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 WOW, what a beautiful engine and caboose'... Looks much better than the ads for it.  No politics involved here.  These are models.  There is a Biden set, and a Trump set.  The companies that produce these items are sponsors of this forum and advertisers in the OG magazine.  If comments regarding these items are forbidden, then the advertisements should be also be deleted and denied.  Regardless of personal views, money has been made by all parties and that is exactly what it is... Business..

Last edited by Quarter Gauger 48

"EVERYONE has their First Amendment rights" 

This is a very common misunderstanding.  The forum is privately owned. A privately owned entity  can restrict your speech/writing in any way they want. 


The first amendment mandates that the government won't restrict your freedom of speech.  Does not apply on privately owned forums/newspapers/property, etc.  

Just FYI.

OK Guys, GHEEE!  I deleted several comments here because they only encouraged more inappropriate comments.  The initial post is not considered political because it is about a product which happens to have the likeness of a political figure.  As long as the discussion does not get into personal feelings about the likeness/subject of the product or obvious comments (and not so obvious) comments intended to be political or elicit political comments, then the thread and comments in this thread will be left alone.  Best thing to do is just keep any urges you have to make a comment that can be interpreted to be political to yourself per our terms of service.

@PW53inVa posted:

Is a "No Comment" allowed or will that be deleted too. No need to answer, when you delete this I will know.

C'mon guys....    regardless of one's thoughts, why must Alan's job be made harder?

They have asked all to refrain from even subtle statements, first nicely, and now this latest since people just can't seem to act like a polite guest in their (OGR's) home.

Also, making snide, sarcastic remarks to the Editor/Owner of OGR is not a good look.

Lastly, if one has a concern about a topic, it's always better to privately contact the admins than to open up like this, which inevitably leads down the path this thread took.


Now, back to trains:    I enjoy the Presidential trains, regardless of the specific person on them. I collect them.  It's part of history.



As possibly one of the youngest members on this forum I may not know much about politics but I do know this: if you can’t talk shop then why are here in the first place? Also, would you like it if your email blew up everyday with alerts about political related junk? (In the perspective of Mr. Arnold and the faculty.) It is also not fair to those who are just trying to show off their new toy. In other words, thank you Mr. Arnold for trying to manage this thread, the best you can, and sorry to the original poster that his thread got railroaded. Finally, I thought the forum, and the hobby in general, was meant to be a way to get away from this kind of stuff not create it? 

P.S. Mr. Arnold, if I have said anything in my post that categorizes as delete worthy then I am sorry that it is and by all means do. 

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