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I got interested in this track plan from another thread.   I wondered if it could be updated and improved:

  1. I stretched the small inside oval (now O31)
  2. Was able to build an over-and-under figure-8 of O60 minimum (runs O54 equipment).
  3. Upgrade some routes to O36.
  4. Access hatch possibility inside the interior oval.
  5. Eliminated 'S' curves created at turnouts for spurs.


Green is O60 minimum.  Blue is O36.  Red is O31.


Still at 6' x 14'.   Grades are the dark green O60 curves, and are reasonable 3.8% and 3.9%, with the light green bridge at 5.5" in elevation.

I also dropped the back-n-forth bump to bump sections, which could be added back in if desired.

Note: the layout is tilted just a tad, to even clearances around the edge of the layout.

Comments?  -Ken


Images (2)
  • M614_1953-Showroom_Layout_V1d
  • 1953-showroom-layoutV2
Last edited by Ken-Oscale
Original Post

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I like the original layout track plan with one exception.  The "S" curve created with the two 022 switches at the front of the layout.  

I also can see the advantages of Ken's Fastrack designs.  So many to choose from and so little room or time.....LOL

I've been designing a post-war type layout for two years now.  Must bite the bullet and pick one.   

Dan Padova posted:

I like the original layout track plan with one exception.  The "S" curve created with the two 022 switches at the front of the layout.  

I also can see the advantages of Ken's Fastrack designs.  So many to choose from and so little room or time.....LOL

I've been designing a post-war type layout for two years now.  Must bite the bullet and pick one.   

Dan, you are right, and that 'S' curve is central to the original design of the layout. I have reduced it a bit in degrees of curvature.  But...

I have also looked at replacing it with O60 turnouts, but that makes other issues harder to solve.   I might try separating the turnouts so its not so much of an 'S', but just two turnouts in opposite directions.

Last edited by Ken-Oscale

Improved:  all of the Violet is O48 min, will run O42 equipment.  O42 can also run the O60 over/under figure-8.   Just the O36 cut-off to make an interior circle is O36, which is just for continuous running of O36 and traditional equipment, LionChief and the like.   


I like this color scheme better:  Green=O60 min.  Blue=O48 min.  Violet=O36.  Red (none) = O31.

4% grades to reach the light green bridge at 5.5".


Described as a 6x14 O48 Lionel FasTrack layout (runs O42), with the O36 cut-off, and the ability to run O54 on the over/under figure-8.


Images (2)
  • M614_1953-Showroom_Layout_V5d
  • M614_1953-Showroom_Layout_V5d
Last edited by Ken-Oscale

Turned-out to be a "solution" at all O48:  (with the over-under at O60min with 4% grades)


Perhaps with an On30 narrow-gauge loop on a mountain at 8" in height.   Shown as Kato Unitrack at 17" radius.  Access hole in the middle of the mountain: 2'x2'. An O36 FasTrack loop could be substituted.   Three trains running without intervention at the junction or crossings.


On the O gauge: O42 and smaller runs everywhere; O54 runs the over-under.


Images (2)
  • M614_1953-Showroom_Layout_V6a
  • M614_1953-Showroom_Layout_V6b
Last edited by Ken-Oscale

Here is an interesting addition: a reason for the layout to have an elevated line: a connection to another railroad and a spur (at about 7" in height), all at O60 minimum diameter (with a tunnel).


This would be an interesting and fun RR to build and operate.   Perhaps operate as two RRs, interchanging: the elevated green RR that descends into the valley below, making a connection with the blue RR running through the valley.  With some shared tracks, or trackage rights.     The minimum center-rail spacing is 5" at the tightest point.


Images (1)
  • M614_1953-Showroom_Layout_V6c
Last edited by Ken-Oscale

Working out a couple of ideas:  1) have the On30 do something useful:  industries off of the oval generate ore and timber, which cross over the O mains to the other end of the layout, and are transloaded to the 3R O-gauge.   The O-gauge at that end of the line, has a mine.   

2) re-align the staging at the bottom, partially hidden, a connection to another RR and an interchange track.



Images (1)
  • M614_1953-Showroom_Layout_V8a
Last edited by Ken-Oscale


M614_1953-Showroom_Layout_V8d-LeftM614_1953-Showroom_Layout_V8d-RightMore scenery details:

Design notes:  I am pretty much satisfied with this interpretation of Lionel's Showroom Layout.

  1. Expanding the inside layout to O48 minimum, running O42 equipment
  2. Adding reverse loop connections for the inside, which also creates two operating routes - the inside loop; and a figure-8.
  3. Expanding the outside up-and-over route to O60, running O54 equipment
  4. Adding a staging track, and/or connection to another RR for interchange (no double-stacks).
  5. Adding the On30 for a third operator, and more train action
  6. Additional spurs for more operating activity


  1. No yard, limited storage, but that is an aspect of the original plan as a showcase for new products
  2. I like a layout to have interesting operations, but also good continuous running and train watching without having to focus on throttles.   The outside up-and-over runs one train.   The second train is the On30 which I would set to a back-and-forth run with a pause at each end, rather than just running the On30 loop.  
  3. The third train is the inside route (brown ties), which can run its loop on the left (boring after a bit).  The problem is the intersection with the up-and-over.   I am wondering if this inside route could go through the crossing or switch-intersection and all the way to the right end, by either timing so that trains will miss at the crossings, or run this route using conventional control, and making this route automatically pause/yield to the outside (gray track) route.



Images (3)
  • M614_1953-Showroom_Layout_V8d
  • M614_1953-Showroom_Layout_V8d-Left
  • M614_1953-Showroom_Layout_V8d-Right
Last edited by Ken-Oscale

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