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I ran a Lionel 0-8-0 New York Central switcher pulling 6 = MTH Madison NYC 13" passenger cars (baggage, combine, diner, coaches, and observation).  ALL picked up at a model train show yesterday.

I can't even begin to tell you how little I paid for these items (including a bunch of other stuff, too).  It's really criminal!!!  

The right place at the right time.  Probably never happen to me again.  Oh well, early Christmas present. 

Last night I ran 3 trains simultaneously on the layout, a local passenger trains pulled by  a camelback locomotive, a train comprised of gondolas with junk loads with an SW9 on the point, and a train of of pulpwood cars pulled by a 44 tonner.  Also running on the industrial spur was an 0-8-0 on a switching assignment.  All the while a trolley kept time going back and forth on the elevated trestle.  

Leroof posted:

AWESOME guys! Too weary from an over the top work week to run trains.

thanks to you all I could share in the excitement.

Hey Arnold, there seems to be no end to the enjoyment when you film the action! Thanks for ALL the videos. i needed that. 

Hey Fendermain,very nice colors in smoky action.

and to everyone else, great photos and films.


Leroof...good to hear from you.  Work..that's a four letter word.  You will soon find time for PW activity.


Last edited by Fendermain

I dug an old MARX 490 & slope back tender out of the junque box, Lubed it up, put it on the big Fastrack oval under the tree, hung a handful of old and abused 8-wheel plastic delux cars on the drawbar, threw up the throttle on my son's CW-80, and watched an Old School train chase its tail for a good, long (and noisy) time.  Brought back memories. 

The heck of it is, if I want to run my TMCC and Legacy trains on the big layout with the Cab 1, I will need to clean all the track, fiddle with the remote, fight with the rollers, and otherwise waste train time.  That process brings back memories, too:  why I got out of HO.

I know I sound like a single chime whistle, here, but that cheap, battered, low-end MARX set runs, which, at the moment, none of my expensive, pampered, newer trains do.  There is a lesson in there somewhere. . . .


This has been conventional week.  My 1956 LV #627 44 ton loco, my childhood train, has been running on the layout.  Also brought out my weaver brass 0-6-0.  The switcher looks a bit funny at anything above scale 20 mph but it is nice to get these off the shelf.  The 44T has that growl I forgot about, nothing like those open frame motors.


Leroof posted:

Hey Fendermain, always happening here at the forum, one of my favorite easy access after work activities,  So Nice to see flying Yankee and 2035 with 600 series cars! Looks like a prewar showroom layout!

Thanks for the trackside view. Run'em fast and furious! So many fantastic colors...



Leroof....Swlabr...One of my favs.




Utowntech posted:

MTH CP Holiday Train.  First time I have had a chance to run it.  I just finished the first level of basic bench work on my new layout.  I figured I would stop work on the layout for Christmas and just set up a simple oval to run some trains.

Really nice setup you have started here!   Where did you get the beautiful photo/print for the backdrop?

c.sam posted:
Utowntech posted:

MTH CP Holiday Train.  First time I have had a chance to run it.  I just finished the first level of basic bench work on my new layout.  I figured I would stop work on the layout for Christmas and just set up a simple oval to run some trains.

Really nice setup you have started here!   Where did you get the beautiful photo/print for the backdrop?

  • Thank you C.SAM! This is my first try at a large layout.  I finally have the space and have been thinking about it for the last 4 years.  To answer your question about the backdrop, I purchased it from

My 3 year old grandson was over for New Years Eve (early), always wants to go run the trains. Gave em all a workout, including some operating accessories (ice, barrel loader, the Erie hobo car). Ran trolleys, the gang car (at light speed), some F3's with a bunch of freight cars, the Flying Yankee, and some locomotives (736, C&O geep, GG1). And then to the standard gauge stuff! So much fun when you have young ones interested. 


It is the next to last day for our Christmas layout.  Normally we would start taking it and the decorations down tomorrow.  But that is my wife's birthday.  No way we are going to celebrate it that way!  So they come down on January 3rd.  

I made this layout about 15 years ago and it is wired for both TMCC and conventional trains.  But I almost always just bring up postwar sets from the basement to give them some run time, changing each about every three days.  What is running here is a 1946 smoke bulb Berkshire with the semi-scale operating boxcar, the black tank car and high end caboose.  It was a strange set, top of the line locomotive and cars, but only a three car set - as if it was a low end set.  The passenger is a Lionel Texas Special AB with Kusan Texas Special cars.  Never understood why Lionel missed the bet of doing the Texas Special paint scheme for either aluminum or 027 cars.  Rather it came as a freight set.  Oh, well, it looks great this way.



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Three of the grandkids visited on New Year's Day. I have the most fun when they are here to run trains with me. The two boys are getting big enough to operate things correctly and by themselves. I was too busy putting different engines on the track to take pictures. We ran a New Haven FL-9 and Alco PA (by Sunset/3rd Rail), LIRR G5s, New York Central 0-6-0 and Amtrak Genesis (by MTH), Amtrak F-7, B&M F-3 and Conrail MP15DC (by Atlas-O), and New Haven Ten-Wheeler (by Lionel).


MELGAR posted:

Three of the grandkids visited on New Year's Day. I have the most fun when they are here to run trains with me. The two boys are getting big enough to operate things correctly and by themselves. I was too busy putting different engines on the track to take pictures. We ran a New Haven FL-9 and Alco PA (by Sunset/3rd Rail), LIRR G5s, New York Central 0-6-0 and Amtrak Genesis (by MTH), Amtrak F-7, B&M F-3 and Conrail MP15DC (by Atlas-O), and New Haven Ten-Wheeler (by Lionel).


While pictures would have been nice, I’m glad to see you had your priorities correct!!! I foresee a few new New Haven fans in the offing.

Happy New Year MELGAR.

Last edited by Apples55

Harry Burris is old school. He had the Engineering Crew out on New Year’s Day, surveying some planned drainage improvements. The Second District local waited on the freight house lead for No.59 to pass, 2-8-2 3222 simmering and occasionally pumping a little air. A raspy exhaust announced the approach of 59, and Engineer Wallace White gave the big PA1 another throttle notch to keep the speed up through the curve, and she obliged with a belch of Alco exhaust.  The oscillating headlight wig-wagged against the embankment as the humble little passenger train curved past Harry’s survey party. After No.59 passed, the cantilever signal changed from red to flashing yellow. That was good enough for Engineer Buck Burleson, and he whistled off, dropped the reverse lever into the corner, and departed. He gave a short whistle salute to his brother-in-law (a rod man on the survey party) and had her hooked up and rolling as he left the curve. As Buck whistled for the Highway 70 crossing, Harry Burris wondered silently how much longer the sound of steam whistles, which - decades earlier -had lured him to a career in railroading, would be heard in the Texas Panhandle.  Harry listened intently as the exhaust of Mikado 3222 faded into the distance.  It would be a sad day, he mused, when the roundhouse put out the last fire and cranked up the latest quartet of brand-new EMD GP7’s.


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mike g. posted:

Gary, sure looks like a great way to spend the day!

Thanks Mike:

For safety, I did the glue process before they came over. They were aloud to play with the seated figures and then help with putting in the screws that hold the body to the frame, When this was completed they ran the passenger train. LionChief Plus.


trainroomgary posted:
mike g. posted:

Gary, sure looks like a great way to spend the day!

Thanks Mike:

For safety, I did the glue process before they came over. They were aloud to play with the seated figures and then help with putting in the screws that hold the body to the frame, When this was completed they ran the passenger train. LionChief Plus.


Man Gary, you just have to love that! I am still trying to get my grandkids into trains, when they came over for Christmas I gave them a train set and there mom told me when they got home they put it up and played for hours! I think its time for a better set! LOL

My 10'-by-5' model railroad is complete on 99% of the table area, so I decided that it's time for a video... The engine is a Lionel Legacy ten-wheeler 4-6-0 model of New Haven #815. With four New Haven box cars and a caboose, this is one of the longer trains that I run on this small layout. The engine has very realistic sounds to which the video does not do justice.




Videos (1)
MELGAR posted:

My 10'-by-5' model railroad is complete on 99% of the table area, so I decided that it's time for a video... The engine is a Lionel Legacy ten-wheeler 4-6-0 model of New Haven #815. With four New Haven box cars and a caboose, this is one of the longer trains that I run on this small layout. The engine has very realistic sounds to which the video does not do justice.


Wow, MELGAR... you certainly packed a lot of interest into 10’x5’!!! While your “tall” Supply Co. building is amazing, the passenger station at the start of the video is absolutely magnificent. Is that a kit or another of your own designs???

Thanks for sharing. 

Apples55 posted:
MELGAR posted:

My 10'-by-5' model railroad is complete on 99% of the table area, so I decided that it's time for a video... The engine is a Lionel Legacy ten-wheeler 4-6-0 model of New Haven #815. With four New Haven box cars and a caboose, this is one of the longer trains that I run on this small layout. The engine has very realistic sounds to which the video does not do justice.


Wow, MELGAR... you certainly packed a lot of interest into 10’x5’!!! While your “tall” Supply Co. building is amazing, the passenger station at the start of the video is absolutely magnificent. Is that a kit or another of your own designs???

Thanks Paul.

It is a model of the station in Phillips, Maine on the Sandy River & Rangeley Lakes Railroad which was 2-foot narrow gauge. I built it from a kit by Banta Modelworks when I began work on the 10'-by-5' layout in 2014. I'm also adding a 46-second video which better shows the layout and the New Haven 4-6-0 ten-wheeler engine and freight train. The average speed of the train as shown here is 21 miles-per-hour.




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Videos (1)
Last edited by MELGAR

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