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This past weekend I ran a Weaver NYC Dreyfus, a Weaver Leigh Valley John Wilkes and a Lionel Illinois Central F3.

The Dreyfus was converted to PS3 by @GGG, the John Wilkes was converted to PS3 by @gunrunnerjohn and the IC F3 was converted to TMCC by Me after the Pulmor motors were replaced with DC can motors by @ftimko.

They all run smooth as silk!


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Ran my Lionel Legacy Alaska GP35 #2501 and #2502 with Burlington Northern SD40-2 #8002 that was damaged and returned to me. I fixed the Kinematic coupler porch that was bent downward. Running my three 5-car Double Stack to sort and thin out my Atlas O 40' and 45' Containers to sell on Ebay. I bought way too many extra Containers.

Having fun as I select which trains to keep and which to sell on Ebay. Have a good night. Sincerely, John Rowlen


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Ran my Lionel Alaska 21" eight-car passenger set with Vista Vision Dome. The Preiser 65602 Seated People inside were painted by me. They are a few of the 5,000 I have painted over the years. They were white blanks before I painted them. The car seats, tables and other features were painted to give visual depth to the inside of the cars. The interior was all beige plastic before I started detailing.

See some of my detailing work in OGR Thread "NEW Lionel Penn Central 21 inch Passenger Cars".  This thread shows some of the detailing of the seven Penn Central 21" passenger cars I did.  Have a good day.

Sincerely, John Rowlen


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@John Rowlen posted:

Ran my Lionel Alaska 21" eight-car passenger set with Vista Vision Dome. The Preiser 65602 Seated People inside were painted by me. They are a few of the 5,000 I have painted over the years. They were white blanks before I painted them. The car seats, tables and other features were painted to give visual depth to the inside of the cars. The interior was all beige plastic before I started detailing.

See some of my detailing work in OGR Thread "NEW Lionel Penn Central 21 inch Passenger Cars".  This thread shows some of the detailing of the seven Penn Central 21" passenger cars I did.  Have a good day.

Sincerely, John Rowlen

Your Alaska Rail looks amazing.  We had an Alaska F7A with various passenger cars parked in the center of town for years.  Good job on all the detail work!

I ran the 736 Berkshire with a string of freight cars - in the dark! That's the first time running trains in the dark since I was a kid. It's nice to see the locomotive headlight, caboose light, and all the signal and semaphore lights in the darkness. I have dimmer control on the overhead lights so in the future I can try a "sunset" run. It's all good when nothing derails as well.

I call this one my Super Greenball Express:

My 1954 Christmas gift at the age of 3 was the original Greenball Express freight set, consisting of the Lionel 2065 Hudson and short tender, operating milk car and platform, operating green log dump car and bin, yellow stock car, red gondola and illuminated caboose. Also included in that set was a small transformer, and some 027 track including a remote control track for unloading and uncoupling.

I have all of the original trains in that set in good operating order.

It is a gross understatement to say that this Greenball Express set has great sentimental value for me that invokes nostalgic feelings to the maximum extent for me.

This weekend I was thrilled to learn that I have a digitized home movie showing my original Greenball express running around an oval of track with 3 year old me sitting in middle of that oval with my father looking on.

Notice that the train in the above video substitutes a 773 Hudson (1964 version) and NY Central tender for the 2065 and tender, and adds an operating coal/ore dump car, and Sunoco oil tanker car. Hence, it's my Super Greenball Express, and it runs beautifully on my O gauge layout through my 031 curves and 022 switches.



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Last edited by Arnold D. Cribari

I’ll post a video soon but just want to say, this thread is really fun to watch as more modelers and train guys post small videos of their fun to run railroads. Technology is really a vibrant part of our hobby now and running trains in a form of command mode has really enhanced our love of building our layouts. Having seen Farmerjohns layout in person, I can say that over the past 10 years, it’s really a true Buffett of passenger trains, freight trains running for hours appearing and disappearing more than one can imagine. The high line is high, over 6 feet from the floor, and it extends into different areas of the layout that it’s Impossible to figure out the route, Wow, all of his lines of track take different paths and it’s simply amazing to watch the beautiful trains pass each other, up and over each other, Awesome. Here’s a few still pictures of Farmerjohns vivid imagination. Happy Railroading Everyone 636BB828-88BC-48C8-B2A3-A4C275513768A1BD3E15-A14F-4C21-A2D4-6B04F24512E7DE17E409-2F96-4987-8111-2D7D414527761ED3F6B8-0374-4B32-B5B0-A67C9EA832DD702393DB-3FBC-478A-B688-7FFCD0A4F5156C110379-7888-47E4-A27E-5D3917F1CC23BAB8C89D-0F96-4BBC-A01F-017E382DA86211902C1B-BCD0-4BC8-817D-7D5EC419AA09E91DDC78-03D9-4CAA-B0BA-A983BBD8ED54


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@leapinlarry posted:

Wow, Rsjb18 Bob, really cool videos of beautiful trains, the Menards F7 is gorgeous, the Long Island switcher makes great moves, cool dual level layout, really looks like a fun to run model railroad, Happy Railroading Everyone

Thanks Larry.

Nice selection of videos. I didn't know that the 4141 played Hail to the Chief. The box car and tool car sounds are neat too.


Bob, If you have the materials on standby, and you send your wife on vacation for two weeks , upon her return she’ll be pleasantly surprised. You could always say, “It followed me home so I have to keep it”.

And I'll be sleeping under it from that point on too........

The reality Jay, like so many of us, is waiting until the kids (24, 17) are out so I can reclaim the space next to the layout where my son has his X-Box gaming lair. The corner of the basement is about 12x8 that I could do a decent around the wall pike with a lift bridge. Some claims of eminent domain further into the basement will be negotiated on a as-need basis.


Funny thing, it makes me anxious to run more than 1 train at a time on my layout even though I have 2 independently powered interconnected main loops so 2 trains running simultaneously should not collide unless I do something very stupid, which occasionally happens. LOL.

To see as many as 5 trains running on someone else's layout also makes me anxious even though I have no skin in the game because none of the trains are mine. Maybe subconsciously they looks like snakes in a snake pit to me? LOL.

Had a problem with the valve gear of a 2-6-2 older Lionel 2025 hitting the lift along the rail to trip the giraffe cars arm that triggers the giraffe to duck.  I had to move the lift away from the rail and then the arms on the giraffe cars would not stick out far enough to work.  I then pried the metal sleeve to stick out more and this fixed the problem.  Funny the other 2025 and other 2035 never had this problem.





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Giraffes duck 4-29-2022 2022-04-29 001

Lionel's Giraffe cars are one of the most animated freight cars they've ever developed....I ABSOLUTELY LOVE THEM! Especially when a whole string of them are run together....the action they provide are just too much for me to handle! I immediately smile every time I see a whole line of them with their heads bobbing.

I was hoping you posted a video....and you did. Made MY day!

Last edited by Junior

I ran four locomotives this evening.

First, I tested Central Railroad of New Jersey USRA 0-6-0 steam switcher #107 – model by Atlas O. The sound and tether have been somewhat problematic recently but are normal on the O-72 outer loop of my 12’-by-8’ layout going straight through the Atlas O-72 switches.

Second, I ran New York Central GP-9 #6001 – model by MTH. That engine, like all my PS3s runs smoothly and without any problems.

Next, I ran Long Island Rail Road G5s 4-6-0 #21 – with Dashing Dan Cannonball passenger cars and Boston & Maine ALCO S-2 #1274 pulling freight – both models by MTH. I especially like the steam sounds of #21 when running fast, and that’s how I usually run it. See video.




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Mel, I had similar problems with the tether on my Atlas NH 0-6-0 on my O-42 curves.  I ended up damaging the tether while trying to unplug it, so I had the engine converted to PS3.

The tether plugs on my MTH steamers equipped with the “wireless” tether also became loose after a period of operation.  Like the Atlas, the loss of sound indicated the plug was loose, even though they continued to run.

On the advice of my good friend, Ed, I tied the tether plug to the tender drawbar with a black twist tie to hold the plug in place.  This solved the problem with my MTH engines; I suggest you see if you can secure the tether on your Atlas in a similar way.  Let me know if you have any luck!


Wow, what beautiful passenger and freight  trains are on this fun to review forum, thanks for posting some of your favorite trains. As a little boy in Flora Illinois, everyday at noon the B&O passenger train would pass through and head towards Vincennes Indiana. I rode my bike to the station at noon almost everyday, it was such a beautiful train to me. @@Yellowstone, wow, nice freight train and beautiful layout, @WinstonB that’s a beautiful Southern Pacific passenger train video, a Wow. Happy Railroading Everyone 942F26F6-FAB2-486F-8214-19383BDCED39370CD286-393F-48AB-B249-FBAFE711A4C1BE86A73C-AD8C-4E96-BE36-FDB4EFD1D604


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@Junior posted:

@gunrunnerjohn....your Q2 is absolutely gorgeous! Is it all original or did you "perform your magic" and add some upgrades to it?

It's currently "original", actually slightly less than original.  The 5V PS/2 board had croaked when I got it, which is why I got a good price.  However, the original board is a "special" board with FLASH for extra code to support the articulated chuff, and I didn't have one of those.  That being the case, I just stuck a regular 5V board into it to give it a run after cleaning it up, putting traction tires on it, and a little cleaning and lube.  I'm going to pull that board out and use a 3V board that does support the articulated chuff.  I have the 3V board on the bench all loaded up with the Q2 sound file, and I just changed out the 3V connectors for the 5V connectors to allow me to install it.  Since the board is in the locomotive, it's a bit trickier than some installs.

While it's open, I'll also add a pickup roller to the tender.  Even though it's a large locomotive, it has two fairly closely spaced rollers, so a reliability improvement will be an additional roller on the tender.  I think I'll also give it an amber LED headlight as well, they look much better and brighter than the 6V incandescent bulbs.

@Wood posted:

UP Heritage SD70ACe s' lashed up pulling a new load of Norscott 1:48 Scale equipment from the CAT Factory,

I captured this video and also used it on the Friday Front End Friday thread.

Hey @Wood...

When I read "Cat" I immediately thought kitty cat 😁!

I love the flat car loads...looks the rail cars might be at their load limit!

And it appears you're a tubular track guy. I am as well. I've made a huge investment in tubular track that it pains me to even think about going to fast track or any other track system. Although all my turnouts are Lionel 072 with a smidgen of 031 used only on sidings.

Thanks for the great video!

@Junior posted:

Hey @Wood...

When I read "Cat" I immediately thought kitty cat 😁!

I love the flat car loads...looks the rail cars might be at their load limit!

And it appears you're a tubular track guy. I am as well. I've made a huge investment in tubular track that it pains me to even think about going to fast track or any other track system. Although all my turnouts are Lionel 072 with a smidgen of 031 used only on sidings.

Thanks for the great video!


Yes we have kitty cats. They jump on the table.  Haha.

The value to Norscott products is they are true 1:48. I hate all of the tractors by MTH and Lionel. They're pint size.

Tubular tract. Yup, same story, I had a lot of O27 profile track with O42 curves. My layout is medium sized 17' by 20' and I'm a track junkie. Every siding and mainline connects to the whole layout.

I like the O27 profile because it is low in height, not like Lionel O gauge. I weathered by painting the track.  Added ties and think it looks good. Used Gargraves O42 switches. Tubular has the best conductivity. No dead spots.

We all make choices based on inventory, replacement cost and reliability. I'm ok with my choice the trains run flawlessly.

Thanks for your kind words.

"I like the O27 profile because it is low in height, not like Lionel O gauge. I weathered by painting the track.  Added ties and think it looks good. Used Gargraves O42 switches. Tubular has the best conductivity. No dead spots.

We all make choices based on inventory, replacement cost and reliability. I'm ok with my choice the trains run flawlessly."

I agree Wood.

Check out:  About | WarrenVille RailRoad ,if you have not already, all O27 height track

My first MTH PS2 locomotive: a Railking Pennsy Bantam Turbine hauling MTH Railking Pennsy aluminum looking passenger cars:

Not sure if it's a 5 volt or 3 volt PS2. I know the 5 volt can be problematic.

I'm almost sure I replaced the battery with a BCR, so I thinks it's in good shape.

It has performed perfectly since I bought it many years ago. It's one of my favorite engines. Arnold


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Last edited by Arnold D. Cribari

My first MTH PS2 locomotive: a Railking Pennsy Bantam Turbine hauling MTH Railking Pennsy aluminum looking passenger cars:

Not sure if it's a 5 volt or 3 volt PS2. I know the 5 volt can be problematic.

I'm almost sure I replaced the battery with a BCR, so I thinks it's in good shape.

It has performed perfectly since I bought it many years ago. It's one of my favorite engines. Arnold

Arnold- from a recent conversation I had with Gunrunner John.

An easy way to tell is look for the charging port, the round one with a single pin is the 5V board and the rectangular one with two pins is the 3V board.

I ran a bunch:

My postwar Rock Island Alcos pulling a freight drag, my Gilbert Flyer S gauge 322 also pulling a freight drag (1), my postwar Seaboard switcher pulling a drag of mostly giraffe cars (1), my trusty 682 turbine pulling 6 Pennsylvania Madison cars and my postwar Lackawanna FM Trainmaster pulling a line of 6414 autoloaders.

(1) in "The Alcove"



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Canadian National with a drag of refinery tanks and the Super Chief hauling passengers.

The Candian National consist was developed after watching train hauls on YouTube.  I thought it was interesting and decided to build the units.  I went to Plastruct and ordered multiple tubes and complimentary attachments.  Below is my rendition and below that is the video I got the idea from.  You will notice it is a Canadian Pacific consist but I had the appropriate Canadian National Dash9 and a GP9.

Last edited by Wood

Wow @Wood....that was really impressive. Having a large layout definitively has its advantages; running long trains et. al.

I especially liked the Whistle Steam coming from your 2-6-6-4. I have to admit.....Whistle Steam is one of the BEST enhancements Lionel ever came up with (for steam engines). Spectators eyes bulge the first time they "experience" Whistle Steam!

Thanks for sharing!


Thank you. I've seen much larger layouts. You do what you can and I'm happy with my space. I use O42 curves through out because I'm a track junkie. That limits the length of consits and the size of engines. If you put a helper in the center of the consist it prevents stringlining by taking pressure off the forward units.

The 2-6-6-4 is a LionMaster that was made to accommodate smaller curves. I can't run anything over 18" in length. Fortunately Lionel and MTH have made some great smaller models for us.

So glad you enjoyed the video. Soon I'll post a video of my largest boxcar consist.  Stay tuned.


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Back to our conversation yesterday regarding the length of trains you can run. There are various limits on the length.  Track elevation, curve radius, layout size and Engine performance.

Below are two videos.  The first is a GP7 freight hauler.  Three units with a mid-centered helper. 14 cars.

The next one is an SD70ACe hauling a mixed load of 10 scale cars.  Thant's about the best I can do on my layout.

Last edited by Wood


Really nice videos......loved the helper engine.

My layout is a 12 x 18 feet. I use/used a mix of 072 and 054 curve. As a result I'm limited to engines that can negotiate a 054 curve or less.

My layout is partially pulled apart. I have several projects going on right now. I'm installing signals, finishing up adding through plate girders to the upper level and (don't laugh ), adding a conveyor I built from Legos under the coal tipple.

I think the longest train I ran was 8 freight cars. I also ran a 7 car IC passenger train pulled by Lionel AA F3's. I had the Pulmor motors replaced with DC can motors and added a ERR TMCC board and sound.

As soon as I get the layout put back together I'll post some videos.

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