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I have had a Revell Goodyear Blimp on my layout (hanging from a piece of coat hanger and electrical wire) from the top of my background)  since at least 1985.  It is a snap together kit and has a two D cell operated Lighted Moving Message Board.  I have not used the Lighted Moving Message Board as it eats D cells (has three 3v flash light bulbs in parallel and small dc motor) and it is a pain to disassemble it, to change the D cells.  The model Blimp is 13 inches long and 3 inches in diameter and scale size here is not that important as a blimp is in the air and seen at various distances.  The kit was sold new in the 1970s and 80s and is available on eBay in various conditions.  I painted mine silver and the stabilizers red and blue.

Recently I found a 9vdc, 1000mA wall-wart transformer and used a Buck converter (learned about them on OGR forum) to make its output 3vdc.  I bypassed the ON/OFF switch, which was on one stabilizer, as it was of poor quality.  So now I have a train board Operating Accessory, a Revell Goodyear Blimp, with operating Lighted Moving Message board, .  It came with several pre-made message sheets and spare paper sheets to make your own messages with colored pens (that came with the original kit).  It even has a noisy geared rotating mechanism, like a real blimps noisy twin airplane motors and propellers.






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Last edited by Choo Choo Charlie
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There was a blimp base in northern Harris county when we moved here in ‘75.  We were about 30 miles south of it but saw it frequently, at least once a year. In ‘92 we moved to within 4 miles of the base. We saw it a lot!  Unfortunately around ‘95 or so Goodyear did some cost cutting. They had 5 bases, I think, and had to go down to 4, and Houston ended up getting axed.

Not a Goodyear blimp, but ...

I added a Coke-décor blimp with a Christmas theme to my layout.  It is suspended from a 24-inches-tall model of the Eifel Tower. A disco ball motor attached to a vertical shaft moves it in a circle around the tower.  A hobby friend who has a garage filled with machine shop equipment helped enable the project.

This blimp has batteries on board with a slide switch, when ON,  it will turn the aft propeller.  Ultra cool - and a hit with kids who visit my layout. Photos attached.

Mike Mottler    LCCA 12394


Images (4)
  • Coke Blimp v1
  • Coke Blimp v2
  • Coke Blimp v3
  • Coke Blimp v4
Last edited by Mike H Mottler

Kokie 71

Yes the wires hold up the blimp,  The wires are thin zip stranded copper twin wire often used for small speaker wires.  I separated the two strands about 14 inches and soldered them inside the blimp where the D cell batteries hooked up, bypassing the stabilizer fin switch which was flimsy.

I used a piece of heavy coat hanger wire to extend the blimp away from the back ground and hook the wires to the blimp on.  The end of the coat hanger wire was bent at 90 degrees and pushed in a hole in the top frame of the back ground.  The other end was bent in a 1/4 inch V shape to hold the wires to the blimp.  The twin wires were run along the coat hanger wire.


Last edited by Choo Choo Charlie

Charlie, I've got one of those Good Year blimps.  My brother built it around 45 years ago, maybe 50 now.  I remember the sign working when it first was built.  I don't even remember how I came to have it but It hung from the ceiling over my basement layout two houses ago.  Still layoutless in this house it hangs from one of the racks holding buildings and scenery that await the future layout. The sign hasn't worked in decades and I've never had the desire to open it up to find out why.

I built one of these when they first came out. At the time, B.F. Goodrichhad a commercial making fun of the blimp. So, the one that I built had "B. F. Goodrich" blazened on its side!😉

I have another one waiting to be built and I wonder if there is a programmable scrolling light display that would fit in that size hole?

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