I've got a DCSRC set on my inner loop (full DCS on outer). A 4x8 layout using MTH Z1Ks. Inner loop is a basic tubular oval with 3 Ross switches for sidings.
My questions:
1) With the DCSRC, often I push, for example, the whistle button with the remote aimed at the base and no light with flash, no whistle. Release the button and without changing the remote position, repress the button and it responds as it should. Normal? The remote has new batteries and I tried another brand new in box DCSRC set and it responded exactly the same (leading me to believe it is normal operation)
2) If I have one base and run jumpers over to another via the +/- screw terminals, can I use the second base, with no power going into it and only jumpers from the other base, as a second base to get some better range/coverage? Don't want to try it and blow up two bases...hence the question
2) What is the remote range? I heard 20 feet but think 10 is a bit high, even with new batteries.