Ran my Legacy Spirit of the Union Pacific…
It's the last run of The Polar Express for this season running along side a SP Mogul pulling some freight. PE goes back in the box tonight until the next Holiday Season. Happy New Year!!!
Boston & Albany D-1a 4-6-6T “tank engine” (K-Line K3470-0403CC) and New York Central U-3a 0-8-0 steam switcher #415 (MTH 30-1123-1) have been running on my 12’-by-8’ layout.
This morning after tidying the basement work area I ran three trains. First, a K-line scale K4s pulling a fast mail train, two PRR X29s, a PRR B60, a ggd PRR BM70, a ggd B70 baggage añd Lionel PRR passenger coach. Second, a Lionel early scale tmcc model M1a pulling nine mixed freights and b6 cabin car. Third, eight mixed freight, N5C cabin car, my track cleaner car behind an MTH scale PRR decapod with ERR upgrade. All locos have 4 chuffs, fun to watch and hear on a cold sunny day. Cheers
Pictured is a PRR Atlantic with another string of mail, express and baggage cars that will run soon.
Received my Harry Heike custom painted Atlas heavyweights in New Haven livery back in December (a Mr Muffin offering). Running them for the first time behind a Lionel New Haven "R2a" over the "triple crossing" in Millville MA. The prototype crossing was to be the Providence and Worcester on the bottom, New Haven Midland div in the middle and the Southern New England (or the old Grand Trunk as it was known locally) on top. All crossing the Blackstone River. It was never quite to be as the Southern New England was graded but track was never laid. I have to yet to do any scenery here or add the SNE embankments/abutments...someday. The milk car is on the point since the Lionel coupler wont mate with the Atlas couplers. But it is prototypical since the NH delivered milk from Portland ME (via the B&M interchange in Worcester MA) to the Hood Dairy in Providence RI.
We put away the Department 56 buildings yesterday, but the Christmas table is still up. Might as well make use of it. That's a prewar no. 1666 with a custom-lettered no. 2466T tender, followed by a no. 6464-475 Boston & Maine box car. The "animule" is an Alces alces, of course.
I missed FeF yesterday, so here's some trains running this morning on a cool, cloudy, breezy, Pacific storm a comin' in a few hours day!
Running the California Zephyr with WP F7 ABA power and a small SP freight pulled by my favorite 2-6-0 mogul.
Happy Railroading!!
My grandsons are visiting today and we ran some trains. I don't often run three trains at once, but with these fellows it's preferred.
@MELGAR posted:My grandsons are visiting today and we ran some trains. I don't often run three trains at once, but with these fellows it's preferred.
Melgar, gotta love it! What a great time with your grandkids! You have the film producer, director, and the train engineer! FUN!
I ran these trains yesterday as I was organizing my train room. Reading Train Master with 3 passenger cars, a trolley on the elevated line, a B&O Docksider running lite on the Mountain Division which the red/white bridge carries.
@MELGAR posted:My grandsons are visiting today and we ran some trains. I don't often run three trains at once, but with these fellows it's preferred.
Melgar, watching your grandsons running 3 of your trains, now doing that is having the time of your lives. Arnold
Hi Mel, Great looking young fellows. It doesn't get any better than that. Having my grandson running trains her is pretty special.
A New Haven I-5 heads stainless consist toward New Haven as a New Haven Mountain type arrives in Scranton.
@MELGAR posted:My grandsons are visiting today and we ran some trains. I don't often run three trains at once, but with these fellows it's preferred.
Now that’s my idea of an outstanding day; a time to be treasured.
Not today; but the snow on the ground brought me back to 2004 in Brooklyn. Snow affected my outdoor layout. Needed plenty of power to push the plow and get the Santa train through.
This morning I assigned one of my B6s to yard work switching, spotting 8 mixed freight to a spur and setting out 9 tankers for a Consolidation drag to its next destination. Below is an old photo of the same train but I have since changed the pilot by removing the cowcatcher elements and adding freight engine elements I scratched using pieces of styrene as seen above.
Well they don’t make a nice scene and definitely not realistic. However they served a very important purpose. I ran my largest engines with my longest and highest cars to double check the clearances under Penn station. With three curved mains in close proximity it was a job placing supports for the trestle.
Happy too report the only problem was when a fallen tree got dragged into the mix.
Some switcher and mainline action.
I went downstairs today to spend a few minutes checking on my layouts and didn’t intend to run any trains. Instead, I put Maine Central 2-8-0 #501 on my 12’-by-8’ layout at the head end of two Boston & Maine passenger cars. The MEC was partly owned by the B&M and mixed consists of MEC and B&M equipment did occur. My die-cast model of MEC #501 was made by Weaver. The train is running at 33 scale-miles-per-hour in the video.
Took my PA’s out for a spin on the lower loop. All good, but they wanted a longer run, lol !
I ran a train today powered by Maine Central F3 diesel #686 with two Boston & Maine passenger coaches. Models by MTH. Shown running through the wood double-track truss bridge on my 12'-by-8' layout.
A pair of New Haven DL-109's heads the daily Scranton to New Haven passenger train as it pulls off the Scranton reverse loop headed for New Haven. As was typical for New Haven trains, consists were made up of different types of passenger cars including stainless steel, rebuilt coaches, and old heavyweight varnish.
A Dl-109 heads a group of loaded reefers toward cedar hii in New Haven
Santa Fe All the Way! Lionel Yellow Bonnet F7 ABA freight and Lionel Red Bonnet ABAA pulling The Chief.
The first MTH Premier model of Boston & Maine GP7 #1563 (20-2211-1) was delivered with PS1 in December 1999 at MSRP $299.95. I ran it (01/30/2024) on my 12’-by-8’ layout pulling two MTH models of B&M passenger coaches.
@WinstonB posted:Coal load to the Yard.
@WinstonB, I have not seen a FM Trainmaster O scale model with a snow plow on it, who makes this one?
Western Maryland BL2 at the point of a short freight train.
@WesternPacific2217 posted:@WinstonB, I have not seen a FM Trainmaster O scale model with a snow plow on it, who makes this one?
The FM is from MTH. One of my first Premier engines I bought in 2002.
I ran my Unique Art # 1950 steam engine with cattle cars, gondola and caboose.
Then I ran another 1950 with the Jewel T Circus cars.
The I ran a clock work 742 with The City of Joplin and Garden City passenger cars and caboose; which was sold as the set
@WinstonB posted:The FM is from MTH. One of my first Premier engines I bought in 2002.
@WinstonB, thanks for the info, great looking model!!!
@pennsyfan posted:
That's cool Bob. My wife was born and raised in Garden City NY, and we live there now....(I work in town too...)
Guess I need to hunt for one of those cars...
Was testing a RailKing AA Rio Grande set.
My grandsons visited today. One of them is an Amtrak fan and both have ridden on Metro-North, so we set up a train with Amtrak P42 Genesis locomotive #64 pulling two Metro-North commuter cars of the Connecticut Department of Transportation – Noah Webster and Fairfield County. At one time, trains with these engines and cars ran on the Waterbury branch in Connecticut.
Amtrak #64 is an MTH Premier model (20-2189-1) with PS1 delivered in 1998 at MSRP $329.95. The passenger car models are Atlas O commuter coaches produced in 2008 at MSRP $109.85. I used these 21-inch scale-length cars to establish scenery clearances on my 10’-by-5’ layout with Atlas O-54 curves.
The train is running at 32 scale miles-per-hour in the video.
Running some D&H power lately.
Lionel RS-11 with Odyssey / TMCC. The RS-3 up top is also Lionel .
I actually ran these last night. The video is rather long at 7 minutes, but there is some switching adding the PFE's to ATSF train.
In late afternoon, I go downstairs, set up a train, and take photos and videos to post on the Forum. Today’s engine was Norfolk & Western #244, the first Railking model of a USRA 0-8-0 steam engine made by MTH (30-1111-1). It was delivered with PS1 in March 1997 at MSRP $379.00.
Norfolk & Western #244 was the last reciprocating steam locomotive built in the United States for an American Class 1 railroad and also the last steamer built by the N&W at its shops in Roanoke, Virginia. It was completed in December 1953.
Always look forward to your posts, thank you.
Tonight I decided to run a PNW train. I was going to go to the train show today in Monroe Washington but didn’t make it. So… in lieu of that I went upstairs and constructed the train and got it running. I could have added more but decided that was good enough for tonight. Enjoy!
I ran New Haven Railroad FL9 #2043 (Sunset Models 2013) on my 12’-by-8’ layout today – February 28, 2024. Trailing behind are two Metro-North Comet II commuter coaches of the Connecticut Department of Transportation – Noah Webster and Fairfield County (models by Atlas O in 2008). At one time, Metro-North had an FL9 locomotive painted in the New Haven Railroad’s McGinnis scheme that sometimes pulled this type of car on its Waterbury Branch in Connecticut.
I ran a Panama Canal Railway F 40PH, heading up a train of piggybacks.
New Haven Mountain 3507 heads a large passenger consist heading through Roscoe New York headed for New Haven. Mountain type is a year 2021 Mountain type running on Legacy control
Here's my run of the day.
Running this today on my new retro O27 layout
Ran my 2240 PW Lionel Wabash AB from 56 along with a Williams Pennsy GG-1 with RailKing cars that need upgrading to LEDs and a PW Lionel U.P. from 50-51.
Ran my Lionel B&M Legacy 10 wheeler with a string of B&M rolling stock and lighted caboose.
With my grandson (12 yo) running the operations with the Legacy control, A Nickel Plate Road Berkshire hauls freight cars towards Scranton Pa, while a New Haven I-4 Pacific heads a local toward Scranton as well. Both locos are Weaver products. He needs to learn when to ring the bell and blow the horn. But as many members will agree, there is nothing like sharing time with kids and grandkids on your layout
The wife got me a “Green” mat this evening at Hobby Lobby so I put it on the table and ran my old Custom Lionel FA New York Central.
Just ran my Lionel Doodlebug. It’s a simple and fun locomotive to run.
Thought I would try out my Lionel GP7 on the O27 layout I thought it did well and looks good
Trying out my new Spirit of the Union Pacific and my new to me Bush 4141.
Picked up a Doodlebug. I "ran" it last night but I have to make some adjustments to the ROW for clearances.
I'm pairing it with a nice MPC RPO car that I have.
I ran my postwar Lionel F3’s.
@Tranquil Hollow RR posted:That’s a nice purchase Bob. How does it handle your new switches?
I didn't try it on the upper level yet. I'm sure it won't clear that same switch since smaller loco's hit the wall.
8321&1988 are PS2 3v from ~2007, 4141 is a OGR recent re-home PS3, 1943 is my first new PS3, the tank train cars are an OGR re-home except one, which was an eBay purchase.
At 18 volts, no smoke, the Z4k is showing ~2.6amp, with smoke ~7 amps.
Five years ago, I ordered the Canadian Pacific FA-2 AA set and FB-2 superbass from the 2019 Big Book. When they arrived later that year, I was thrilled but always regretted not ordering the FB-2 powered unit. Well, today, at my now closed LHS, I found it in their post closeout inventory as a stand-alone item. Must be the luck of St. Patrick, as it was on sale at a very good price. Perfect out of the box - here it is #4469.
Today's running revolved around the third level. Switch engine #317 shoved MOW equipment from the bottom to the top of Bald Rock Mountain.
Next up is the Blue Plate Special hauling tasty things for breakfast.
It is good to be in the train room again.
Here's a train I ran today.
It took 50 pages but I can finally post a train I ran today without a Christmas tree in the picture.
This train is a 3 manufacturer conglomeration. The engine is a Lionel MPC era U36B shell on a Williams N&W GP9 frame and the rolling stock is MTH RK set 30-7006Great Northern 6 car set. Years ago I had the Lionel U36B and matching bay window caboose and wanted to expand my GN Big Sky Blue roster and the pickings were slim or out of my price range. I came across the shell on eBay, realized the Williams GP9s had the same mounting holes on the ends so I set off in search of a donor. I got a new GP9 very inexpensively and voila! Not so fast. The cabs are located in different positions on the frame, the U36B sits further forward so some handrail alterations were required. I cut a piece off the forward section, under the 1 on the engineer side, under the 8 on the conductor's side and attached the pieces to the aft rails using JB Weld. The conductor's side came out a little better than the engineer's side. I see te paint on the engineer's splice needs a touch-up. Sharpie to the rescue.
I ran a train today. While reviewing my recent posts, I discovered most of my videos have my #317 switch engine doing the all the work. Well, here is another video of #317. I'll do something different this evening. I promise.
@Odenville Bill posted:I ran a train today. While reviewing my recent posts, I discovered most of my videos have my #317 switch engine doing the all the work. Well, here is another video of #317. I'll do something different this evening. I promise.
As is said over on Switcher Saturday, Switchers, the little engines that do the big work of railroading!
I kept my promise. Today I ran three trains at a time on a 7 foot by 7 foot layout. I ran two LC+ switchers on the first two levels. One a MOW consist, and a line of mixed freight. A GP9 is pulling USDA prime beef on the third level.
#317 made an appearance again. Did you notice the MOW train lost a few cars?
Say good night Gracie.
Mountain type Alco New Haven no.3310 wheels a load of perishables through Mel's Gap on the New Haven section of my layout.
I ran Boston & Albany 4-6-0 ten-wheeler (Lionel 6-28098) on my 10'-by-5' layout today. I also posted this locomotive and train a few days ago but I've been running it every day to see if it's working as it should. I recently purchased it from Trainz. It was listed as "like new," which it is cosmetically accurate, but I don't think it was well cared for by the original owner. It was covered in a heavy layer of dust when I received it. The pickup rollers were dirtier than they get on my layouts. The traction tires were cracked into many small pieces. The tether wires seemed to have been repaired, the tether was inflexible, and the locomotive connector was suspect and probably not original. I carefully cleaned the locomotive (now, it does look like new), replaced the tires, lubed it, and bought what may have been the last available tether from Lionel. It's running properly now - but I've been checking it every day.
A load of perishables heads to Maybrook as an I-5 Hudson heads an express through Newburgh on the New Haven section of my layout.
Today's trains include a transfer move headed by a Washington Terminal Co. RS1 and a B&O hotshot train headed by a GP 9 and F3 B unit ... as seen as I sit on a platform bench while waiting for my morning commuter train.
Not today, but, recently, I cleared the outside track of our disheveled train platform that is undergoing MAJOR renovation, and ran my new-to-me MTH, Rail King, CRR of NJ, Blue Comet locomotive leading my set of Lionel, MPC era, Blue Comet coaches. The link to the short YouTube video is below.
Some reported that banks were closing, schools were closed, people were running amok with their dark glasses trying to see through the clouds. Here in Farmingdale NJ Railroad operations were normal. Trains were on track and on time. The three videos show operations at pre eclipse, beginning eclipse and full eclipse. All in a days work.
In an unlikely consist, a New Haven RS-3 hauls a passenger express into New Haven from Scranton Pa with all NYO&W passenger equipment including an extra O&W boxcar doing baggage duty. The RS-3 is an MTH engine and all the cars are MTH as well.
A trio of first generation Alcos head a revenue freight through the Maybrook section of my layout. The three units are first generation Weaver Models as well.
I’ve been continuing to run my latest engine purchase, Boston & Albany 4-6-0 Ten Wheeler #1916 (Lionel 6-28098 – 2002) on my 12’-by-8’ layout – now at the head of a freight train with 3 boxcars – Boston & Albany #50518, New York Central #161523, Rutland #8086, and B&A caboose #1179.
An Alco FA set wheels a couple of Railway Express cars and a string of old varnish through the Maybrook section of my layout. The locomotives are first generation Weaver manufactured. The Maybrook section is the last area to be landscaped and still has a long way to go. The gates are wired but not functioning correctly yet.
Unboxed some Atlas O Gunderson Maxi-IV Well Cars to be pulled with my BNSF ES44AC engines. The dummy engine #6438 that Mom gave me for Christmas was converted to a full Powered Legacy chassis. The #6425 shell is on a newer Bluetooth chassis with five horns, The six three-car Gunderson Maxi-IV well cars are a lot of weight to pull around my "Valley of Bridges" layout. I may add a Santa Fe ES44AC #444 to the consist. I sold off some of my 53' containers, so I am waiting for the new ones to arrive. The buzzer just sounded. Time to move the wash to the dryer.
Have a good evening.
Sincerely, John Rowlen
I ran my MTH PS3 Illinois Central E6 A-B-A and custom passenger cars on a friend's layout. This City of New Orleans train, which also happens to be my favorite real train song, is shown in the video below:
A New York Ontario and Western EMD AB F-3 set head a string of empty coal hoppers back to Scranton and the two mines on the layout. The F-3's are MTH and were a custom run by the JR Junction Hobby Shop in Syracuse.
A Pennsy shifter and NW 2 running a couple locals.
Photos/video show Boston & Albany 4-6-0 #1916 and New York Central RS-3 #8344 running on my 12’-by-8’ layout May 4, 2024.
Did some Pennsy today!
@Trainchief posted:Did some Pennsy today!
Love the house fire scene. The lights on all the trucks look great.
@MELGAR- Your EP-5 looks good as new. It was in good hands for sure.
@Trainbros89- That M1 is a beast!
Rocky Mountaineer passing thru my North Station.