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This Christmas will be the 70th anniversary of my first electric train--an American Flyer set. That original set still runs, and it encouraged me to stay in our hobby and in our 1/64th scale for all of those 70 years. I recently completed a video of the original train and the layout on which it runs. Thanks to the support from American Models, S Helper Service, S Scale America (Des Plaines Hobbies), and Lionel American Flyer, more S scale equipment has joined that slim, early roster.  The link to the YouTube video is below.

Terry O'Kelly

YouTube Video of S Scale Layout


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Last edited by TOKELLY
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Fantastic layout, collection, video, back story, and comprehensive perspective on the joys of old and new S-gauge.  Thanks for producing and sharing this with us.  Have you ever had your layout featured in Classic Toy Trains magazine?  It ought to be and I'm certain they'd be happy to do so.  I suggest you contact Roger Carp at CTT.  He's their Senior Editor, a great guy, and terrific to work with.  He worked with me on an article about mine in the Feb 2017 issue.  Merry Christmas to you and yours  🚂🎄

Excellent story line, excellent modeling and a superb layout! Well done!

This is yet another S scale "hi rail" layout that indicates to me if I had pursued such an approach during my involvement with S, I may have stayed with it. (Instead I pursued more exacting scale modeling approach, and the lack of specific models/etc, caused its demise.)


I have a suspicion that your mother loved you boys even more than you realized at mere lads. What a mom she must have been.


@laming posted:

Excellent story line, excellent modeling and a superb layout! Well done!

This is yet another S scale "hi rail" layout that indicates to me if I had pursued such an approach during my involvement with S, I may have stayed with it. (Instead I pursued more exacting scale modeling approach, and the lack of specific models/etc, caused its demise.)


I have a suspicion that your mother loved you boys even more than you realized at mere lads. What a mom she must have been.


Closed frog turnouts and , and code 126 rail and you can run both

Dave,  the layout is likely to appear in an article in a future issue of the NASG's The Dispatch magazine. That magazine is a benefit to all members of the National Association of S Gaugers, but after four months or so, anyone can download issues from the NASG website.

Andre, thanks for the compliments on our mother. She raised eight kids with skill. Despite being unable to quit smoking herself, she decided to teach her three oldest boys a life-long lesson as pre-teens. We all had to take a deep drag on a cigarette to "do it right," and as we were gasping for breath, she reminded us that we had to pay for our own cigarettes ourselves if we wanted to feel that good again. None of her children ever took up smoking.

If I had to start over again, I would have closed frogs and code 126 rail. There were few choices back in the 1980s until American Models introduced their track and switches, so that is what replaced experiments with Gargraves track. It was a slow learning experience back then. These days there are so many sources of help from experts who post on this and other forums.


@TOKELLY posted:

S Scale Thumbnail

This Christmas will be the 70th anniversary of my first electric train--an American Flyer set. That original set still runs, and it encouraged me to stay in our hobby and in our 1/64th scale for all of those 70 years. I recently completed a video of the original train and the layout on which it runs. Thanks to the support from American Models, S Helper Service, S Scale America (Des Plaines Hobbies), and Lionel American Flyer, more S scale equipment has joined that slim, early roster.  The link to the YouTube video is below.

Terry O'Kelly

YouTube Video of S Scale Layout

Even though I grew up with O scale, I always thought S was the best ! Great Job, thanks for sharing!

"Dave,  the layout is likely to appear in an article in a future issue of the NASG's The Dispatch magazine. That magazine is a benefit to all members of the National Association of S Gaugers, but after four months or so, anyone can download issues from the NASG website."

Terry, 👍 roger that on the Dispatch and the NASG.  (This morning I emailed Peter V. a link to your video asking him to consider posting it on  I suggest CTT b/c I think an article on your layout would help promote S gauge to people not yet aware of the many ways you can enjoy it.  

Thanks again, and for the back copy viewing tip.  I'll share that as well.  Reading an edition or two might also pique someone's intereSt.      

Last edited by Sgaugian

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