hello. i know this might be answered on the mth forum but i will try here first. my tiu is powered by 4 180 watt bricks and when i shut the power off to fixed voltage in1 i still have power going out from fixed voltage in2. all the other outputs have no voltage. is there something wrong?
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There are 2 ways to power a TIU, using it's Aux Power port or powering the Fixed 1 input.
You killed the power to your TIU by shutting power off to the Fixed 1 input. With separate power to all your TIU ports you should be using the TIU's Aux port to power your TIU. As you can see you lose control of the other channels when your Fixed 1 brick is shut off or it's breaker trips.
A Z500 brick from an MTH starter set is a good option for powering the TIU's Aux port. That's what I've been using for several years.
hello and thanks for the reply. i understand all of what you say but my question is why is there still power coming out of fixed voltage 2 when everything else has none after fixed 1 has tripped.
Fixed voltage channels are just that: Fixed. They are straight pass-through with no voltage control. So if you have a voltage going in, you must have a voltage coming out, whether or not the TIU is powered on.
There is a relay in the line, but with no power on the TIU, the fixed voltage comes out as it's interrupted when the relay is energized.
to lehighline. thanks for the reply. then explain why fixed voltage 2 has power in and power off with tiu power off and i have no power on the rest of the tiu with power coming in. all the inputs have power coming in. when tiu power is off only one of the input has power going out the rest has none.
to gunrunner john. sorry but i need more info on your post so i can understand it better. i am a little short on electrical knowledge. thanks for your post.
Variable channels operate differently, their outputs are controlled by the TIU. The TIU has to be powered to allow voltage to pass through. And as said above, the fixed channels are straight through when TIU is not powered.
Just power your TIU through it's Aux power port and problems will be solved.