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Two freight hauling semi-scale GG-1’s jockeying for position as they pound their way down Northeast Philly’s high speed racetrack.  The silver GG-1 is a 1992 issue from  Lionel Trains Incorporated while the Brunswick Green GG-1 with its classy golden Cat's Whiskers is an early  Mike's Train House production.E5BE1CD7-9E00-431E-AC39-B142757BCA9A


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Milestone - Verified with a mock-up that my St Joseph industrial park trackwork will work fine!  I hadn't tried to run my new Lion Chief engine through all the center-rail-gap trackwork like switches and crossings until today.  Worked fine - just a cab light flicker when running over rusty track.  I literally took estate sale track out of a box and put it together on the floor in my Industrial Park configuration, loose pins and some missing pins, and the new engine handled it all at the lowest speed.  Perfect!  Now when I clean up the track and tighten everything on the actual layout vs the mock-up20210131_Dora-on-2085, I should be golden for quite a while.

Pictured is Dora the Explorer, who I found roaming the streets outside our house this morning, on my new Lionel-BN 2085 GP-8.


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FE848AE0-FD3A-43BD-AE44-E58A5323E08C       Tha A slight change of pace.  This is my tiny 3x4 All tinplate all the time O gauge layout.  On the elevated section a restored Marx Commodore Vanderbilt engine pulls a small consist of 6 inch passenger cars.  The engine has been repainted and fitted with a smoke unit which works well.  On the bottom rail line a reproduction Lionel Army/War train hauls ammunition cars to the front.  This outfit was produced by Lionel Corporation Tinplate.


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Last edited by OKHIKER
@OKHIKER posted:

FE848AE0-FD3A-43BD-AE44-E58A5323E08C       Tha A slight change of pace.  This is my tiny 3x4 All tinplate all the time O gauge layout.  On the elevated section a restored Marx Commodore Vanderbilt engine pulls a small consist of 6 inch passenger cars.  The engine has been repainted and fitted with a smoke unit which works well.  On the bottom rail line a reproduction Lionel Army/War train hauls ammunition cars to the front.  This outfit was produced by Lionel Corporation Tinplate.

OMG I love it, watched that video 10 times [ so far ]

@OKHIKER posted:


          Glad you like it .  This is my go to layout when I need a break from my post-war and modern stuff.  It really is quite relaxing.

Being a Marx guy myself, i think an elevated track above my modern layout would be a great way to run my Marx trains without removing some of my trains below. Hate to be a copycat, that is a super layout you have, and gives me ideas, still watching that video...

@Miggy posted:

We had the Chief of engineering and railroad planning visit today and pass inspection on the recently repaired Lionel Turbine, ZW transformer and whistle tender. It was a good run on a layout assembled in a rush. 😃 Now, to make a hole-in-the-wall. He will present blueprints for Prototype layout in the spare room and I hope to have lumber, wire, lights, and budget soon.

Miggy, that a very nice Carpet Central you have with nice long runs and interesting obstacles to navigate. There are advantages to a Carpet Central, including no worries about the trains falling off the train table.

Two weary but reliable Lionel Lines engines take a curve on the Shenandoah Short Line.  On the outside  rail line a trusty 2046 with Magne-traction hauls a mixed freight while on the inside line the 2046’s step brother, a vintage Korean War era non-Magne-traction 2056 from 1952 hauls a mixed consist of box cars.  The ozone was really pumping today.05F8F4F5-9272-449B-9315-A150F7AA0C34ECC3F717-1AF1-4041-B726-2BA0D95648CF


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Another thing is that kids, especially little ones, may prefer a Carpet Central, where they can interact with the trains more, including playing with blocks or Legos to build things along the track.

YES! It had occurred to me, as my son happened to visit a home for sale, stuffed into a basement was a large layout. And I offered to remove it and donate it so the house could be sold. Only charged $400.

And I looked on our carpet as the grandsons changed the layout, "Papa, look, we went under the table, into the bedroom, under the bed, through the tunnel, and under Ninas chair!!"

and they did it all themselves good times. We all have our niche' salute

A couple of weeks ago I posted a video that I took of what I thought was a modern era Lionel Norfolk & Western 612 class J Northern smoking up a storm on its last run which was in freight service.  It wasn't; the video I posted was of a post-war Lionel 681 Turbine hauling freight.  In any event here is the video of the 612.  Sorry for the foul up.


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I picked up on and around my layout this morning.  Of course that meant time to run trains.  I thought it high time to see how many cars my Southern 4501 could pull up the mountain.  I only had 14 modern and postwar cars available.  She did not slip going up hill and down.  Film at 9:00.

lol, I will check back for the film at 9 (am or pm)?  Nice pull (I am loving the BRIDGE!!) (i am in version 6.x for my scratch wooden bridge build... sigh)

Thanks for sharing!

Bringing some Marx post-war into the mix.  The first video is of a Marx 333 Die cast 4-6-2 Pacific Steamer which in my opinion was Marx’s finest steam locomotive hauling a light Three car freight.  The next clip is of an AA set of 1095 EMD E-7 Diesels pulling a three car set of Santa Fe passenger cars.  Both sets are from the 1951-1953 time frame.  The 4-6-2 is the smoking version of the 333 and has a stand in sloped back tender in tow.  The original tender is in the back shop for repairs. Both sets still track and run well.  Good old Marx.😃


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Lionel 4-6-4 Hudson JR leading three O-Line Reproduction Alaska Streamline cars.  I've had these for a while but first time as a train, and first time on my new layout.

The Hudson is conventional, from a QVC set and the Streamline cars were purchased a few years ago, the last time RMT found some in the warehouse.

Layout is new, compact loop with yard.  Upper level, DCS and Legacy expansions planned.



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@Chris1985 posted:

Running some F3/F7s on this snowy day.

Hi Chris, What year did the Diesels start running the Blinking headlight? Great looking layout. Funny side story, I was driving a 1962 VW Beetle in a stowstorm. Visability was poor, At a crossbuck that had no lights I thought I saw a floodlight so I hit the brakes. That was the closest I have ever been to a train , in my car.... Flashing would have been nice. :-D

Thanks for the video post. Very Nice, jogged a frightening memory, but the layout is GREAT.

The Morning Congressional as it leaves Washington DC passes by its signature billboard on its way north to Philadelphia.  Then it pounds the rails on northeast Philly’s racetrack as it heads to New York City.  The train is being pulled by a reproduction 2360 GG-1 made by Williams while hauling reproduction Congressional cars produced by Weaver.64E39089-9D59-43CF-864E-0FB5F34A36B4 


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Outstanding trains and layout OKHIKER.

Here's my contribution: MTH Proto 3 NY  Central F3s hauling mixed freight. See if you can identify one relatively obvious thing, and one very difficult thing to see.

Here's a clue for the difficult thing: as the train rolls by, a creature is looking at you:

Will give you folks a chance to identify the above things, and will tell you what they are later. Arnold


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PXL_20210220_035438158PXL_20210220_035457566Tonight I finished cleaning track with my centerline car behind the Consolidation and returned to the engine facility. Then I ran the Atlantic daily 4 car (B60, BM70 and 2 coaches) train to the end of the line and spotted it near the engine facility for the next day EB regular. Operating session no. 1 is finally complete. Cheers.


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Good evening everyone! Today, a good friend of mine received his order of two Lionel VL GS-2 locomotives, and he was kind enough to let me take them for a spin on my layout. As a result, I ran a doubleheader with K-Line SP Daylight passenger cars. Hope you enjoy this sneak peek clip, and stay tuned for more action with these wonderful models, plus more, in the next day or two!


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Tonight I worked the yard orders for operating session no. two. Consolidation 1111 backed out of the engine facility after taking coal and water to couple to  nine tankers and an empty 2 bay coal hopper ahead of the cabin car, headed WB. After a few end around manuvers, switcher 5222 added a reefer and a cabin car to make up a nine car EB mixed freight for an M1a. The Road orders for these trains will be worked soon.

Good evening everyone! Today, a good friend of mine received his order of two Lionel VL GS-2 locomotives, and he was kind enough to let me take them for a spin on my layout. As a result, I ran a doubleheader with K-Line SP Daylight passenger cars. Hope you enjoy this sneak peek clip, and stay tuned for more action with these wonderful models, plus more, in the next day or two!

Wow, beautiful, love the video, thanks for sharing.

well, happy Sunday Morning to all. It's So Hard to follow "Lionel VL GS-2 locomotives" video.  Especially when its me, Miggy the Carpet Layout kid. AND we burned the candle late last night. So, this morning, Under the watchful eye of the Junior supervisory crew (From Mitch and the Gi-Raffe herd) I am happy to announce a successful rescue and running of an abandoned Switcher. Lights, Slow pull, Quiet, E-unit works and AND even the bell.. (I Do enjoy a great find and a little bit of the Scrounge) Thanks Gents for your support. Now, awaiting Warmer weather to send out to the Paint Shop and dress her up (DM&IR Livery?) mayyyyybe


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One more thing, Fendermain, your tubular track and 022 switches look like they are spotless. I assume it is all Lionel tubular track, and the 022 switches must be Lionel. The trains on your videos always run perfectly on,  and through, them.

Were your track and switches made in the 1950s or in later years?

I bet it's a mix, like mine.


Hi Arnold,

Thank you.  The 022 switches are vintage 1950s that I have refurbished.  The track is more recent, meaning the year 2000 +/-.  Yes, a mixture like yours.

Still breaking in those new brushes, "Counting Cars".. only eight, yet they are postwar coil couplers and heavy, but another test passed... she pulls slow and starts well. I am Estatic! Its no Big Boy, WOW those pilots enter the room 5 minutes before the boiler... Dreams are made of those Big Boys and Yellowstones... (someday)

But Today, Scrounged a switcher. You Go GIRL


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I was tasked with baby watching (distracting/entertaining) duty today and thought my 4 month old daughter might like watching trains. So I fired them up and ran 3 at once. She was pretty focused on them from her floor chair. She certainly let me know the trains had to keep moving, she was displeased when I stopped them. Video below, wait for the end.


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@Trestleman1 posted:

Coal train Sunday. My first time trying to add a video. If it's not right just ignore it. I'll say sorry in advance.

Great run by.... Great.....SPECTACULAR trestle!

Turn your phone 90 deg please.....this is a horizontal hobby. Vertical videos are frowned upon. Your trestle should be viewed in all its glory!

Last edited by RSJB18

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