Good evening folks!
I decided to pull out my Santa Fe warhorse Hudson tonight and give it a midnight reefer train to pull.
Man, that looks to be 19 PW cars, nice. I just tried running a string of them, 19 came to about 18' long. Anyone who runs them knows how sloppy the wheel sets are with hole and axle wear, and just not fitted well to begin with. I don't know about you, but I found I could run 4 or 5 loops around my 8'x18' oval and all went well. Then, some curse would hit, and on a switch, or a curve, one derailed. No apparent reason.
Or, all going well, and on the 8th loop, I look and a lazy coupler hit a car, and the engine is getting ready to hit the string left on the back, after I did not notice the break in the consist. I also found out that the PW engines could not pull as many as the MTH PS 1 and 2 I run, and that the PS2 under DCS, is MUCH better at keeping the PW cars going, because of the slow, controlled take off. The PS1 engines were more like the conventional, needed a lot of voltage to get moving, and jerked the cars.....often causing a derail on the curve.
It was a good learning experience for me. Did you have any of these kind of problems? Your consist looked great, and your cars looked newer that PW cars, I could not be sure.