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In building the kits, or restoring old ones, I used two part epoxy to make sure they

stay together, as an economic and permanent method.  (I might try carpenter's glue for wood on wood assembly)

There are decals in O scale available...and they are being made and offered...they have shown up in internet auctions, in O scale shows, and a few hobby shops, such as in Chicago, that stock O scale. The big name in them, Champ,  has wound down, if not gone out of business,  I think, but a lot are in dealers' boxes on tables,in the

right show. 

An O scale show, such as that at Strasburg, will have them, BUT it depends on the

roadname...popular ones will be found...others...will be more of an effort.  Mention

roadname and somebody on here may have what you want.

Smart move - my favorite cars are modern Walthers - the ones that come in the blue pin stripe box.  I find them more pleasing than my PSC cars, if a little less expensive.


Gluing sides is problematic, but Pliobond or Goo has worked satisfactorily for me.


Paint is always Scale Coat, applied dead-smooth.  Wood gets sanding sealer until it looks like metal.  Jim Wilhite has made Southern Pacific, Sud Pacifico de Mexico, Pennsylvania, The Overland Limited, Long Island, Norfolk and Western, Pennsylvania Reading & Seashore, San Diego and Arizona Eastern, and California and Oregon for me, and I am sure he would sell you a sheet for ten bucks plus postage.  These are all in gold, mostly with black outline.


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