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So I remembered a lessons learned as well to test the overhang going in the opposite direction... It will be different! This was an evil lesson I learned on the lower deck scenery that caused allot of grief.... sure enough it took out scenery in other locations. Note the picture below with another skive out "stripe" added further down in the curve...







Images (3)
  • 20150806_214104
  • 20150806_210633
  • 20150806_210556
Originally Posted by J Daddy:

Thanks Jim... well before I add color to the cliff wall I knew I should check the layout scenery killer first... Because we run such large engines on such tight radii tis the curse of this hobby.... this is an 0 - 100 curve and look at what happened here!





Been there done that with cab roofs, we don't have any articulated steam, how far from track center to foam?

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