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Like a sly black  panther emerging from its lair to go on the prowl a sleek bullet nosed Post-war Lionel 746 J class 4-8-4 Northern in its inimitable Norfolk & Western livery glides out of a darkened tunnel  in the Blue Ridge mountains of the Virginia’s.   It’s hauling a consist of mixed freight cars and is headed north to Hagerstown, Maryland.  


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Last edited by OKHIKER

Completed 1st of 2 road orders in operating session no. 2. After the 9 car tanker arrives in destination town, it backs through a busy area to spot tankers at storage facility.

Edit: Tonight a crew got a yard order for an EB M1a with an 8 car mixed freight and cabin car leaving the West yard for a town 100 miles down the line. After the consist was dropped at the yard, a fresh crew took coal and water, and backed the M1a to couple to another mixed freight for a WB return trip. That completes my operating Session no. 2. 


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Last edited by pennsynut
@RSJB18 posted:

That has got to be the best model RR accessory I have ever seen. WOW!

I'm going to go sit in a dark corner of my basement under my little 4X8 layout and cry now

I think you’ll have a lot of company, Bob. Though with only 4x8, it might get a bit crowed under the table I’ve got around 16x18, so I may be able to handle some of the overflow (but I call dibs on the corner with the cushion). You do realize that 4x8 is sort of the minimum size needed for a turntable and all it’s required accoutrements???

This train has been in a suitcase for 60 years.  Guy got it as a 7 year old in 1950.  He gave it to me as someone who might enjoy it.  After adding a paperclip as a drawbar, and providing a tender, i fired it up and there she goes!  Built in 1948.  They don’t make em like they used to!


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Don't make 'em like they used to!  63 year old train takes off!
Last edited by Hannibal-St Joseph RR

Thanks for the comments  everyone.  My roundhouse was built  on a 4 by 8 sheet of plywood.  A friend  Steve Kimble built it in his basement from a Korber kit. We worked on the door design for  a  long time. We finally figured  it out  and each door for now is opened and closed with a switch. Later  on by command. Just haven't  got that far.20210226_20290620210226_20293920210226_203038


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My Lionel JLC N&W Y6b hadn't stretched its legs in awhile, so I got him down to drag the freight around the layout while being pursued by the new Legacy B&M passenger set. The Y6b has an ERR Cruise Commander installed and she runs like a Swiss watch these many years later. Sorry, I forgot to turn on the smoke....

In the background is my "S" loop with a Lionel Legacy first-issue U33c in GN "Big Sky " livery hauling a consist of S-Helper Service cars to pay the bills.

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Two iconic Lionel post-war NW-2 Switchers ease on to their respective scenes along side busy trackside workers.  The first is a 6220 Santa Fe from 1949-50 while the other is a colorful 6250 Seaboard circa 1954-55.  In the background of the 6250 photo a Lionel PWC Minuteman  Motorized Unit prepares to haul a battery of missiles to bases ringing the city.711B1498-0EEF-44D8-BB77-BB28D380D61ADDEDA7D7-8D09-4B55-8B27-DCAA7923D476


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Last edited by OKHIKER
@farmerjohn posted:

Ran another UP freight on my high line.

Thanks for another great share, john. May I add your layout to the list that I can share with my CEO when she shunts my train-play? "Hey Hon, Look at THIS Layout!!"

Elliot Quote: "You can bring your wife next time and show her how bad it could be."

--> Ill Never reach the heights of eagles, and Ill still try my best,"

I fouled things up so I’ll try again.  Two Lionel legends from 1947 stage a meet while taking a curve on the Shenandoah Short Line.  These two engines represented Lionel’s version of the PRR’s renowned K 4S Pacific.  The 2-6-2 wheel configuration was wrong but no one seemed worried about it at the time.  On the exterior line an O Gauge 675 hauls a short string of passenger cars while on the interior line its brother engine, an 027 Gauge 2025 pulls a short freight.  In the video the 2025 high balls it’s was down a straightaway.  These engines were identical twins except for their cab numbers.  I often wondered if the consumer of 1947 was aware there was no difference in the two engines.  Regardless, the motors in these engines may well have been the finest Lionel ever manufactured.03D6E775-5172-4486-83F1-16B4929F921E


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WM fan, like you, smoke is one of my favorite locomotive features. Most, but not all, of my MTH Railking engines are very good smokers, and I do my best to add the correct amount of smoke fluid at the correct time, so the smoke works well. When a locomotive mysteriously stops smoking, it is always disappointing.

I have never purchased a Lionel Visionline steamer, and may never be able to afford one, but it's amazing smoke (whistle steam, etc.) would be the primary reason for me to splurge for one.

WM fan, like you, smoke is one of my favorite locomotive features. Most, but not all, of my MTH Railking engines are very good smokers, and I do my best to add the correct amount of smoke fluid at the correct time, so the smoke works well. When a locomotive mysteriously stops smoking, it is always disappointing.

I have never purchased a Lionel Visionline steamer, and may never be able to afford one, but it's amazing smoke (whistle steam, etc.) would be the primary reason for me to splurge for one.

I understand, that goes for me as well. Love your videos, keep them rolling..

A Lionel  New York Central L-3A Mohawk from 1998 strikes a pose shortly before departure. Then it blasts it’s way through the New York countryside with it’s colorful consist of NYC Pacemaker box cars and it’s haunting whistle hooting all the way.  Best Lionel whistle I ever heard.61F919EE-674B-47BD-9950-4A8031DFB26D


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Last edited by OKHIKER

Last night I ran the East End Local.    this is a local freight that originates in Youngwood Yard.   This train is handled so all work is trailing point switches.   It departs westbound and just past the yard limits switches the Depauw Electric Plant (electrical components).    Then it continues a ways to Scottdale at the bottom of the grade to Connellsville.     At Scottdale, there were 2 pickups at Rogers Overbearing, 2 at the freight station, 1 from the Team Track (public Delivery track on PRR), and one from Superior Oil.    Then there 2 setouts for Rogers, 1 for Cushing Feed, 1 for the Freight Station and 1 for the public delivery track.    

After that the train continued on to Connellsville because there is no room for a run-around at Scottdale.    At Connellsville, the loco was run around the train, the caboose (cabin) set at the rear, and the train started back eastbound.     It passed through Scottdale, and stopped at Alverton.    There it picked up one car from the Freight station and setout one at Havron & Son Elevator, and one at the freight station.

The train continued east and stopped at the west end of Youngwood.    Here it picked up 1 from the freight station and 2 from the Public Delivery Track.    Then it set out 3 at the Public Delivery track and 1 at the Freight station.    then the train continued on into the yard.     The cabin was dropped at the caboose track and the loco run to the engine house.   

I expect tonight, we may classify the incoming cars.

@prrjim posted:

Last night I ran the East End Local.    this is a local freight that originates in Youngwood Yard.   This train is handled so all work is trailing point switches.   It departs westbound and just past the yard limits switches the Depauw Electric Plant (electrical components).    Then it continues a ways to Scottdale at the bottom of the grade to Connellsville.     At Scottdale, there were 2 pickups at Rogers Overbearing, 2 at the freight station, 1 from the Team Track (public Delivery track on PRR), and one from Superior Oil.    Then there 2 setouts for Rogers, 1 for Cushing Feed, 1 for the Freight Station and 1 for the public delivery track.    ... .... ...

I expect tonight, we may classify the incoming cars.

This is new to me. In running trains, are you giving real life pick ups and drop offs list of to-do? And what is the Classify the incoming cars, please.? <thank you>


I have written a computer program that generates real switchlists for my cars.    These are based on what types of cars go to what industries, do they have track space etc.    This is similar to the "car-cards" idea you read about in many of the model RR magazines.    To do this stuff,  you need a way to route the cars.    And I find it most fun if the routing is done with a little randomness so I don't always take the easy way out.    All cars are moved by their car type and car number.    Each is taken to the specific industry they are routed to using the train. 

Classify the incoming cars means re-arrange them in the yard based on where they are supposed to go next.    Generally it means putting then together based on what train will take them out of the yard.     I have a "next destination" on my switchlists, so I know how to group the cars for the next time I run trains.

Hi LeapinLarry,

In your first video posted last Saturday, I noticed how you solved the challenge of having tracks on different levels, but directly above each other, by utilizing a cantilevered rock work.  That is an outstanding solution to an age old problem!  Could you please elaborate on your technique or if it's already posted somewhere point me in the right direction?  My search attempts keep coming up empty!

Thanks in advance.


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