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Well after all our eyes being assaulted recently with gorgeous models and accesories , after quite a buying holiday( well for me anyway) I have but one new aquisition to show the world

I present a humble and plain Pioner Expressen tender !

( to find a locomotive! )

( oh and I have been a little quiet in all my activities due to being an Old Fart living alone who spectacularly* .. *read stupidly...broke his foot a week ago and has been down to doing the bare minimum to support life lol )

Last edited by Fatman

I would be interested in seeing an original prewar motor, I have a three unit plm but no motor came with it. I have

been told that all three unit Bugatti Autorails were prewar. The frames on all three units are identical so technically the motor

could mount in any of them. It would depend on the reverse lever. Other units I have have some of the side windows punched

out, thus allowing access to the lever. The 3 unit set has no side windows punched out so I am not sure where access to the

lever would be.


Hey Fatman:  Sorry to hear about your foot......who (or what) were you kicking to do that sort of damage????

I know I've been that mad at times with electrical gremlins in my layout I just wanted to kick the whole thing out of the garage!!!

Anyway, with the whole state of Victoria now in "lock-down"...... you can't go anywhere can you???

Take it easy and just "kick back"......pardon the pun!!

Peter.....Buco Australia

Thanks for the good wishes Guys   Sadly its probably LESS time on the hunt as I use a laptop on a stand for most of my computing these days , which necessitates me sitting on the couch with feet down lol ... I am sure I can rig it better for "flat out " browsing lol ... but yeah the last few weeks its been foot up unless it has to be down ...

Stupid story how it happened ( and those are the best kind I guess?)

Warning long story .. TLDR ... doing ok!

My house is built on 2 levels where one part of the house is about 8 inches higher than the rest , coming out of my lounge into the dining and entry area I have a huge slate hearth which the wood heater is on and this Hearth also doubles as the step down into the ground level parts of the house ... As I am sure I have mentioned , my main partner in crime these days is Tuco the Moustache Parrot , and she has a smaller cage for travel and getting sun outside with me on nice days ... This cage lives along the wall of the step down off the hearth, its not in the way because there is a bifold door to the lounge which when open ( as it pretty much always is ) blocks off that area of the step down ... it has been like that for years without the slightest problem .

However one Sunday night ( 2 sundays ago) I was doing my nightly routine of cleaning Tucos paper and getting her fresh water for the next day , when I scooted out the lounge door ( barefoot as I mainly am) and for the first time ever I mis-stepped and my little and next in toe went straight into the bars of that cage , I was commited by momentum to take the next step and my foot DIDN'T come clear .. hence in mid stride I was heading forward into an 8" drop with my right leg having nothing but air underneath it , and my left foot into the cage .. this surprisingly did NOT end well and I ended up slamming that left knee into the ground, then half commando-rolling at which point me next in toe flicked free , but my little one refused to play ball ... So while I am laying on the ground feeling mainly embarrasment and my knee pain .. it dawns on me my toes are "burning" and I cautiously had a bit of a feel and it wasnt good lol! ... my fingers came back covered in blood .. OK this is unexpected thinks I ... goes in for another feel and there is a complete seperation of my little toe under my foot .. yep I can feel all sorts of things in there that normally you dont LOL!

Looking at it , it was obviously displaced , so we better fix that ...( I am a level 4 MICA trained First Responder... about as good as you can be and just under Ambulance level here in Australia) Luckily it just popped back ok , but still bleeding , so sterilised ( rubbing alcohol ) and packed the gash ...bleeding controlled .

I live very rurally so I thought it best to phone the local hospital ( about 30 miles away) and tell them I was on my way , at which point they told me better go to Bendigo ... a lot further away ... I didnt really trust myself to drive that far , and it wasnt worthy of an Ambulance as it would tie up a crew for half a shift where they could be doing vital work elsewhere , so I opted to just go to my Doctor in the morning ( still 30 miles away lol )

I was expecting stitches as the wound is the full length of the first toe join to the foot pad  , but he was really happy with the way I had packed and managed it and the tendons were still attached so we decided natural healing was an option , but lets get a precautionary X-ray ... well it took 5 days to get one !

The joy of living in the Bush !

X-ray comes back and it turns out I had a complete transverse break on the first bone( in two pieces top and bottom halves) and a fracture on the second , but both were beautifully in place ... so no surgery required , just careful management and splinting ... Dressing changes etc are handled by a local nurse so thats good .. but obviously some nerve damage as while it is painful , its nowhere near the level it should be ... but the toes is still there and healing well so far

As my Doc says " You breed em tough in the bush Don'tcha ! "

@Arne  Fantastic pick up my friend!

@beardog49  get back to you in a bit ( I have rabbited on too much lol ) but they are common Hornby in the UK and out here but you might get a good price over there for them ...

Last edited by Fatman


The LMS 2270 loco is from 1947-54 (postwar model 101) and is not fantastic condition cosmetically

The LMS 501 "longsplasher" is also post war of the same period .


What you have going for you is they both appear complete with siderods and control knobs etc and thats a good selling point as many are not , however you seem to be missing the droplink element of the front couplers on both , no biggie... as to value , we are not talking huge numbers as they are pretty common

Importantly to note the 2270 numbering was also used on the pre-war version and that loco commands premium pricing compared to its later sibling you have ( identified by single bar drive rods , no connecting rod between wheels like the later ones)

Value ? at the moment there is a 2270 on ebay for ยฃ29 buy it now ( which is a bargain I think lol ) realistically you could list each at say 75-100 USD and see if the market there will stand that ?

There are lots listed at silly numbers ยฃ100+ but they arent selling and are not in better condition than yours.

A boxed example with inspector tags is listed at ยฃ250 which is "dreaming" money lol ( it is markedly played with and does have cosmetic issues )

Who knows if you get a couple USA peeps interested you might make good ?


Images (1)
  • Hornby_Trains_postwar_identification_chart_(1956)
Last edited by Fatman

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