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I just received this week from USA a 2263W tender to match with my Lionel 763e.

Unfortunately I had to repaint the loco's body and of course all shades of paint are different. Maybe I will redo the whole set in the future, and if someone in the US could sell some different gun metal colors I think it would be of a great help for many restorers.


Have a nice tinplate weekend,   Daniel


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Yesterday this 1 Gauge Märklin French Postal car arrived from an auction. I do not know or can see whether the paint is all original, but I think it looks good. This was made in the late twenties.

I have updated my e-book on postal cars with this one; the complet book can be seen/downloaded here:





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Last edited by sncf231e

Been a while since I last posted here. Moved into a dorm, started hopping up my car, and in general been busy. Bought a lot of new stuff, fair bit of it will be going on the internet for sale. Figured may as well share some photos though.

I’m taking these back home with me at fall break. Picked up the Marx cars fairly cheap, they’re in decent shape. The Lionel cars all have been converted to knuckle couplers, which is interesting. Bought doors and door guides for the 1679 though, as they are missing.


Bought this Joy Line set for a decent price. I would like y’alls thoughts though, as the one side of each coach and the tender is pretty rough. I am thinking about building 2 good coaches out of what’s there, repainting  the frames and tender, then using a light soap and water mix to clean the roof and engine body before using a spray wax to make them shine again. Personal opinions?


These are all up for sale (actually need to ship the Eagle Eye caboose and the Hafner engine later today). I was going to keep some of them, but a guy can only have so many of certain things before he has too many.



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I just received this week from USA a 2263W tender to match with my Lionel 763e.

Unfortunately I had to repaint the loco's body and of course all shades of paint are different. Maybe I will redo the whole set in the future, and if someone in the US could sell some different gun metal colors I think it would be of a great help for many restorers.


Have a nice tinplate weekend,   Daniel

Congrats Daniel! Just look past the shades of gray... 

It's a great engine. How does it run?


Thank you George, it is a really nice model even if not in perfect collector condition. I had the pleasure to run it and it is a very powerfull loco, it runs very smoothly but it needs 072 curves tinplate tracks.

I think it is the greatest Lionel tinplate loco.... now i need to have matching cars of the same period....

Have a nice weekend,  Daniel


Thank you George, it is a really nice model even if not in perfect collector condition. I had the pleasure to run it and it is a very powerfull loco, it runs very smoothly but it needs 072 curves tinplate tracks.

I think it is the greatest Lionel tinplate loco.... now i need to have matching cars of the same period....

Have a nice weekend,  Daniel

It was cataloged with 2800 series freight cars, 2900 series scale freight cars, and 2613 passenger cars. The two-tone green passenger cars look nice. You could also opt for the 710 series scale freight cars, which I see fewer of. Also, while the Manhattan passenger cars were cataloged with a 226, they would look nice with the 763.

Have a nice weekend too!


couple projects this week. The 807 was purchase from El Classico. I had a spare four wheel truck frame laying around. A bit of JB strategically placed and viola.



an e bay find got a rough looking 2656.Quick trip thru the paint shop.



Now I have three O27 cattle cars


806 (another four wheel truck conversion)

and my custom paint 2656





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Last edited by Steamer

Thank you George, it is a really nice model even if not in perfect collector condition. I had the pleasure to run it and it is a very powerfull loco, it runs very smoothly but it needs 072 curves tinplate tracks.

I think it is the greatest Lionel tinplate loco.... now i need to have matching cars of the same period....

Have a nice weekend,  Daniel

I thought you have the Blue Comet cars, 2613/14/15.  Those are correct for the Gunmetal 763E.   The Madison cars 2623 came around in 1941 after they started painting the 763E Black with the Coal pile tender.

Greg J. Turinetti posted:

American Flyer      1938

Set #5  Northwestern Passenger

One of these days I will learn how to take better videos and how to edit them.  Here is the set in action.

Have a Great Tinplate Weekend

Northwoods Flyer


Greg, I assume your using your phone to take the video. A big improvement would be to turn it 90 degrees so you get a horizontal video instead of vertical. I trashed a few videos before I figured it out.


0482428E-5C42-4A28-9BDD-89A49F1F92E158DDAF5F-0F79-4B15-A63C-3D9BDA0456483EE2EA9B-2BC6-4880-8C1C-5F0D6D338DB3If your wondering where all the junky tank cars went...... picked up a few mote this week. Trying to get the later non plated but decaled versions so I can re-decorate.  Just got some micro sol & set in the mail so will try and work on the decals again.  i had some real issues with the sun oil decals. The DX decals seemed to settledown much better. I still have to paint some domes and rails black.


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If your familiar with the Flyer type XIX clockwork, there is a reason to call them “Flyer”. They a governor in the right front driver that never works  so they fly. A friend asked me to help her with hers. I decided a late Marx riser motor was the answer. It has a bell ringer like the original motor. Now runs at a decent controlled speed for about 40-50 seconds. 





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Last edited by Steve "Papa" Eastman
Steamer posted:
El Classico posted:
Steamer posted:

Now I have three O27 cattle cars


806 (another four wheel truck conversion)

and my custom paint 2656




Good to see 806 is still kicking around. A little surprised you didn’t repaint the roof after ou got it from me

actually that came from the same $5 box the caboose did

Ha, that’s interesting, mostly because I sold you (or more accurately, I think it was a relative of yours using your email) a caboose just like that at the same time you were planning an 8 wheeler conversion on. 

El Classico posted:
Steamer posted:
El Classico posted:
Steamer posted:

Now I have three O27 cattle cars


806 (another four wheel truck conversion)

and my custom paint 2656




Good to see 806 is still kicking around. A little surprised you didn’t repaint the roof after ou got it from me

actually that came from the same $5 box the caboose did

Ha, that’s interesting, mostly because I sold you (or more accurately, I think it was a relative of yours using your email) a caboose just like that at the same time you were planning an 8 wheeler conversion on. 

dang made me go downstairs and check my book. I DID get the caboose from you!

Steve "Papa" Eastman posted:
Greg J. Turinetti posted:

American Flyer      1938

Set #5  Northwestern Passenger



Greg, I assume your using your phone to take the video. A big improvement would be to turn it 90 degrees so you get a horizontal video instead of vertical. I trashed a few videos before I figured it out.


Thanks Steve. That is what I usually do, but yesterday I couldn't make anything work right. Here is another attempt.

I am looking forward to meeting you and your travelling companions at York.

Northwoods Flyer



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Last edited by Greg J. Turinetti
Steve "Papa" Eastman posted:
John Smatlak posted:

Sakai (Japan) streamlined steamer on the layout with some Lionel cars. In the first photo, an Ives 3255R appears on the adjacent track. Got to love the colors of early tinplate! Enjoy


Only a couple Sakai left in my collection, one of these that someone painted black and a earlier Banjo type.


Well do let me know if you decide you no longer need to keep the banjo type engine! Don't have one of those yet.

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