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Having more fun than a person should be allowed this morning as the Traingineers focus on dismantling a TW TrainWorx custom New Haven themed O Gauge Layout that is by far our most incredibly intricate and electronically involved layout designed to date! What am I talking about?? Having our East Coast Director, Mike Reagan, here in our Dallas Studio has been quite educational for moi.  I've learned more in the last 48 hours than I ever thought possible... but when you're learning from the best of the best - it's to be expected Truthfully, throughout this layout fabrication/coding/wiring process I've been doing a ton of head shaking and mumbling... you're doing WHAT? It's going to be finished by WHEN?

What I've been head shaking and mumbling about is incorporating the following custom layout items;

*87 Custom Signals
*40 Switches
*50 Detection Rails
*25 Un-couplers (not to be confused with a divorce )
*25 Power blocks
* 3 Power Districts that each have 20 amps/district

Oh.... and get a load of this, this layout will run Conventional, TMCC, and Legacy - CRAZY I TELL YA!!! And I haven't even mentioned the scenic/modeling Traingineers completed like; two custom Signal Towers, two custom bridges, New Haven Station Model, East Rock area, custom surround power station that surrounds the controllers with a working industrial smoke signal, couple of Warehouses that, of course, light up, village inclusive with ice cream shop and chapel, monument and although I haven't seen it yet... a coaling tower will complete the layout topside! 

So, back to the UNDERNEATH... LET'S GO! 


Happy Tracks!

TrainDame aka Dorcie Farkash
TW TrainWorx
Dallas, TX | Concord, NC
(214) 634-2965 

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Lionelzwl2012 posted:

Great job again as always!!! If you can remember ma bell. I thought they had some wiring butes back in the day. Your wiring job just may top that WOW. I belive tw installing mth dcs is a first am I right? 






Hi Roger and thanks for your feedback, it is always appreciated! We have installed many layouts with DCS before as well as Standard, S Gauge and HO. Have a Traintastic week ahead!

TrainDame aka Dorcie Farkash
TW TrainWorx
(214) 634-2965

Dave, You just gave me the where-with-all to ask a question I thought of right off.  I realize this layout is built to be taken apart and moved to the owner's home.  Is that why there are so many sagging loops of wires?  When I have wired something in the past at work or home, I make it look more like the neater wiring starting at about 1:20 in the video.  Since I plan to build in modules in case I have to move, I'm looking for any suggestions on the topic that someone will give.

@Traindame, what is your wire numbering system?  Do you consider color, gauge, number of conductors per bundle?  I'm about to start on a large layout and I want to establish a numbering scheme.  Since layouts change, I don't want to assume that all red wires will be power and all purple with be accessories.  I want to be able to use a wire that is already close rather than have to replace a red wire with a purple because I moved the track and now a building stands there.


John D. posted:

@Traindame, what is your wire numbering system?  Do you consider color, gauge, number of conductors per bundle?  I'm about to start on a large layout and I want to establish a numbering scheme.  Since layouts change, I don't want to assume that all red wires will be power and all purple with be accessories.  I want to be able to use a wire that is already close rather than have to replace a red wire with a purple because I moved the track and now a building stands there.


Traingineer George Watson is our Wiring Master and he's on location this week installing this layout. I'll ask him your question and get back with you... maybe next week though.

Happy Tracks!

TrainDame aka Dorcie Farkash
TW TrainWorx
(214) 634-2965 

Well from those on site photographs, I would say this owner is a New Haven fan, for sure!!  The sign and the giant Photograph! Wow!  I do find the support legs construction on the TW TrainWorx builds interesting.  I haven't seen that method in the hobby press much if at all, and I've been reading since the late '60s, but what you folks do makes a lot of sense to me!!!

Thank you again for sharing, Dorcie!!

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