I got a hold of a Lionel Pre War 437 Switch Tower. What was it designed to do with all those switches on the back?
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Does it look something like this? It's basically a control panel you wire into your layout. The top row are for throwing switches- they are momentary contact two way spring-loaded controls. Note the red and green paint. The bottom row are knife switches. They would be used for block control or anything you wanted to be able to turn on and off.
Oh sorry, just saw you have a photo. You have only the knife switches.
Yes, Now I see that I'm missing all the upper switches.
No, actually the upper turnout control switches are supplied with the track switch. You added them on. So the switch tower never came with the controllers, just the knife switches.
The power distribution design of prewar has always been a fascinating sight for me. Industrial Deco.
Topping it was a Jefferson Powerhouse's porch light also being the "on" lamp too. "Ocham's Laser" imo
But I have a big weakness for knife switches too (and leaves, but they aren't ”pretty" like most knife switches)
Yea, I can likely blame some of it on the Frankenstein movie too 😜
That's interesting Chuck. Thanks for the reply.