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"You load sixteen tons, what do you get,

Another year older and deeper in debt:"

That's one of my favorite locomotives, an MTH Proto 1 Railking Jersey Central FM Trainmaster, pulling one of my favorite unit trains, 10 Lionel Postwar coal dump cars and a Postwar Pensy illuinated caboose with round portals.

Today, I found it so relaxing to scrape the crud off the wheels and apply one drop of light oil to each side of each wheel on the axles. Doing so eliminates derailments when pulling 10 or more of those postwar cars through sharp 031 curves. Arnold


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"You load sixteen tons, what do you get,

Another year older and deeper in debt:"

That's one of my favorite locomotives, an MTH Proto 1 Railking Jersey Central FM Trainmaster, pulling one of my favorite unit trains, 10 Lionel Postwar coal dump cars and a Postwar Pensy illuinated caboose with round portals.

Today, I found it so relaxing to scrape the crud off the wheels and apply one drop of light oil to each side of each wheel on the axles. Doing so eliminates derailments when pulling 10 or more of those postwar cars through sharp 031 curves. Arnold

Great coal drag, Arnold! Speaking of that song, which I love, I coincidentally posted this a couple of days ago:

Oh dear, I sent the wrong link. Meant this one:

16 Tons!

I love it, Kevin! The magnet crane, which I also have, in operation while the song playing is very nice. I even like the look of your attic roof while Sixteen Tons is playing. Makes it seem like hard work inside a factory. Arnold

Thank you, Arnold.  I'm loving your GG1 video from today.  I have a Kline GG1 which is very nice but I would like to procure a real deal PW like yours.  Is yours the 2 motor version?

My layout commenced about 30 years ago progressing from HO to S gauge American Flyer to the current three rail O.

It was initially 1/2 the current size and had cloth skirting.

When I enlarged it about 15 years ago I encased the entire underside with plywood and glued the beadboard to that.  There are two access doors for storage and layout maintenance.  The beadboard project was a lot of work and was much appreciated by the CEO!   You know what I mean. 

@Fendermain posted:

Thank you, Arnold.  I'm loving your GG1 video from today.  I have a Kline GG1 which is very nice but I would like to procure a real deal PW like yours.  Is yours the 2 motor version?

My layout commenced about 30 years ago progressing from HO to S gauge American Flyer to the current three rail O.

It was initially 1/2 the current size and had cloth skirting.

When I enlarged it about 15 years ago I encased the entire underside with plywood and glued the beadboard to that.  There are two access doors for storage and layout maintenance.  The beadboard project was a lot of work and was much appreciated by the CEO!   You know what I mean. 

Yes, the Postwar GG1 has 2 motors and is a great puller. I bought it maybe 10 years ago for about $750 in a very nice hobby shop in Northern NJ.

I also accommodated my CEO. I did so by not having the trains totally dominate the basement when I built the layout 25 years ago. That way, my kids could socialize with their friends in the basement and do things besides trains.

Having the trains adorn the basement instead of dominating it, is not a bad way to go, especially if it keeps the CEO happy.

The loop under the Christmas tree made it's appearance today and the first train to turn laps is thanks to Vinndiesel here on the forum and Ed Boyle.  The train is headed up by a first gen MTH Railking Mohawk in ATSF livery that came to me running in reverse only.  Vinny, aka Chef Vinny at NJHR, was able to set me up with Proto 1 to get it moving and gave it a great sounding C&O Greenbrier sound chip. The Mohawk is pulling a string of all the Lionel Fundimension factory weathered reefers, 6-5700 to 6-5707.  I had picked up two of the eight nearly 30 years ago at hobby shop with two shelves of O gauge trains.  The boxes had so much dust on them I had no idea they were weathered nor that they belonged to the only series of factory weathered rolling stock.  When I got them home I thought the grime of that hobby shop had made it's way into the boxes and marred the paint.  Several years later along comes Ed and writes a Collector's Gallery about this series.  For the first time the collector's hunt began for me.  The mission collect the remaining 6 as cheap as possible.  Before I knew what it was I had seen the green Budweiser reefer at any number of train shows in the price range of $70-$100.  Once I knew that it was part of the series I figured I would never complete the series because I just couldn't justify that amount.  The search continued on ebay and even some of our bigger dealers contributed until I got them all, even a second Budweiser reefer.  2020-12-12 16.46.032020-12-12 16.49.19


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2020-12-12 16.44.03
Last edited by coach joe
@MELGAR posted:

Photo and videos show the MTH Railking New York Central 0-8-0 steam engine #415 that I ran today on my 10’-by-5’ layout. I find PS1 engines very reliable and have been running this one with a BCR for more than twenty years. A quality model in my opinion.



Very nice engine, Melgar, and I also like the caboose. I tend to prefer a small caboose like the one in your videos. Arnold

Last edited by Arnold D. Cribari

Video shows my MTH Premier Pennsylvania Railroad G-5s Ten-Wheeler #5740 running on my 12’-by-8’ layout pulling Long Island Rail Road passenger cars “Islip” and “Montauk.” The LIRR was purchased by the PRR in 1900 and PRR steam locomotives ran on the LIRR. This model has PS1 and a BCR and is more than twenty years old.




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@MELGAR posted:

Video shows my MTH Premier Pennsylvania Railroad G-5s Ten-Wheeler #5740 running on my 12’-by-8’ layout pulling Long Island Rail Road passenger cars “Islip” and “Montauk.” The LIRR was purchased by the PRR in 1900 and PRR steam locomotives ran on the LIRR. This model has PS1 and a BCR and is more than twenty years old.



Very nice engine. I too have a few PS-1 engines of the same vintage with BCR's installed and they haven't missed a beat other than routine maintenance. Your layout is very nice as well!

Well, I am confessing, that I find the temptation to run trains BEFORE completely completing (or starting) a permanent layout....... and, even without its pantographs..... she still makes me smile...... Sooooooo smooth! I do need to giver a cleaning on the reverse contraption, just a tad........

my steam locomotives 🚂 won’t run, not even a test, yet...... but the Whistle Tender did blow out a bit o DUST!! ❤️

thanks to Mitch..... great little transformer!!! 🤗


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My sister brings her grandkids every year around this time for a train day.  They didn’t want to come inside this year so I set some trains up on the back deck.  Mid 80s Lionel GP9, mid 40s tinplate caboose, Menards track and M&M cars.  I loaded the hoppers with M&Ms.  I stopped the train every once in a while, so the kids could help unload them.



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Ok, we have to sort the horn.... lol. My little engineer is so much fun and learning so much... thanks for ALL the layout and engine help, lads....

tomorrow..... we again tackle the “E-unit” (again) until I finally get it all sorted (please note that with your guidance, I have NOT hooked up all the littles and bits on the wheels until she RUNS... (thanks to Brad for that) hope my brain does not make my eyeballs fall out on the workbench....... “Nothing is as easy as when someone Else does it” (author escapes me at this moment)


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My neighbor Sam turned 80 this year. In one of our many conversations in the back yard this summer, we started talking about trains. Sam mentioned that he still had his Lionel 675 that he received as a child. He brought out a box that had a bunch of parts and a rusty old engine. I took it to my local shop and had it restored. They did a fantastic job. I now own this engine and it is the only Post War engine in my collection that I know the history. It is so cool to hear someone’s story and to be able to pass it along to my own children. Enjoy this video that I made for Sam. While the rest of my engines sat quiet on the layout, Sam’s engine raced around my short Post War loop. This is what I ran today.


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Sam’s Lionel 675

Soooooo my little 8042...... has weird e unit. Got it to just go forward for now..... and then, after two hours of re-do.... I tested it before putting on the wheel it’s and bits...... BUT I found that the front roller does not always work when I apply power with a test lead.... AND, it looks like I have to take a Drive wheel off to repair the roller pickup...... Unless.... there is magical access under the secret plastic panel?

soooooo, I did NOT run this train 🚂..

tips or tricks?image


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@Miggy posted:

Soooooo my little 8042...... has weird e unit. Got it to just go forward for now..... and then, after two hours of re-do.... I tested it before putting on the wheel it’s and bits...... BUT I found that the front roller does not always work when I apply power with a test lead.... AND, it looks like I have to take a Drive wheel off to repair the roller pickup...... Unless.... there is magical access under the secret plastic panel?

soooooo, I did NOT run this train 🚂..

tips or tricks?

I would try spraying contact cleaner between the roller and the contact and hope you can clean any corrosion.  If not you need to take out the motor, remove the wheels, and split it in half and work on it.  If you have an electronic e-unit it will make it a little easier to get it back together then the older scout motors with the internal e-unit.

Gene Anstine

CEACCC69-ABB4-4C1A-8FE5-3B55E7AFAF02Last night me and the lady did a late nite run. She operated the camera and wine glass, I nervously operated the DCS controller through a very congested 072 main line. Great run, no technical hiccups or operator error. Lots of funD81E5C61-76D0-43FA-B471-1FAC5D797D72This is one of Lionel’s new ES44ACs, handling some Atlas O diecast Maxi IV intermodal well cars, Lionel auto racks, and MTH D8C1CD63-D2C8-451A-8872-9DC07B1CC5EDBradly military transport5438AADF-AC47-4021-B12F-D847097F4E812C38510F-E5F5-4311-B5EB-E2EB815C11D2Norfolk Southern OCS train, the passenger cars have been converted to Kaydee 745 scale couplers, with shapeways mounting pads to optimize coupler distance. The interior detail of these is going to be a project this year. Overall the quality control on these was not bad.FEEDEE77-8119-4944-8BE8-D515D84AC34A862F14E4-C3F7-4F57-815A-66BD496CC81A


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Cogen1981 - Hmmm, your wife operating "the camera and wine glass", that could've been a recipe for disaster.  Like the time my wife and I went on a bicycle tour of wineries in an area known for its numerous wineries - a bad combination (lol).   😜🍷

Seriously though, very nice photos and are the OCS passenger cars MTH or another manufacturer?

By the way, Happy New Year and be sure to propose a toast tonight with your wife!  Then play with your trains some more.   😉

@Cogen1981 posted:

CEACCC69-ABB4-4C1A-8FE5-3B55E7AFAF02Last night me and the lady did a late nite run. She operated the camera and wine glass, I nervously operated the DCS controller through a very congested 072 main line. Great run, no technical hiccups or operator error. Lots of funD81E5C61-76D0-43FA-B471-1FAC5D797D72This is one of Lionel’s new ES44ACs, handling some Atlas O diecast Maxi IV intermodal well cars, Lionel auto racks, and MTH D8C1CD63-D2C8-451A-8872-9DC07B1CC5EDBradly military transport5438AADF-AC47-4021-B12F-D847097F4E812C38510F-E5F5-4311-B5EB-E2EB815C11D2Norfolk Southern OCS train, the passenger cars have been converted to Kaydee 745 scale couplers, with shapeways mounting pads to optimize coupler distance. The interior detail of these is going to be a project this year. Overall the quality control on these was not bad.FEEDEE77-8119-4944-8BE8-D515D84AC34A862F14E4-C3F7-4F57-815A-66BD496CC81A

Beautiful, love it, thanks for sharing..

@PH1975 posted:

Cogen1981 - Hmmm, your wife operating "the camera and wine glass", that could've been a recipe for disaster.  Like the time my wife and I went on a bicycle tour of wineries in an area known for its numerous wineries - a bad combination (lol).   😜🍷

Seriously though, very nice photos and are the OCS passenger cars MTH or another manufacturer?

By the way, Happy New Year and be sure to propose a toast tonight with your wife!  Then play with your trains some more.   😉


there were some tense moments and close calls, but we made it through the night without a major incident or injury.

The passenger cars are Lionel 2027180 and the add on Lionel super dome car. I like the way the flush fitting windows look on these cars.

Thank you for the compliments and have a happy and safe new year

We did end up at the club yesterday to test the new F40PHs; MTH and K-Line. Elizabeth was able to run her Amtrak Genesis #84 and her plated Amfleets as Amtrak Empire Service #281. She likes to run with the lights dimmed at the CNY NRHS Clubhouse as it emphasizes the ditch lights flashing.

Thanks @JR Junction Train & Hobby, always great to stop by and look at the store!


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Last edited by CentralFan1976

We did end up at the club yesterday to test the new F40PHs; MTH and K-Line. Elizabeth was able to run her Amtrak Genesis #84 and her plated Amfleets as Amtrak Empire Service #281. She likes to run with the lights dimmed at the CNY NRHS Clubhouse as it emphasizes the ditch lights flashing.

Thanks @JR Junction Train & Hobby, always great to stop by and look at the store!

Speaking of the Amtrak Empire Service, you can watch that, the Lake Shore Limited, the Maple Leaf, and CSX trains on the Fairport NY Virtual Railfan cam for free on YouTube.  You can scroll back 12 hours if you miss anything.  You can check out what time the Amtrak trains arrive and depart Rochester and Syracuse by using the train status tab on Amtrak's website with the following link.

Here are the links to the Fairport NY railcams.

East Cam:

West Cam:

Here are the links to the North East PA railcams where you can watch Amtrak's Lakeshore Limited, CSX, and NS before and after the NY state line.

East Cam:

West Cam:

Here are the links to the Elkhart Indiana railcams where you can watch Amtrak's Lakeshore Limited and Capitol Limited in addition to NS, BNSF, and other trains.

PTZ Cam:

East Cam Static:

West Cam Static:

Last but not least are two links to Amtrak's Lakeshore Limited with 2 vintage Northern Pacific dome cars on the end from 12/26/20.


@Don Winslow posted:

Thanks Kevin!

We live in San Mateo - come by and say "Howdy!" if you're up our way!

BTW the LionChief 2.0 is awesome! Lionel freshened up the sounds with some new dialogue.


Excellent! We lived in Redwood Shores for a couple of years, then Half Moon Bay for 7 years before moving down here. Likewise if you’re ever in the Monterey area, drop me a line! Look forward to meeting you someday.

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