Good Day,
Where can I find S Scale warehouse doors, entry doors and windows? I'm thinking building a warehouse....maybe
Regards. Frank
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Both and have S scale entry doors and windows. Not so sure about where to get the kind of doors you have pictured. You may have to scratchbuild those.
Mike A.
Good Day Mike,
Thanks for the information. I'll check these guys out.
Thanks John.
Prototype door width: 10' (120")
O scale, 120/48: 2.5" 2 1/2"
S scale, 120/64: 1.875" 1 7/8"
HO scale, 120/87: 1.38" 1 3/8"
>> In inches, what is the size of an S scale door as compared to HO?
>> John Albee
S scale is 36% larger than HO. A six foot door in HO is roughly 3/4" tall (1/8" = 1'). A six foot door in S will be 36% taller which works out to be a bit over 1" tall (.75 x 1.36 = 1.02"). Ed L.
Hi Ed,
Prototype person doors are generally 80 inches high <snip>
Mike A.
Hi Mike......The six foot door in my hypothetical illustrative example is for a short person. Tall people need higher doors. By showing the math, John can figure out for himself how tall his S scale doors should be. Some professional basketball players live in homes with 10' ceilings. It depends on what is being modeled in miniature. Ed L.
>> I'm finding several Walther's buildings (HO) which seem useable for S scale.
>> John Albee
One way to figure out which Walther's HO structures work best for S is to use only those with the largest windows. Large windows makes the end result a lot more plausible in S. The HO door size really does not matter much because the people doors should be replaced with a Grandt Line (or other brand) equivalent door in S. Warehouse doors vary all over the map with regard to size and so they can be replaced or not as you wish. You might consider adding a 1/2" square piece of strip wood beneath the HO walls to serve as a concrete foundation and to add a bit of height to the structure. Every little improvement helps. Then there are brass etched fire escapes, roof details (vents, fans, water tanks, flags, air conditioners, etc.), mortar between the bricks, door knobs (common straight pins), railings for the steps (if any) and so forth. With a bit of modeling effort, a nice end result can be obtained. Ed L.
Not to mention curtains on the windows, awnings, interior details, lighting, signage, etc. The list goes on. There are lots of HO products inherently useful in S scale. Ed L.
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