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New victim, a TMCC JLC Challenger getting an upgrade.  Super-Chuffer, Chuff-Generator, and also the Cruise Commander M.  Of course, a smoke unit tune-up to give it decent smoke is also part of the upgrade. 

Almost done, just have to get the chip LED into the headlight and then solder all the wires to the Super-Chuffer and we're ready to hit the rails.

JLC Challenger S-C Upgrade


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  • JLC Challenger S-C Upgrade
Last edited by gunrunnerjohn

My JLC Allegheny does not seem to have this issue, but I have no access to my pictures of the engine at the moment, to see what it's funnel actually looks like.

One solution is a fabricated brass collector-distributor like the one I made recently for the Lionmaster Challenger. It works great, but it is crazy time consuming to make. There is no way you could charge a customer enough to make it worthwhile IMO.

Another option is a 3d printed version like the one Bruk did for an LM Bigboy I think it was. But I dont know if he is prepared to do custom designs for sale to other people. And he would need some key dimensions off the current funnel to do the design.

just some thoughts,


Well, the smoke output is actually dependent on the tuning and/or type of smoke unit.  The Super-Chuffer is controlling the fan and doing some lighting enhancements, but it's not determining the volume of smoke.

Here's an upgrade that is using the MTH smoke unit and the Super-Chuffer.  This is what is possible.

Really nice work John - Love that smoke!

Hi Alex,

I didn’t realize Lionel used Buhler motors; they are well engineered German products. Depending upon the model of motor, average life expectancy can be from 600 to 4000 hours.

Can you tell if this just wore out near it’s expected lifespan or if it was shorted or otherwise mis-used?


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