98-0689DF13ABD7


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  • C556CA44-A966-4C44-8BE9-8186BA1D8CDA
  • A9621A9B-263C-4AEE-9D98-0689DF13ABD7
  • D07BC4D1-A4AD-4CB6-B014-6A87EAE63B21
Under the holiday tree this year is an Ives 0 gauge tinplate electric train set, the Interstate Limited, offered for one year only in 1928, by the much revered Bridgeport, Ct. toy manufacturer. The set cost about $12.00 in 1928. When I acquired the set recently the locomotive was not working. It has soldered-in copper mesh motor brushes, not easily serviceable brush tubes, making replacement of the worn brushes more labor intensive, as shown in the video, Happy holidays!
@StevefromPA posted:

Also, a station Iโ€™ve had my eye on- have no clue as to the maker. Anyone recognize this? Above the top clock it says โ€œA.D. 1898โ€



the station is similar to the Issmayer stations but was made by Karl Bub. This is model 184/II from Bub catalog 1902.

Was avaible in Carette catalog 1911 too. The most cheaper trains and station in the Carette catalog was made by Bub not by Issmayer.

Here a catalog picture from the Bub 1902 catalog.




Images (1)
  • bub184-2
Last edited by Arne

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