Wow, tinplate folks what a week. Arnie...I have a small book on Issmayer and it does mention the "boat train" but only shows the illustration you had in your post, candidly I never thought I would ever see any part of it in real life. What a find, thank you for posting. Fatman - great Hornby long splasher loco with nut and bolt motor and the two clockwork 00 engines especially the box cab were just fantastic. Daniel your green long spasher in the box with the matching coaches - wow! And Lewrail - what a fantastic layout. Super! Thanks again to all for the pictures.
My contribution today is almost trivial by comparison, however it does extend a little sequence I have been on lately to gather up some pre-war (?) signals and signs. This one is an official MYSTERY as it contains no indication of its maker. It is most likely pre-war (no electronics, no plastics, manually operated) but it is not marked with either a country of origin or its maker.
I suspect it to be American Flyer (Chicago Flyer) due to a comparison of the base with some other pre-war Flyer signals posted on this thread a few weeks ago. The diameter and rise of the "dish" at the bottom of the stalk is identical. The color is also very similar but color changes with age so I doubt that means much. ANYONE (NWL, GregTunitti,etc ) who has added signals and information on these things to my earlier posts please comment if you have seen this before.
It is a very simplistic (but cute! ) RR crossing sign. In the first picture the "lights" are not lit and so it would be a "go". In the second picture, the red lights are "lit" and it would be a stop. The change from open to red is affected by a red painted screen or flat piece of sheet metal that is slid, via quite an arrangement of levers in the rear, down to block the holes and show through. The center top of the staff was painted red (now worn off) and did not appear to have any lettering and the identification "Railroad Crossing" is lettered below the cross bar.

Any and all help in identifying this Warning Sign (Crossing Sign) would be most appreciated.
Best wishes for a great week