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I am pleased to report that photos (it was too difficult to transport) of my Open Hearth model won the Dean Freytag Award at the Steel Mill Modelers Special Interest Group annual meeting.  In this effort, I received significant assistance from the following members of this forum:

  • Bill Auman
  • Ray Mansfield
  • Alan Nelson
  • Alan Graziano
  • Rod Stewart
  • Price Bradshaw III

Thank you, gentlemen!


Some facts & figures:

  • Dimensions: 72” long x 37” wide x 34” high
  • Scratch-built – no kits or kit-bashing
  • Over 2,200 individual parts
  • 5 smoke units (all smoke shown in photos is real)
  • Each of the 4 furnaces (Nos. 11-14) represents a different phase of the open hearth process
  • Ingot mold flatcars and additive flatcars are scratch-built
  • Ingot molds are cast from an original design




Images (5)
  • IMG_5726
  • IMG_0351(1)
  • IMG_5688-V4
  • IMG_5652-V2
  • IMG_5685(1)
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@bluelinec4 posted:

Awesome model George   Congrats on the award  Well deserved   BTW  Is that going on your layout or do you need a layout that will accept it and keep it in safe condition


Thank you!  Actually, there is a spot on the layout reserved for it.  Below is a photo of the mock-up in its position.  Left-to-right:  Blooming Mill, Main Street overpass, Open Hearth, Strip Steel, entrance to run-around (white building).


But I appreciate the concern for the building.  At some point in the (hopefully) very distant future, it's my desire to donate it to the Weirton Area Museum and Cultural Center.



Images (1)
  • IMG_1305
@Mallard4468 posted:

Based on what you've shown, you're well on the way.  I'm guessing that the biggest challenge will be documenting stuff that you've already done.

Thank you.

I don't find the documentation a big deal.  I tend to take a lot of photos and keep notes about what things worked (and didn't) during the builds.  Since I tend to jump around to different projects (several balls in the air at the same time), this helps me remember where I was.


Since my last report at the end of July, work on the Open Hearth has continued. The first step was to clean up the workshop and train room, which accurately resembled a bombed out building.  It took the 2-3 weeks just to get the area to a state where work could resume.  After some experimentation, I decided to use magnets and small sheets of tin to fasten the walls and roof sections to the framework.  Describing that effort took one short sentence;  actually turning that statement into reality took more than a month.  In the process, the model consumed a great many Evergreen 4530 metal siding sheets, Plastruct 91512 roof sections, and long Evergreen square and rectangular rods.

I am pleased to report that all of this effort resulted in the winning of a Structures Merit Award today. The model scored 112 out of a possible 125 points.

This photo is of the rear of the model with most of the roof removed.  Final part count was just over 2,500.




Images (1)
  • IMG_6104
Last edited by G3750

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