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AMemorial Day weekend required my military trains to take a spin on the layout after Mass this morning. The GP20 was my first PS3 engine and it still sounds and runs great. The conventional US Army steamer running on the floor track is from the Lionel troop train set.

Here is the US Army GP20 backing out of the Yard heading to maneuvers on the other side of the layout -

Here is the Lionel US Army Steamer rushing those troops to the camp -

What a great way to start the morning. Once again, deepest honor and respect to all the heros that gave their lives for my Freedom.


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Today I am running a Williams Brass Mikado with Williams brass freight cars ( bhoppers, 2 boxcars, 2 tank cars and caboose) and my very first Lionel set from 1961 which I have put together from individual purchases over the last few years.  This was a bottom of the line promotional set sold at Montgomery Wards and other places.  All rolling stock has fixed arch bar trucks and the engine has no reverse, windshield or fuel tank.  It is really cheesy but since it was my first it has special meaning to me.  I don't know what happened to my original since I have other trains from that time period.



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Facing a long haul before I have a layout room prepared,  I just had to throw down some used track today & run a D,L & W  train.  Even if the tender's coupler did not want to pull just one diecast car - it was still enjoyable, and yes Ogauge takes up some space !  Have to hand it to some of the older stuff, take out of box, throw on track, apply power & off it goes !IMG_1887


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@Junior posted:

@Apples55.....Whoa! Nice parallel lines those E7's are making. BTW....are you the builder of that cool curved passenger platform? It looks awesome! Please drop some hints on how you constructed that!

Thanks, Junior. Unfortunately, I did not build the station/platforms. I have the building skills of a gnat (which is probably an insult to most gnats!!!). I bought them from Crescent Locomotive Works a couple of years ago. There was a thread recently which said Dave is no longer selling built up models, only kits. If you’re better at building, you may want to contact him to see if he’s doing them as a kit.

I ran 3 consiststoday- all motive power acquired in the last week:

Lionel Conrail SD80mac with TMCC and Odyssey freight train



Lionel Legacy F40Ph phase III with w/ k-line baggage, 2 mth capstone phase V...0BE0D8E0-075B-4AC0-A558-4D5B0302E0CC

....and at the end of the passenger consist, one 18” Amfleet coach with  the Cab End carC0A01C22-E0FC-4C2A-B386-A7E83935AC90

As well as a Lionel/Ives 1932(late transition era if you consider 31 and 32 transition) 1600 series Ives labeled freight consist.


Headed by a Lionel 248 Box Cab, just bought at a show yesterday, until the 1652E I also acquired Is fixed!


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This is a couple days running.  1st day I decided to break up the long Marx train  with all the red cars on  one track and all the tankers on another.   Yesterday  I boxed up the Marx and unpacked some forgotten Lionel box cars & hoppers.  So the outside track I'm running my coal train, center track just mixed boxcars pulled by an old Lionel  #2035,   and inside W.M. Alcoa pulling dairy and produce


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Mixed Freights

Paul, instead of another sound boxcar or reefer, Lionel should come up with rolling stock that emit smell.  Imagine how good that boxcar of biscotti would smell on an early morning leaving the factory.  The youth hockey players at the skating rink next door would be drooling as the train went by.

Let me take you back to 1956 in horse country where a Maryland Midland diesel hauls a B&O freight train through a town called Plasticville.

[This introduction reminds me of the way Rod Serling introduced his Twilight Zone episodes. He would add a spooky remark like: "Although the train is moving, the people and creatures are frozen in time, as still as mannequins in a store window." LOL]

The smoking locomotive is an MTH Premier Proto 3 Maryland Midland diesel. Arnold


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Last edited by Arnold D. Cribari

Rod, I mean Arnold; what is the structure between the gas station and the tower?

Jay, to the left of the tower and in front of the gas station in my above video is the back of the Plasticville supermarket.

To the right of the tower and the gas station is the Plasticville corner men's clothing store.

Here is a photo of the Corner Men's Clothing Store:


Here is a photo of the front of the supermarket:


Since I don't have much room for structures on my long narrow layout, I chose these structures because they are relatively small, and I could have eough structures to make a little village. Arnold


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Last edited by Arnold D. Cribari
@coach joe posted:

Arnold did the crew stop t the Bird in Hand Bakery for some Shoe Fly pie?

Not sure, but if I was in the crew, I would have headed straight for the saloon in Intercourse, PA.

I just Googled it:. Don't know if there is a saloon, but there are some interesting activities relating to the Amish.

Last edited by Arnold D. Cribari

I was going thru my plug door boxcars which are an extension of my childhood trains. I have been trying to recreate the

set I had between about 1953 and about 1965. It started with 1953 set when I was about 4. 1130 loco, 6066T tender,

6034 boxcar, 6032 gon, 6465 tankcar and 6037 caboose. It went into grandmas attic after that. I would get to play with it

when I went to visit for a few days. Somewhere along the line a 6062 NYC gon was added. About  '55 or '56 my dad and

grandfather set up a sheet of homosote on a couple of sawhorses in her basement, a bit wavy with no framing but amazing

for me. My grandfather showed me how to solder and how to use his table saw and said there you go and went back up to watch

the Cubs. Imagine a 7 year old today standing on a wooden box operating a table saw with no guards and an open belt. I

learned to make my own uncouplers (glue a nail in an old spool, wrap wire around the spool and apply power), made crude

manual switches on a piece of wood from an old box, etc. Anyway, here are a couple of short vids of my recreation of my first

set, and its progression thru the next few years. The little 1130 could manage the cars on the sheet of homosote back in the

day kinda, but I don't want to burn this one up. Sorry about the crude video


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July is military trains month at my house.  So I dug out some of my PW military items.  The inner train is pulled by 2 US Marines Alcos (both powered) and ends with the US Marines caboose.  I put an MRC sound system in the lead unit so now it has prime mover sounds, horn and bell.  Really livens up the action with these old Alcos.  The outer train is pulled by the US Navy Alco AB and ends with the security car.  Lots of fun shooting missiles and rockets at exploding bunkers and exploding boxcars.



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Boomer 0622, thank you for the compliment, we used hydrocal in scenic express molds and painted each one individually, and yes, 5 levels, all inter-connected together, so a train on the bottom level can wind it’s way around via two helixes through each level all the way to the top and via a “Y” on the top level turn the train around to decent to the bottom level. I’m getting ready to set up Routing with my Cab 2 remote to make it easy. Thank you for asking. Winston B, cool video, I love the UP lash up freight train, wow…James RX, Beautiful NYC diesels video, nice layout and great scenery,  Happy Railroading Everyone


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I got that last HO loco running yesterday evening. It's almost 25 years old. I now have four HO locos to run, along with a small fleet of freight cars. These are my locos (some of the locos have parts missing and are not in the best condition, but they run):

-Life-Like HO UP GP38-2 Hi-Nose #2007 (Just got it running yesterday)

-Life-Like ATSF Warbonnet GP38-2 #3500

-Bachmann HO ATSF GP40 #6067

-Bachmann HO UP Greyhound 0-6-0 Steam Loco #4441

Here are a few pics of the locos (not my photos of course):


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  • ATSF GP38-2 #3500
  • ATSF GP40 #6067
  • UP0-6-0 Steam Loco #4441
  • UP GP38-2 #2007
Last edited by Dylan the Train Man

Scouting dad.  Here is a short video  of part of my town . It is still a work in progress.  The Miller lights are really an eye catcher. Thanks for asking.

Junior.  I don't  have a track plan drawn out to show. I would draw it out on paper at night then later tried to work it in. A lot of trial-and-error.  Ill post some pictures  of the entire layout as soon as some more scenery is done. Thanks for the comments. 20210722_144717


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FarmerJohn a big thanks for posting the town video. looks like a scene out of a movie. I like the way the streets are at the front and back of the buildings. I don't have quite enough room to do that on this layout. I'll keep it in my back pocket of ideas for the next one.

I thought the Miller Barber sign kind of looked 3D in their photos sure looks like it is in you video. Besides that one, I am trying to decide between a Woolworth or Rexall building sign. Of course there are several window signs worth a look as well.

@farmerjohn posted:

Scouting dad.  Here is a short video  of part of my town . It is still a work in progress.  The Miller lights are really an eye catcher. Thanks for asking.

Junior.  I don't  have a track plan drawn out to show. I would draw it out on paper at night then later tried to work it in. A lot of trial-and-error.  Ill post some pictures  of the entire layout as soon as some more scenery is done. Thanks for the comments. 20210722_144717

Hey FarmerJohn....

No rush! Just thought if you had a layout plan handy it would be fun to see.

BTW.....your curved street scene really reminds of Back to the Future II ! It's very cool!

@farmerjohn posted:

Scouting dad.  Here is a short video  of part of my town . It is still a work in progress.  The Miller lights are really an eye catcher. Thanks for asking.

Junior.  I don't  have a track plan drawn out to show. I would draw it out on paper at night then later tried to work it in. A lot of trial-and-error.  Ill post some pictures  of the entire layout as soon as some more scenery is done. Thanks for the comments. 20210722_144717

That’s an awesome looking layout! How big is it?

My MTH locosound F3 from an old set pulling a freight train and the engine from my first set, the Pennsylvania Flyer pulling a passenger consist. I was pleasantly surprised to find the smoke unit on the Pennsylvania Flyer was working again, I thought it was broken for the longest time. My best guess is it got flooded with fluid.


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@farmerjohn posted:

N&W guy. You asked how big my layout is . My basement is 2650 Sq ft. I built my house with my layout in mind . I've dedicated  my whole basement  to  my trains. It's a big project  but super fun. Thanks for asking .

Wow farmerjohn - you lucky dog! Your basement is bigger than my whole house (not including my basement)!

I gotta find me a basement stretcher to expand the WVRR again. Does anyone know where I can borrow or rent one?

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