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Today I ran a really pristine 226E and a 229 which was equally pristine.  Not my engines, but rather test runs of customer repairs.  It really is fun to run the prewar stuff.  With all of its bang and clang as it goes down the track it is really charming.  My wife really likes the bright colors as well.  The engines were pulling prewar freight cars that I own to really give the full effect.  I will run them again when the customers come to pick up their engines.  They really like the full effect of engine and cars from the same era!


K Line PARR 0-4-0 on the outdoor shelf layout. I was testing a Lionel ZW 250 W transformer I got for a friend this morning from the Kutztown show. Everything worked great, and my friend was thrilled. he will be giving it to his son in law for Christmas. Just by chance, he and I were both at our church dropping off clothing, and he asked me about a ZW. I completely forgot that I was going to the show, but I told him I would check around. Mission complete, in less then 24 hours!

Just ran my K line UPs with new LED upgrade to see how it looks with LEDs in the vista dome area also.  Not the right engine but was the easiest to use.  

Then put a different LED into the first Illinois Central K line car to compare. Sure you can figure out which one of the Illinois central cars has LED lighting.  No more flickering.


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Last edited by Rich Melvin
@PH1975 posted:

third rail - Enjoyed your video (nice layout - what I saw of it) but was disappointed not to hear some of your "various horn sounds." 

I didn't record the horn sounds because I ran the train at the club and it's  too noisy to hear over the other trains running.

Farmer John :

I ran the train at the Chicagoland Lionel Railroad Club.  We have 2 layouts,  connected by a huge lift bridge.  7 separate runs, all have at least 072 and larger curves.

Can a tiny 44 ton center cab diesel pull heavyweight passenger cars?

You bet it can!

Take a look at this MTH PS3 Premier NY Ontario & Western 44 ton center cab diesel, running on DCS, pull these Lionel heavyweight NY Central and Pullman passenger cars:

Riding on those passenger cars is a resurrected Babe Ruth, Lou Gehrig and Joe DiMaggio to beef up the anemic hitting in the Yankee lineup for the game at the Stadium today!

LOL, Arnold


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I finally reached a point on my layout where I can run trains and post a video here that you would hopefully enjoy.

Scenery is a bit sparse but everything is operational. This is a little Lionel J action pulling early Willams passenger cars along with a Williams RI GP9 that I converted to PS3.

Hope you like!


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@farmerjohn posted:

A fun little feature I haven't  posted before. I have a airport on my layout which is small of course and is not finished by any means.  Everything  takes time but  I do have a plane in the air.

Awesome, Farmerjohn! I love the colors of the lights. Is the airplane a drone? If not, how did you make it fly?

Last edited by Arnold D. Cribari

Here's  another scene from a different perspective  which is out over my main layout. Some of these little things make it fun. Kids that have visited my layout really like the plane feature and some have asked me to try and land it at the airport. Wow that would be a neat feature  and my friend  Steve and I are working on that. All I can say is maybe.


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Arnold. The plane is not a drone. It is carried  by  a die-cast car pushed by a engine on a track next to ceiling.  It runs about 200 ft around my layout . It's a fun feature that when people visit my my layout see something that is a little different.  So far the plane has gotten more attention  from kids than my trains.  By the way. I really like you're videos  of you're layout. Thanks for posting .

Junior. Thanks for asking. This is a personal layout that I've  been working on for several years. I've tried to put features on it that would be interesting  to different  interest. I have a super friend Steve Kimble who has really  helped me with some different features. In fact my layout would not be what it is without his help. We are working on a river feature  now and I'll soon be posting pics of it.  Thanks.

FarmerJohn - always enjoy seeing photos of your layout. Really creative idea on suspending the plane from an overhead engine. I would have guessed a monorail.

It reminded me of a German (HO or OO) layout which features jumbo jets landing and taking off -  fixed from underneath.

This is a promo of the display which runs about 5 minutes - Miniatur Wunderland *** official video *** largest model railway / railroad of the world

The following a long clip of the public display - the planes taking off and landing -  beginning around 15:15 of the video.  MINIATUR WUNDERLAND  

Scouting Dad. Thanks for the comments. The German layout has the jets landing and taking off and I saw this several years ago. Man are they awesome.  My thing is We're  trying to figure out how to get the plane to drop about 3 feet to runway. The current for lights is now supplied by track power on the plane which runs in a small tube which also carries the plane. We're  thinking about about a solution and when it hits us I'll post it . Thanks Johnny


A N scale DC motor will fit in these K line planes with some retrofitting.  I have one already completed on my runway now just have to wire it up. I'll post it soon. The one in the air will take some more work but I have the parts. Just take time. Ill post it when it happens.  The little things makes a layout don't you think.

Well, today, I tested the Texas Special passenger train out on the top level of my layout, 76/77 inches off the floor. It’s the level on my layout that’s a nod under, (if you are over 6’2) my layout is a walk around, walk under so as to give distance for the trains. This is one train that I’ve had the opportunity to ride in real life. From Dennison Texas, to Dallas, and all the way to St. Louis Missouri, back in 1955, 1956.  It was a thrill for a little boy to look out the window all night long. Those were fun days. You can also see the train coming by looking into the mirror. Happy Railroading Everyone F18E13F0-4A1B-42D4-9712-52FA77DAB7EA


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Wow, there’s lots of great pictures and videos on this page, it’s such a wonderful hobby. I love watching Farmerjohn run his trains and the best part is he’s a short drive from Clarksville. Also I’m a short drive to see Dr. Jack Fishers layout, and that’s what it’s all about, having train Days with friends. RSJB18 Bob, that 44 toner looks like a nice runner, Happy Railroading Everyone 49B3354F-C8E3-412D-9272-D0113C3FCAA79C69C28B-9F52-4281-A01D-A85412722CF4


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I really enjoy watching Arnold C. Running his new Legacy 10 wheeler in command mode, awesome looking steamer, a great smoker to, a cool layout to, Winston B, awesome video with beautiful pennsy diesels, nice layout, Trumptrain, the P5A’s/GG1’s look powerful, in that exciting scene, so colorful, so dynamic. Wow. I also forgot to mention the Cool Airplane on Farmerjohns amazing layout, it actually is in the air for a long time and the lights flashing Ad a lot to the fun. It’s a Wow. Darrel, that’s an amazing GG1, red/white/blue playing beautiful music, it sure is nice and a great surprise. Fantastic. Again, Happy Railroading Everyone.C753C6AC-F3DB-4F19-AF15-B32D7328FA61C0CCC58A-C35E-4851-9808-822DA2E0DDFCE8CE8BD9-28BB-4483-A39C-1C975C589BC8


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@leapinlarry posted:

I really enjoy watching Arnold C. Running his new Legacy 10 wheeler in command mode, awesome looking steamer, a great smoker to, a cool layout to, Winston B, awesome video with beautiful pennsy diesels, nice layout, Trumptrain, the P5A’s/GG1’s look powerful, in that exciting scene, so colorful, so dynamic. Wow. I also forgot to mention the Cool Airplane on Farmerjohns amazing layout, it actually is in the air for a long time and the lights flashing Ad a lot to the fun. It’s a Wow. Darrel, that’s an amazing GG1, red/white/blue playing beautiful music, it sure is nice and a great surprise. Fantastic. Again, Happy Railroading Everyone.C753C6AC-F3DB-4F19-AF15-B32D7328FA61C0CCC58A-C35E-4851-9808-822DA2E0DDFCE8CE8BD9-28BB-4483-A39C-1C975C589BC8

Love the night scene, super video, thanks for sharing.....

@MELGAR posted:

Today, I ran my MTH Premier New York Central USRA 0-6-0 steam locomotive #231 double-headed with MTH New York Central 0-4-0 steam locomotive #901 on an eight-car freight. These are PS-2 models which run well on the O-54 part of my old layout.  What trains did you run today?



Great, love double-heading, i do that on my Western Maryland coal drag, thanks for sharing...

@PH1975 posted:

RickO - Interested in the make and model of your black steamer as I couldn't make it out on your video, and is your Empire State Express Hudson made by Lionel or MTH?  Thanks!

The black steamer is a Lionel  TMCC Mohawk L2a  item #6-11105

The ESE Hudson is Lionels Legacy offering of the ESE Hudson for Mercury service Item# 6-82537

Today, I ran three freights around the layout. The first one is a double header with my VL BB and a friend's legacy FEF. The second train is a mixed reefer train headed by a cab forward in the Daylight paint scheme. The third and final train is a short local freight bound for a local coal mine, and it is headed by a legacy ten-wheeler.

I didn't measure the length, but each car is roughly 10" long, including couplers.  Add in the locomotive and it looks to be about 48 feet.  The 2-6-6-2 Mallet had no issues at all pulling it around.

This was actually a test of track/switches, the variety of brands and truck styles was to find the occasional short across a couple of the Ross switches.  I think I tracked them all down, and it made continuous laps for around half an hour without any shorts.  Hopefully, I have knocked them all out and it'll be smooth sailing going forward.

Last edited by gunrunnerjohn

Here I have a mixed freight of Marx pulled be a Lionel 2035,  2-6-4 with a Marx 2731 Santa Fe tender.  I really like the old cars with the fork couplers.                                           On the outside track is American Flyer with mixed freight.    On the helix it's all Lionel,  the Virginian pulling a C&O freight.  Nothing proto type in my train room, it's all for fun.


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Marx & Flyer #2
@boomer0622 posted:

Here I have a mixed freight of Marx pulled be a Lionel 2035,  2-6-4 with a Marx 2731 Santa Fe tender.  I really like the old cars with the fork couplers.                                           On the outside track is American Flyer with mixed freight.    On the helix it's all Lionel,  the Virginian pulling a C&O freight.  Nothing proto type in my train room, it's all for fun.

Woah, Boomer, that's some spectacular layout you have. Trains galore.

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