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Southern Pacific Commute train led by FM TrainMaster heading out of San Jose towards San Francisco. Western Pacific GP35 pulling a small freight into the San Jose Yard. This train meet could have happened back in the 70's. Now it's Caltrain and Union Pacific. WP F7's waiting on a siding for track orders, unfortunately blocking the road out of town!

Wonderful scene Scott. It's a shame that some of the better looking trains have gone.

Guest operator Forum member Chris Vigs  visited my layout yesterday (Sunday 2-2) with some of his Blue Nami converted locomotives.  I was thoroughly impressed with how well these engines ran with this control in them. The multiple unit train had a Weaver U-25B lashed up with an Atlas Alco C-425  and a sister dummy unit. This was actually the first multi unit train on my layout. Chris will be posting some videos he took and I hope he explains a little about how the control system syncs the units. The DL109 was also a converted unit.

I'll gladly post some videos of Bill's layout!

The U25B is the same one I documented detailing in this thread, since upgraded with a Blunami 4408 board:

Detailing a Weaver U25B | O Gauge Railroading On Line Forum

The C-425s are Atlas models, stock details and with Blunami installed in one (the other is a dummy). Blunami has a built in speed matching function, and I got these two disparate engines matched to within 1% of each other (3" difference in spacing over 480" of run).

The DL-109 uses dual speakers, the stock MTH one in the fuel tank and a second under the rear radiator, to try an emulate the sounds of the dual prime movers the real DL-109s had.





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  • IMG_9422
  • IMG_9423
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Good evening folks!

I decided to pull out my Santa Fe warhorse Hudson tonight and give it a midnight reefer train to pull.

Man, that looks to be 19 PW cars, nice. I just tried running a string of them, 19 came to about 18' long. Anyone who runs them knows how sloppy the wheel sets are with hole and axle wear, and just not fitted well to begin with. I don't know about you, but I found I could run 4 or 5 loops around my 8'x18' oval and all went well. Then, some curse would hit, and on a switch, or a curve, one derailed. No apparent reason.

Or, all going well, and on the 8th loop, I look and a lazy coupler hit a car, and the engine is getting ready to hit the string left on the back, after I did not notice the break in the consist. I also found out that the PW engines could not pull as many as the MTH PS 1 and 2 I run, and that the PS2 under DCS, is MUCH better at keeping the PW cars going, because of the slow, controlled take off. The PS1 engines were more like the conventional, needed a lot of voltage to get moving, and jerked the cars.....often causing a derail on the curve.

It was a good learning experience for me. Did you have any of these kind of problems? Your consist looked great, and your cars looked newer that PW cars, I could not be sure.


@cngw posted:

Man, that looks to be 19 PW cars, nice. I just tried running a string of them, 19 came to about 18' long. Anyone who runs them knows how sloppy the wheel sets are with hole and axle wear, and just not fitted well to begin with. I don't know about you, but I found I could run 4 or 5 loops around my 8'x18' oval and all went well. Then, some curse would hit, and on a switch, or a curve, one derailed. No apparent reason.

Or, all going well, and on the 8th loop, I look and a lazy coupler hit a car, and the engine is getting ready to hit the string left on the back, after I did not notice the break in the consist. I also found out that the PW engines could not pull as many as the MTH PS 1 and 2 I run, and that the PS2 under DCS, is MUCH better at keeping the PW cars going, because of the slow, controlled take off. The PS1 engines were more like the conventional, needed a lot of voltage to get moving, and jerked the cars.....often causing a derail on the curve.

It was a good learning experience for me. Did you have any of these kind of problems? Your consist looked great, and your cars looked newer that PW cars, I could not be sure.


I am glad you enjoyed my little video! No, the cars being pulled are modern scale reefers I have weathered or are in need of weathering. I can typically pull about 20+ cars with this engine but its speed is heavily reduced since it is powered by a pullmore motor. I have been tempted lately to have it upgraded by @harmonyards with a can motor but maybe in the future after more important projects.

I have had many problems with lazy couplers with these modern cars. During my club's summer show a coupler let loose and I was too slow to stop my weathered GS2 from crashing into the back of its own train sending cars to the concrete floor. That was not a fun day.

Today, I attended a large train show in Phoenix. I found a still-new-in-the-box Railking 30-1139-1, a Union Pacific Forty-Niner Steam Engine. I got it for a great price, and brought it home and attached three MTH UP passenger cars from the 20-6001 5-car set. She just looks SOOO fine, I wanted to share it. I have two photos and a short video. Please enjoy.



Images (2)
  • RK 30-1139-1 side profile
  • RK 30-1139-1 front three-quarter
Videos (1)
RK 30-1139-1 Video

Today, I attended a large train show in Phoenix. I found a still-new-in-the-box Railking 30-1139-1, a Union Pacific Forty-Niner Steam Engine. I got it for a great price, and brought it home and attached three MTH UP passenger cars from the 20-6001 5-car set. She just looks SOOO fine, I wanted to share it. I have two photos and a short video. Please enjoy.


Great find

Today, I attended a large train show in Phoenix.

It was an excellent show, with surprisingly good turnout, sponsored by the Grand Canyon Model Railroaders (GCMR). Lots of good buys to be had. There were well over 1,000 cars in the parking lot. (It took me 10 minutes just to find a parking space.) Of course, most people from those cars were going to the nearby Farmers Market. Amidst all the Market foot traffic, a sign pointed a few curious shoppers to the Train Hall. It was good to see all the interest in the model train hobby.

Last edited by Bruce Brown

I took this hot air balloon video when working on my layout today.   My layout is framed within the transition era ... so no drones   I'm making progress on layout renovations, however, nowhere near being completed ...  Well, the layout will continue to change even after this project is completed.  I believe a layout should constantly evolve.  This philosophy helps me to keep creatively engaged.  


Videos (1)

I took this hot air balloon video when working on my layout today.   My layout is framed within the transition era ... so no drones   I'm making progress on layout renovations, however, nowhere near being completed ...  Well, the layout will continue to change even after this project is completed.  I believe a layout should constantly evolve.  This philosophy helps me to keep creatively engaged.  

Patrick, that is a cool way to view your artistry. I've tried overhead pictures and couldn't even master that LOL.

I took this hot air balloon video when working on my layout today.   My layout is framed within the transition era ... so no drones   I'm making progress on layout renovations, however, nowhere near being completed ...  Well, the layout will continue to change even after this project is completed.  I believe a layout should constantly evolve.  This philosophy helps me to keep creatively engaged.  

Now, that's a different perspective Patrick,

I love it - thanks for sharing

I took this hot air balloon video when working on my layout today.   My layout is framed within the transition era ... so no drones   I'm making progress on layout renovations, however, nowhere near being completed ...  Well, the layout will continue to change even after this project is completed.  I believe a layout should constantly evolve.  This philosophy helps me to keep creatively engaged.  

Great imagination Patrick; and great video. You are moving in the realm of Ward Kimble!

I took this hot air balloon video when working on my layout today.   My layout is framed within the transition era ... so no drones   I'm making progress on layout renovations, however, nowhere near being completed ...  Well, the layout will continue to change even after this project is completed.  I believe a layout should constantly evolve.  This philosophy helps me to keep creatively engaged.  

Patrick, outstanding video! You’re fortunate, you have a natural talent in creativity.


DM&IR #86 was on maintenance duty today assigned to a work train hauling replacement ties, rail segments, fresh ballast and a water car to keep the workers hydrated. In addition #78 of the Duluth Street RR did some bump-n-go runs over the trolley line.   Still enjoying running trains with the new MTH WTIU system.

Cheers to all,



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IMG_5065 2
Last edited by darlander

Here's a video where I run my new-to-me Williams (pre-WBB) Union Pacific #99620. It's got a cab number of 620, and is a replica of an EMD SD45. It runs superbly, and pulls all seven of my MTH UP cars with ease. They're the 20-6001 5-car set, and the 20-6119 2-car add-on set. Layout size is 4 x 8.

I hope this video is a lot better than my first attempt a few days ago where I held my phone vertically. Live and learn, right? Enjoy.



Videos (1)
Williams UP With Pass Cars Short Version
Last edited by Just Havin' Fun

Today I ran this Pennsylvania Railroad passenger train with two scale GG1s heading up a passenger train with several head end cars.  As a kid I loved to watch the Pennsy trains that ran through Arbutus, Maryland ... a town which borders Baltimore City.   This line is part of the NE corridor ( used by AMTRAK today ) and back in early 1960's there was a lot of Pennsy action.  I've always remembered that the passenger trains had several head end cars and were almost always pulled by GG1's and when not a GG1 usually E8s were doing the honors.   Today I tried re-creating one of those Pennsy passenger trains I saw all those years ago.  Of course back then the Pennsy used only one GG1 to pull a passengerconsist.  


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Lionel 5344 scale Hudson with Scullin disc drivers which originally hauled a Vanderbilt tender now sports a mammoth New York Central PT tender while taking track orders on the Shenandoah Short Line.

A few moments later it chuffs its way on a straightaway pulling a consist of Lionel scale die cast freight cars.  The engine and its consist hails from the early 1990s.


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Finally !  The inaugural run of the Valley Falls Junction RR !  A Lionel 18309 & a Williams caboose do the honors. It’s humbling to follow  your own work , 1st I had a direct short on track segment #2, just a track  drop with crossed wires. My used Gargraves had red & black leads nicely soldered on already, so of course I mixed them up under the table. Secondly I had a dead new Ross 072 curve. Undaunted I ran a power feed to it, engine still goes dead-stop there. Oh wait, I didn’t clean the paint off the rail tops completely, problem solved ! 😀 Now on to switch wiring, etc. Then install some signals, scenery, etc.


Videos (1)
@trestleking posted:

Finally !  The inaugural run of the Valley Falls Junction RR !  A Lionel 18309 & a Williams caboose do the honors. It’s humbling to follow  your own work , 1st I had a direct short on track segment #2, just a track  drop with crossed wires. My used Gargraves had red & black leads nicely soldered on already, so of course I mixed them up under the table. Secondly I had a dead new Ross 072 curve. Undaunted I ran a power feed to it, engine still goes dead-stop there. Oh wait, I didn’t clean the paint off the rail tops completely, problem solved ! 😀 Now on to switch wiring, etc. Then install some signals, scenery, etc.

Nice video and I agree with Bill, nice layout! I bet you have been waiting for this for awhile.

@trestleking posted:

Finally !  The inaugural run of the Valley Falls Junction RR !  A Lionel 18309 & a Williams caboose do the honors. It’s humbling to follow  your own work , 1st I had a direct short on track segment #2, just a track  drop with crossed wires. My used Gargraves had red & black leads nicely soldered on already, so of course I mixed them up under the table. Secondly I had a dead new Ross 072 curve. Undaunted I ran a power feed to it, engine still goes dead-stop there. Oh wait, I didn’t clean the paint off the rail tops completely, problem solved ! 😀 Now on to switch wiring, etc. Then install some signals, scenery, etc.

Congratulations trestleking! That’s the reason you operate a pilot train; to find the unexpected.  Each time we got a section wired, or made alterations, we ran a pilot before moving on.


More Marx 666.  First photo shows the reverse unit lock out switch.  One wire goes to the reverse unit coil.  The other end goes to the pickup from the center rail shoe.  The wire on the right is for the headlight.

Second photo is the Marx 666 at Bullwinkle (as in Moose) Tower on my layout.  Tender has a Lionel coupler.  The 480 coupler fits on the Marx truck.

Third photo is the 666 with a pair of rare boxcars I got for good prices.  First car is a 6468x B & O tuscan automobile car.  Second car is a NETCA K-Line New Haven "State of Maine" boxcar from 1990.  Got this car for $ 10.00 because it had a broken truck.



Images (3)
  • DSC_0109: Marx 66 with E unit lockout switch.
  • DSC_0122: Marx 666 at Bullwinkle Tower.
  • DSC_0120: Marx 666 with rare boxcars.
@mike g. posted:

Nice video and I agree with Bill, nice layout! I bet you have been waiting for this for awhile.

Mike, you have no idea !!  I first "started" a layout, as a grownup. in 1989;  then it was corporate moves, fix up the new house for 1-2 years, then start a layout again, another promotion, another house, etc, etc.  Am really glad to be retired & staying put !   Thks, Rich

@trestleking posted:

Mike, you have no idea !!  I first "started" a layout, as a grownup. in 1989;  then it was corporate moves, fix up the new house for 1-2 years, then start a layout again, another promotion, another house, etc, etc.  Am really glad to be retired & staying put !   Thks, Rich

Ibhear you Rich! We seem to take the

Layout every 10 years right after I get it close to where I want it! 😔

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