PS-3 Premier GP40 . This is what it is...........
...........this is what it does........ does everything ( couplers , front and rear ditch light full function , announcments , headlights , etc. ) ........except forward and reverse movement .
This is the board and the circled component area that did not look like it was happy anymore. I couldn't detect , with my limited knowledge , any other bad board item.
I was performing wheel and pickup maimtanence on both of these GP40s with a conventional hook up. The first one worked well.....not so much the second engine.Both were in a live yard but not started or run for about a year.
When I started them up I only observed forward wheel rotation . I restarted both several times to get the logic to get organized. No. 1 did well and I did the reset and maintainence. No. 2 after the same method did not respond out of forward and then showed it's displeasure by a foul smell and a little wisp of smoke .
Can this little guy be made ALIVE or is he going to be DEAD ( non -powered engine ) ?