I was having so much fun with part of my Highline in I started to put some scenery to it.... well lets just say I have not but running trains on the highline for 2 weeks.
Here is a couple snap shots in time.... have to have the before shot....
Replies sorted oldest to newest
Wow. looking good. Please post more as you go.
Looks like a neat project. Can't wait to follow your progress.
Please keep us informed.
Looks very good! I'm looking forward to seeing your progress.
Nice progress, John.
Very nice work.............
Boy that looks like one great layout.
Fantastic layout.
Looking good John. Come February there will be something NYC running on there.
I have been watching your progress for some time with much interest. I like the scenic design of the lower track switching to extend under the bridge and then up grade to the top level. That will be an interesting scene.
Nice work!
terrific looking track plan and details.
Hard to imagine how fantastic this railroad will look when complete.
Something to be very proud of.
Me Likey!!!!
Chief Bob (Retired)
Nice work J Daddy! You'll forget about the two missed weeks once you are done and running again.
Looks Good. 765 is a great locomotive for any layout by the way.
J Daddy,
Oh ya I like it a bunch, giving up a little running time for engineering the layout, can pay off big time!
John, looking very nice !!!!!
Wow. looking good. Please post more as you go.
Me Likey!!!!
Chief Bob (Retired)
I have layout envy - in a big way.
Going to be quite a nice layout when done. Keep pics of progress coming......Paul
Wow! That is really looking good so far. Really adds to your layout.
very nicely done.....
You have a good eye for the big picture. Nice work!
Fantastic!! For some reason I didn't realize that you had multiple levels, one above the other, along that wall. This is really going to be a beautiful scene!
Looks great, love the multi-level construction.
Where's the EMD stuff?
Where's the EMD stuff?
Actually I cannot wait to run the big Boy. ....
John, running trains isn't all it's cracked up to be. Construction and creativity are where it's at.
Taking time out to just run trains makes sure there aren't any bugs in the work adding a big plus to the FUN of running/playing with the trains.
Will be following this great lay-out build. Keep the pictures coming!
Looking good John, baby steps will get you there.
Thanks Jim,
If you look at the pics you will see a spot that is still exposed blue foam... that is at the turn. Not sure if the Big Boy will make it around this turn w/o taking out the rock wall.... so I worked around this area until I can do a pass by. May have to break out the Dremel and carve it back a bit....
Now's the time to find out. Just like wiring, check as you go, best to find out now.
The girls say "Hi Jimmy!"